5:50 PM
by Gene
Coming just behind OJ's long-overdue imprisonment, these
two stories prove that the murderer may run, but it is ever more difficult for him to hide.
And count on the ASSPress to provide a deep head-scratching of its own:What [John Walsh's crusade] also did, said Mount Holyoke College sociologist and criminologist Richard Moran, is make children and adults alike exponentially more afraid.
"He ended up really producing a generation of cautious and afraid kids who view all adults and strangers as a threat to them and it made parents extremely paranoid about the safety of their children," Moran said.Assuming you're right, PERFESSER (and we decreasingly assume that in a man with a degree behind his name -- like the people who invented CDOs and SIVs and who declared BERNIE safe), what would YOU do in THIS day and age?