Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unable to sleep and picking up on this tiresome feud between ESPNCORP and Nick Dorken (two villains if ever there were) we clicked on undated anonymous TWXSTER lists of the 25 "best" and five "most overated" (but not worst) blogs (note the typical PEOPLE WARNER asymmetry -- I smell ER). The "best" list was more telling than the "worst": five liberal blogs, plus Lileks (we thought he had retired), and Dooce, and not hardly a worthwhile one to be found (although it is touching how we do a favor for our former employee Mr. Mellerdrammer). The Web is approaching the same rarefied level of CW and irrelevance as the newspaper biz. When do we revolt against IT?

P. S. at 10:48 a. m. The presence of all the celebrities led me to ignore the Cuban blogger (!), but the fact remains these are choices you'd expect from PEOPLE WARNER, and from ER.

P. P. S. at 11:07 a. m. We also note that two of the "most overrated" appeared as "best" blogs in the list for 2008. And witness this roll-your-eyes observation:

By most estimates, this is the 10th most popular blog on the planet: a site that lets users upload pictures of cats and affix funny captions to them written in a made-up language. Further evidence of the decline of Western civilization.

TRANSLATION: Most listicles are worthless.

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