Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Speaking of bullhockey, the flip side of this SYNERGY-inspired POS from the House of JARVIS is the actresses who were punished for not doffing their clothes out of principle. The sons of the fraud JEFF also seem to have forgotten casting couches. We'll never hear those stories.

P. S. in the comments, from someone named "Anonymous" (an EWWWWWWWWWWW! staffer with a guilty conscience, or maybe JOHN "HOOEY" HUEY?):

This entire list is a joke, but then we all know EW has lousy tastes when it comes to making any kind of a list.

Unfortunately when it comes to making money PEOPLE WARNER MAGAZINES has THE BEST TASTES.

According to another comment JEFF's boys may have done some reader snark pruning, thanks to the overwhelming smell of SYNERGY.

I repeat a demand of two years ago: Shut down all your rags except PEOPLE, HOOEY HUEY, and spin it off in an IPO. You think I'm kidding? I'd bet PEOPLE would bring in more than the rag division's worth.

Well, all right -- they could throw in SI for free.

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