Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Monday, August 31, 2009
5:23 PM
by Gene
See because FRANKLIN made his site so hard to navigate and read we had to learn from TINA that Brooksy has turned definitively into DAVID GURGLE JR. As if we didn't know.
5:16 PM
by Gene
(First link via the usual Romy)
5:02 PM
by Gene
2147485501 people have signed up to attend this event. Whatever THAT means.
4:52 PM
by Gene
![]() Here's a house built from Legos. Considering how much Legos cost the owner can never sell it at a profit. Unless the TWXSTERS feature it in their LEGO MOVIE.
9:58 AM
by Gene
Something tells me alas this depr -- ECONOMY has a ways to go yet. (Via Seeking Alpha)
9:25 AM
by Gene
9:21 AM
by Gene
Sunday, August 30, 2009
5:20 PM
by Gene
5:15 PM
by Gene
3:50 PM
by Gene
![]() Either 1. ST. WARREN should get new software for THE SLATEST or 2. Put the whole blasted contraption out of business.
12:53 PM
by Gene
12:53 PM
by Gene
Saturday, August 29, 2009
9:42 PM
by Gene
WINNING ISN'T EVERYTHING....oh wait. He coached for someone else.
8:47 PM
by Gene
6:55 PM
by Gene
Is there oil in Afghanistan too? P. S. at 7:24 p. m. As it happens -- YES.
2:12 PM
by Gene
12:59 PM
by Gene
![]() The cover for the TWXSTERS' putative flagship is not that flattering. Perhaps it's just as well. Friday, August 28, 2009
8:18 PM
by Gene
Look, we know you can't make that big a thing out of it; it would make you look like cheap partisans. But you can't ignore it either as most hacks have done. It was, after all, the reason HE WAS DOOMED NEVER TO BE PRESIDENT.
7:19 PM
by Gene
![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF ALL TIME AWARD TO GANNETT AND USAOKAY!!!!! P. S. We now learn the picture was taken by the great portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh, the man who pulled the cigar from Churchill's mouth. What did Karsh do to get him to grimace like that? Say his profit margin would go down to 90 percent? One other odd thing: What do the original NEUHARTH and Dennis Kookcinich have in common? (See page 14 of this .pdf file.) Oddly also GanNETt's personal papers are housed at Cornell, in what Freepers must always call THE CITY OF EVIL. The irony is sublime. (Edited 11/17/2009 to reflect that the hacks got more than one set, no doubt)
5:16 PM
by Gene
![]() The Hungarian exhibit at this Shanghai expo -- OR: COMMUNISM IS BACK!!!!! Hungary inveiled the design for their pavillion for next year’s Shanghai World Expo, designed by Tamás Lévai. Gömböc, as a hungarian invention, is the central element of the exhibition, a two meter high solid plexiglass moving object. What is Gömböc (pronounced as ‘goemboets‘)? [How about gumbo for honorary Cajun country? --ED] ‘Gömböc’ is the first known homogenous object with one stable and one unstable equilibrium point, thus with two equilibria altogether on a horizontal surface. It can be proven that no object with less than two equilibria exists. The discovery of the inaccessible path has led to the idea of GÖMBÖC. The pavilion as wood is intended to represent this path, and since it is of immaterial nature [unless one of those sticks falls down vertically], we are trying to evoke it with non materials: empty space, light and sounds. TRANSLATION: COMMUNISM IS BACK!!!!!
2:27 PM
by Gene
1:27 PM
by Gene
![]() Speaking of hacks, when a political gofer like Steve lobbies for Mr. Tank to replace Teddy in the Senate, somewhere, Mr. Tank's lobbying.
1:09 PM
by Gene
10:24 AM
by Gene
When do news orgs like USAOKAY!!!!! use it to DETERMINE THEIR CONTENTS -- or are they ALREADY DOING SO?
10:12 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: The movee biz is run by seven-year-old boys -- one of whom is named SPIELBERG.
10:05 AM
by Gene
The bad news: Cable TV's audience is increasingly yet to be born.
