Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Let's see how much CONCAST can gouge its turnips for THIS one!
The one advantage is it's gouging its shareholders too! PHILADELPHIA -- THE MEDIA CAPITOL OF THE WORLD! PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!! Under the scenario being contemplated, Comcast would not issue equity or endanger its investment-grade credit rating. BRIAN ROBBER says Ka-CHINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG!!!!! P. S. In contrast, Comcast's cable TV distribution systems have a solid future -- the Internet-access side is only going to increase in value. Comcast would be better off buying more cable companies than buying content. 1. What's to prevent us from getting our Internet from someone else? 2. Our local StinkyInky once likened CONCAST to the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Baldwin Locomotive Works -- and its TAXPAYER-PAID HQ stand across the street from the site of the old CHINESE WALL. NUF SAID. (Via Henry Honest)