Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, October 23, 2009

We have not commented on the FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEWS!!!!! brouhaha thinking it the political equivalent of spitballing, but LIAR LIAR BROCK'S ON FIRE just threw a tantrum to end all tantrums; he merely wants a return to the status quo ante, the glory days of two years of hyperbole and worship of God, Jack Kennedy and Abe Lincoln. Liberals have only themselves to blame that their church is suddenly caving in, for with their hosannas they helped bring on the termites and roof leaks. We don't like FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEWS!!!!! and its screamers but LIAR and his White House bosses have decided the way to fight them is by getting themselves deeper and muddier in the pigpen where LIAR resides.

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