Monday, December 15, 2008
1:27 PM
by Gene
If I get $100 million in compensation, the thinking goes, it is because 'I deserve it.' There is no discussion of the role of circumstance, luck or market failure. It is the type of thinking that has resulted in literally hundreds of billions of dollars being transferred away from organizational resources and into the personal bank accounts of CEOs, and is now bringing capitalism to its knees....
[T]o effect a real change in the outlook of America's execs, we'll need to instill in the next generation of business leaders a sense of social purpose and broader understanding of their role as custodians of society's economic resources, rather than the very limited Friedmanist view that the selfish pursuit of maximizing profits leads to the best of all possible worlds.FORBESLIST.COM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?