Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Well, with VAGRANT CITY in the championship SLIME and the Dolans have a chance to pursue their war for a long, long time.

P. S. We couldn't help noticing given the existential threat of BLUTOS in the air, but "our" version of the guys who robbed J. P. Morgan couldn't hit; yet we must remember, with any league run by a man named SELIG, the law of diminishing returns never kicks in -- unless you're a fan.

P. P. S. Some scribbler named Igel has found the problem -- and has devised a great way of solving it:

[E]ven though MLB and its partners, including television, cannot control which teams reach the World Series [!!!!!], they can control the message. Why they opt to let commentators and fans do it for them is anyone’s guess.

I've got an idea! Let's get Tim Mc-CAR-VER, Mike "ESPN" Lupica and MB2 to proclaim these two teams THE GREATEST WORLD SERIES COMBATANTS EVER!!!!!

Bono, go back to writing dreary songs.

P. P. P. S. on a no-name Dallas suburb (in the 35TH, 36TH and 37TH GRAFS):

Jim Runzheimer, an Arlington lawyer and longtime critic of City Hall subsidies of sports teams, said he can't deny there is a boost in civic pride with the World Series.

"But pride can only go so far," Runzheimer said, adding he hasn't seen any convincing studies showing that there is a net economic benefit to the millions invested in the Rangers' or Cowboys' stadiums.

"There's been no substantial decrease in the tax rate or substantial new development," he said. "It certainly didn't prevent a $10 million budget deficit."

And you can keep it!

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