Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 18, 2009

SAMMY GLICK...MAN makes it official -- he's QUITTING!

What obsequious pol is NEXT?

More amazing: POLITICO.COM beat the trades -- and SUPERNIKKI!!!!! and SHARON!!!!! too!

POLITICO: Your First Source for Entertainment News!™

P. S.

Possible names include California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Rep. Harold Ford Jr., Universal Music lobbyist Matt Gerson, Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), a longtime friend of Glickman’s....

Potential industry toadies all!

“That job is a gut-busting job,” says Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). “You’re traveling all the time, you’re always in the limelight, you’re always working on very intricate and difficult matters with a lot of very interesting personalities — some of whom aren’t easy to get along with.”

MPAA boss Orrin Hatch said today....


P. P. S. SAMMY GLICK...MAN has been SO SUCCESSFUL AT ANTI-PIRACY EFFORTS!!!!! (so says Your First Source for Entertainment News™) the MPAA's FIRED three senior anti-piracy officials!

Please -- MORE such successes! (Via -- TORRENT FREAK!)

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