Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 01, 2009

I'm not surprised to learn the AQUATIC GEEK did a bong hit (really, he looks the type) -- or that SLIME exposed him -- but if the sorry tale of Secretary Geithner says anything he may yet have a second, third, fourth and fifth act thanks to MONEY. Whether he should add to his medal collection is another story.

No, I'm not OUTRAGED. I expect such behavior from cretins like this. What gets me mad is what we will call LAUREATEITIS -- the propensity of hacks to use big words and bigger hype to describe the luck hogging of less-than-ordinary men. They did it with the ASTERISK GANG, and so they did it with the GEEK.

P. S. at 2:52 p. m. I really thought the news would confine itself to SLIMEWORLD, but somehow it leaked out.

P. P. S. at 3:07 p. m. Tomorrow is when the news really gets annoying -- when we hear from thousands and thousands with MARKETING in their titles.

P. P. P. S. at 3:21 p. m.: Prediction: SLIME WRITES DOWN DOW JONES.

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