Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I feel a little sad: One of our guys at work, a really good guy, gave me a big big greeting, and my gloom lifted, and I thought what a lunkhead I was to type what I typed, and I realized it wouldn't be bad at all for a bunch of Joes to celebrate their triumph, as they must have when the A's won their titles in the early Depression, when the players and fans came from the same neighborhoods, the same social class, the same families. There was a bond among people that doesn't exist anymore. That was what made baseball great, what made it the national pastime, and it has ceased to be great because it is no longer the people's game. Things had to change, but why did they have to change this way?

I did not have working guys in mind last night; no, I had the fair-weather fans in mind, the young upscale urbans, and especially the college cutups who use this as an excuse to get drunk, who had no real connection with our city before, and may never have one again after they "matriculate", and whom morons like EDDIE covet for their skanky HIPNESS.

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