Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, November 19, 2006
What is more embarrassing than an old newsweekly? I was doing my laundry when by unfortunate accident I came across a copy from precisely one year ago of PEOPLE NEWSRAG, which had the typical newsrag two-by-four-on-a-mule stories: one supposedly on ambition that gave our editors an excuse to drop very big and sexy names; a plug by DICK "GUNS CAUSED COLUMBINE!!!!!" CORLISS on some movie about geishas or something which he and his bosses were SURE WOULD WIN THE OSCARĀ®!!!!!, and a plug by ER for THE ERIC SEVAREID OF COMEDY, and I thought, these IDIOTS who prop their feet on their desks at big salaries to insult their readers thought folks would READ this? And they wonder why their bosses just scalped their CIRC? One thing's clear -- it wasn't THEIR fault.