3:31 PM
by Gene
We have not commented on Libya because for all their deceptive surface lightning speed events are moving with the alacrity of molasses, and as this rebellion has shown the winner one moment may be a loser in two weeks. We are worried about how the boom-booms seem to be ascending in Egypt, but we suspected this would happen in that vacuum left by a strongman, and a fool will say who'll take over in Libya, for a country with a 42-year autocrat has no room for a plan B. In the end we can only hope we won't be too incompetent, a hope the current posturer in the White House does not inspire, and that we won't unleash another Iran as JIMMAH did -- or worse,
As for military intervention, we're agnostic. His Omnipotence's indifference at first could pass for prudence, but this oaf couldn't care for foreign policy if the world depended on it (pffh-hh-hh!), and he only acted because his indifference metastasized into bad PR. The how hardly matters; Papa after all wouldn't act until he got the League of Nations in first; likewise Dubya. These were fig leaves but they did predestine the day when others would have to approve our military actions first, as Om seems altogether too eager to do.