Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, February 25, 2011

"[A]t the posh Boca Raton Resort and Club this week -- where Rolls Royce sightings were remarkably common", the knuckleheaded chauffeur-driven CEOs who run consumer products firms declared in suspicious unison that they'd raise prices and use the money to finance junk television. What a neat excuse to schmooze -- they can spend half their time in Hollywood (or Boca Raton if that ever gets dull) and blame it all on inflation! We will not be so impolitic to ask when these dimwits last shopped for themselves -- that would be like asking them how old they are -- but we will say we almost hope inflation proves so bad it might even hurt their wallets too, or shorten their tenures, which can't be short enough.

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