Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 12, 2011

WE might not make a movie from a WUHK by the cri-TIC-ally-ACCLAIMED ahTEESE BERKE BREATHED. Thankfully ESPNCORP did -- but REALLY ES, why didn't you make it into a YouTube video? It would have been cheaper.

Sorry, PAUL DRECK, this isn't A GLITCH IN THE SCHEDULE anymore.

P. S. at5 7:52 P. M. THR's lead copywriter PAMELA runs an ad saying everything will be okay. Perhaps -- but this was a $150 million 3D FILLUM. 3D never fails. Right?

Also to get back to even movees will have to do significantly better than last year. I want to see lots of sequels and remakes do better. Most likely the biz will still be down, and Pamela will still hold a job she doesn't deserve to.

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