Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Okay, BLUNDER RAG, fool me once, shame on you. FOOL ME TWICE....
Mr. Mark, we'll guess. A bunch of guys high on something wanted to impose a JUDGMENTAL philosophy on the world, and they wanted to start wars and make people hate one another. So they invented the story of the Virgin Birth to get folks to think there was something special and otherworldly about their philosophy, and they chose a gay ma -- I mean, they chose somebody they called JESUS, who went around and started preaching this philosophy and claimed supernatural powers to make himself (not Himself; we reserve that for true gods like ST. WARREN OF BUFFETT) even more credible. Then he (ditto) got himself (double ditto) CRUCIFIED, which made the bunch of guys REALLY nuts, so they invented the story of his (triple ditto) "RESURRECTION" so they could preserve their religion and spread it elsewhere and make lots of money. And we have all these lib -- THEOLOGIANS who have sheafs of papers from SEMINARIES and LIBRARIES that PROVE.... Why didn't you just put that HIGH-SCHOOL REVUE on the COVER? Limited appeal? It didn't do that well at the box office? You have your FINGER on the PULSE of AMERICA? Okay, Your Highness. Whatever one thinks of Christianity... The gospel of MR. MARK is MUCH more truthful. We just won an award from ADWEEK!