Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Romy bobbles his bobblehead again to this great pile of profundity:

We have an interpretation gap. There's a natural tension between freedom and sedition that is as old as this country (even during wars). One side has always argued that dissent makes this country stronger, while the other has claimed we should rally around our leaders and the military (sometimes even being willing to jail those who cannot agree).

We may never bridge the gap. Some of us will look at such cartoons, get the point and think of ways U.S. institutions can be made stronger. Others will look at the same sketch, get angry and demand repudiation.

This gap is so wide that it may never be bridged; maybe it's a divide that will always exist in this country. We value freedom too much, the very reason why the First Amendment is incorporated into our founding documents. We laugh, get angry, agree, disagree, write e-mails, make phone calls, cancel a newspaper subscription or find a new favorite cartoonist. It is this contradiction that's the value we share.

Some "editorial-page" chief automatic pilot wrote these words in his sleep. Please, if you're going to defend YOUR side, DEFEND IT. Don't use weasel words, don't cop out. I quote from Ben Jonson AGAIN:

He that will sweare, Ieronimo, or Andronicus are the best playes, yet, shall passe vnexcepted at, here, as a man whose Iudgement shewes it is constant, and hath stood still, these fiue and twentie, or thirtie yeeres. Though it be an Ignorance, it is a vertuous and stay'd ignorance; and next to truth, a confirm'd errour does well; such a one the Author knowes where to finde him.

That's the problem when the HACKS go into their EITHER-OR mode; we don't know where to find them -- though THERE they be, hiding behind a post. At least when Ann Coulter and THE GLIBERAL blather, they unveil their prejudices to all the world, like a flasher. I repeat, either you ARE or you AREN'T. YOU CAN'T BE BOTH.

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