Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, June 13, 2008

Stunning news: Tim Russert has died of a heart attack (although not entirely unexpected with his type-A interviewing.) Are Little Jeffy and Jeff Zucks tone deaf enough to promote one of the TANTRUM TWINS to his post?

(Via via; link at 3:47 p.m.)

P. S. One hates to talk in this manner but if I'm to judge from two Corner gasps (both from extremely profitable writers who pundit too much) this will occasion the type of uncontrolled self-parodying media mourning we last saw when the Second Coming of Christ died -- and Russert attended the funeral, which should remind us he was an insider, and part of the ruling crowd, and the ruling crowd may not always have our best interests in mind, to put it mildly.

And let us not forget it was scarcely a month ago when Russert unelected Hillary.

In other words, by tomorrow afternoon we'll be mad as hell again.

P. P. S. "A TOWERING FIGURE IN AMERICAN JOURNALISM." A half hour and already it's entered the hagiography phase.

("TOWERING" has since given way on the Times' home page to "prominent", suggesting even our superiors may have an inkling this could go too far.)

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