Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We see The Last Airbender, which our parent of the Daily Nooz celebrated as a symbol of local industrial might (and wasted tax breaks), won the Golden Razzie for Worst Picture. That no one attends the Razzies (last year's charming exception excluded) says the biz takes them more seriously than the Os-CARSĀ®. It should; the competition's much fiercer. Your typical cri-TIC will point to the thousands of out-STAND-ing movies he's seen in the last three months, with sales of $50,000; many Razzie nominees are box-office hits. We must note the Razzies would not have existed without ST. JACK OF VALENTI; they started and prospered during His reign and are now well enough publicized that they've come more than the Os-CARSĀ® to represent fillum; we can't believe mere quality concerns aren't behind the current boom at the popcorn restaurants. Movees, McDonald's, the airlines and cable have proved it's possible to stiff your customers for a long time and not pay. Mickey D's came close to meltdown ignoring SOP (with luck it will someday happen again); airlines thankfully do go broke. The movee biz needs a meltdown -- as bad as The Last Airbender.

Filming starts this spring, with a sequel on the drawing board.


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