Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nuf said...alas.

Well, one more thing: last night one of SUPERNIKKI!!!!!'s commenters remarked that there's a difference between an actor and a star. What Seymour Harvey Whatshisname does is ac-TING. What Meryl Streep does is ac-TING. The American Arthouse Awards had plenty of ac-TORS. Ac-TORS help explain the recent B. O. BOOM. Ac-TORS also explain the SUPER BOWL® FOR WOMEN™'s skyrocketing ratings.

A great star doesn't have to ACT. Just by being the force of nature she was Jane Russell made more men frustratedly, deliriously, mindlessly happy in one picture than the whole cadre of today's female ac-TORS (mustn't call them actresses) will have done their entire careers. Yes, there is a difference.

(Originally posted 7:21 p. m.; moved to preserve pride of place)

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