Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sorry to bring up a headache pain at this late date, but recently the proprietors of that never-dull site Cartoon Brew had a debate over whether Bill and Joe won too many Os-CARS®. (Seven says YES.) In the course of this one of the proprietors said one of the stupidest Os-CAR® animation moments was awarding the above FILLUM, and a few comments came close to positing that Cartoon Brew has some of the DUMBEST commenters this side of HENRY HONEST:

Moro Rogers says:
02/27/11 4:13pm

I thought that crunch bird thing was pretty funny.=p

Chris Powell says:
02/27/11 4:22pm

I gotta agree. just watched it.

Tom Pope says:
02/27/11 8:46pm

The Crunch Bird is awesome. Lighten up.

Fortunately cooler -- and saner -- heads prevailed:

michael sporn says:
02/28/11 12:43pm

Having an animated Woody Woodpecker or Mickey Mouse hand out an Oscar
[®] is a sure way of saying animation is a category for kids films. Unfortunately, the animated films nominated tend not to be for children.

THE CRUNCH BIRD was a piece of garbage, but the Oscar
[®] enabled Ted Petok to raise the money to do a CRUNCH BIRD feature. It was 90 mins of garbage and never got released. I got to see it on the editor’s movieola.

tgentry says:
02/28/11 1:06pm

I thought the crunch bird was pretty lame. I knew what the punchline was going to be half way through, and I had to bide my time until… yep there it is. Bad animation, bad voice acting, bad joke....

Steve Segal says:
02/28/11 5:11pm

...I heard from someone at the AMPAS
[®] that The Crunchbird won because voters saw none of the films and blindly selected the only US film on the list, shortly thereafter the rules were changed to allow voting in that category only to members who attend special screenings.... [Emphasis added]

Under the circumstances we may say that not only do most moVEE cri-TICS speak from the CRUNCH BIRD SEAT, so do the viewers.

P. S. Did you know Tex Avery never won an Os-CAR®? Figures.

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