Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Great Recession and the slump that followed have triggered a jobs crisis that's been making headlines since before President Obama was in office, and that will likely be with us for years. But the American economy is also plagued by a less-noted, but just as serious, problem: Simply put, over the last 30 years, the gap between rich and poor has widened into a chasm.

Gradual developments like this don't typically lend themselves to news coverage. But MOTHER JONES MAGAZINE....
[Not-so-gradual overemphasis added]

The current battle between knee-jerk news hacks and their followers and hard-core con-SER-va-tives shows why the truth has become an impossibility on the Web. This is just a variation. Sure as there is a God in Cupertino NRO or AmSpec could shoot back with their own version of the truth. Occasionally partisans of both stripes can admit their side is less than 100-percent right, but it so decreasingly happens as to make many Web sites permanently suspect. And however well intentioned we suspect Mother Jones is trying to make A POINT rather than a case -- and the dreadful thing is we suspect it's right.

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