Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

WELL, little, the man who courageously disclosed THE DEATH OF YASSIR ARAFAT ("ARAFAT SERAIT MORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"), writes:

The French news wire Agence France Presse can barely conceal their glee over this one: Under pressure, US media group cancels broadcast of anti-Kerry film. But once again, they’re deceiving you; the show has not exactly been canceled. [Emphasis mine, although I wanted to use all caps here -- and the strange thing about little is he writes in all caps without caps.]

There you have it -- "NOT EXACTLY BEEN CANCELED. " Okay, maybe that AFP hed is wrong, but THE KNEE JERKS WILL NOT ADMIT THEIR FAVORITE BROADCASTER CAVED. This is the most removed-from-reality blogging act since ANDY S. refused to believe P. R. MIKE was successful. I repeat, YOUR GUY CAVED. What makes it worse is that YOUR GUY DID WHAT DAN BLATHER DIDN'T. You clowns should be CRAWLING UNDER THE NEAREST ROCK.

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