Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Under the banner of JonBoy, whose honorary Unitarianism qualifies him to speak of religion, The Daily Broccoli -- KAPLAN also tells us that R. Crumb, the "underground" cartoonist (about as underground as broccoli), has "adapted" the Bible, and its typist is disappointed:

The big difference between this book and Crumb's other work is that there's no comedy, except on the dustjacket, which lures potential buyers with an ironic: "Adult Supervision Recommended for Minors," and "The first book of the Bible graphically depicted! NOTHING LEFT OUT!" That's Crumb's sense of humor, and it's the last you'll see of it. He tells the story the way it's always been told.

We, unlike a Daily Bro -- KAPLAN typist, must wonder if R.'s sense of humor vanished many breasts ago. If you've seen two R. Crumb nipples you've seen 'em all.

One other thing -- if R. zapped the poor, uneducated, easy to command, etc., etc., etc., we wonder if this scribbler from the same educational testing firm that gives us "CHICKEN" ZAKARIA wouldn't be on the floor in total hysterics. Maybe that's the reason R. decided against it.

Broccoli and CHICKEN -- they do go together.

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