Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justin Bieber’s Haircut Was ‘Calculated Move'

Gee whillikers! You really think so? Honest to gods how would we have known without the intrepid Hollywood Reporter?!?!?

Of course we did a little experiment with G000,000,000GLE News which NEWS HACKS totally aced: how many of them mentioned when Mary Pickford went to the barber's?

She played a reckless socialite in Coquette (1929), a role where she no longer had her famous curls, but rather a 1920s bob; Pickford had cut her hair in the wake of her mother's death in 1928. Fans were shocked at the transformation.[17] Pickford's hair had become a symbol of female virtue, and cutting it was front-page news in The New York Times and other papers.[citation needed] Coquette was a success and won her an Academy Award for Best Actress,[18] but the public failed to respond to her in the more sophisticated roles.

Despite that deadly "citation needed" we can believe this, far more than we can believe the hacks' gushing twaddle over this latest talent-free heartthrob.

"The tools of ignorance is a nickname for a catcher's protective equipment: catchers mask, chest protector, and shin guards." For the news hack the tools of ignorance are a computer, a pliant outlet, and the vast emptiness between his ears.

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