Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Is it fair to say that Alfred Nobel did little to advance the cause of peace and much to thwart it as a chemist who invented dynamite in the 1860s?

Yes. He profited from war. That was why he became a peacemaker; well, not a peacemaker, but he saw the consequences of dynamite, how war became more efficient, an even more awful killing machine.

And since then he's made a LOT of peace, THORB.

The literature prize continues to go to ever more obscure choices. Had you heard of Herta Müller, the Romanian-German writer who is this year’s laureate?

To be honest, no, I hadn’t.

Have you read any novels by last year’s laureate in literature, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, of France?

Not before, but I read him afterward. It’s difficult reading.

What about Philip Roth or J. D. Salinger or Alice Munro or Joyce Carol Oates, who have freed literature from falseness and decorum, but whom the committee continues
to overlook?

Most people say what you are saying: Why don’t you choose one who is more known?

Because how many Americans write like Europeans?


P. S. All RIGHT, it's pronounced like THIS, which makes it sound worse.


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