8:53 AM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro and HENRY HONEST)
8:51 AM
by Gene
8:42 AM
by Gene
Larry Platt knows something about the business: He was appointed Philadelphia's editor in chief in September 2002, and went on to win 16 city and regional magazine awards for the storied title. I know what it means: a lot of insulting puffball articles with ATTITUDE, a lot of showoffy "lifestyle" features, a lot of toadying to advertisers. (Maybe THAT explains why his rags aren't folding.) The moment we stop trusting magazines -- whether it's Larry Platt's empire or Little Malc's -- is the moment they should go out of business -- although by that measure they should have vanished a long time ago. P. S. We just went on one of Larry's Web sites and this is the hard-hitting stuff we found: SURVIVAL OF THE AFFORDABLE Big-ticket Savona changes with the times. THE SECOND ANNUAL COTE CARNIVAL On Sunday, August 23, 2009, Riley Cote of the Philadelphia Flyers hosted the second-annual Cote Carnival for The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. SEARCH FIVE YEARS OF PHILLY'S BEST! Search the last five years of Best of Philly, including this year's 299 winners in restaurants, shopping, service and more. BEST OF PHILLY SNEAK PEAK: RESTAURANTS We’ve got about 90 food and drink winners in BOP this year. Here’s the first glimpse at 10 of them. ON THE HOMEFRONT: WHALE WATCHING Home editor Lauren McCutcheon fills us in on what she's shopping for right now. EAT SMART: HEALTHY RECIPES FOR LABOR DAY PICNICS Whip up these smart and simple dishes that’ll satisfy guests without adding pounds [SIC] TALK TO US: WHAT ARE YOUR BIG-DAY GLAMOUR PLANS? Check out the work of these six talented local hair and makeup artists to get the inspiration rolling. CLOSE TO THE CHEST Home editor Lauren McCutcheon has got her eye on a special bedroom piece from a local eco-friendly designer. Hey Larry! Since you have this thing against the surely-overpaid head of Philly's public-TV station (nothing about public TV on the home page), we'd like to ask, given these crusading stories, what are you paid? Which gives us a sneaky suggestion: Why couldn't a band of marauding practical jokers invade the local newsstands and take every last blow-in card out of your rags and send them in -- and then cancel their subs? Didn't think you'd like that. ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO DIRK! Thursday, August 27, 2009
5:16 PM
by Gene
How long before this has to be torn down because no one wants to live in condos in "dark, two-block-long floors"? Just because something is old and on the National Register of Historic Places doesn't mean it's that good looking. (See, it's not just starchitects.) ![]() Hint hint?
5:13 PM
by Gene
And how much of that is returns?
5:00 PM
by Gene
Financial Times launches luxury magazine Wednesday, August 26, 2009
5:09 PM
by Gene
“[I] suspect that J.P. Morgan Chase’s shareholders now wish that [Madoff] put his deposits in a competitor’s bank,” Mr. Wilson wrote. Knowing Mr. MorganChase's shareholders they're thinking he didn't deposit enough.
5:05 PM
by Gene
(Via Currently it's not, but three of the top five search terms are -- never mind.) P. S. at 5:20 p. m. This leads us to reckon that as with the PROFIT CENTER, lots of bad-taste jokes are sprouting on the Web. What the ANDERSONS fail to realize is that the more they detach their coverage from reality, the more bad-taste jokes may spring up.
4:58 PM
by Gene
![]() The other day we mentioned synagogues that weren't built thanks to the Great Depression, and how they looked like anything. This -- building could be a what? A factory? A library? A research lab? It's a school, actually. Part if the problem with starchitecture is that starchitects are so enamored of themselves they leave no sense of place, and their buildings could be anything.
4:53 PM
by Gene
A spiritual disciple of Karl-HEINNNNTTTTZ wins the BEST PIC-TYURE OS-CAR®! Well, actually Karl-HEINNNNTTTTZ at least thought it a WUHK of AHT.
2:57 PM
by Gene
No we will not. PVT. ZELL didn't buy Dem Cubbies; that was earlier management. Had he bought the team it would have looked like an act of business genius (although even then it mightn't have qualified because it was a mere act of SELIGISM, before Bud took over). Now PVT. must sell a valuable franchise because he didn't know his ledger books from a hole in the ground. PVT. ZELL burned money. Even an arsonist wouldn't give him a break. (Via Media Bistro)
9:35 AM
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9:12 AM
by Gene
And I wouldn't use the term too often as PILLHEADS and GLENNS will use it as a PUN, accentuating it with drinking songs and car-crash sound effects. Stay classy, PILLHEADS!
9:00 AM
by Gene
8:35 AM
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8:20 AM
by Gene
We may safely assume a hack will be appointed in the Bay State; thus has it always been with its politics. By the way, state press, the fact that you'll do the Soviet-Party-Chairman-Has-Died routine makes it all the more likely PILLHEADS and GLENNS and their self-publicizing ilk can spew out their noxious gases.
8:11 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
5:03 PM
by Gene
![]() The visa section of the Swiss Embassy in Beijing? The automotive section of a Kmart!
1:50 PM
by Gene
How about obsessively excessive info?
1:26 PM
by Gene
Here is a good debate proposition: It ought to be less embarrassing to have been influenced by Ayn Rand than by Karl Marx. Given some that Ayn Rand's influenced, I wonder.
1:22 PM
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1:12 PM
by Gene
Repulsed enough to give up the oil perks -- or his JOB?
9:40 AM
by Gene
But isn't it good news anyway?
8:59 AM
by Gene
But while Holder's move in choosing John Durham to probe agency abuses has roiled the intelligence community and infuriated Republicans on Capitol Hill.... Why is it the hacks' stabs at the truth are almost always unintentional?
8:30 AM
by Gene
Officials did not detail the effects of the sanctions on the regime. [Fifth graf] NUF SAID. Monday, August 24, 2009
6:49 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy)
5:25 PM
by Gene
Isn't it time to give your supersharp brain a rest there, Mike?
5:19 PM
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5:01 PM
by Gene
Well! THAT makes up for AIG, Obamamotors, Fannie and Freddie, etc., etc., ETC.
4:57 PM
by Gene
![]() Keeping in mind this is optimally photographed, we'll admit not EVERYTHING from the starchitect crowd has to be a practical joke.
4:54 PM
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4:49 PM
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3:43 PM
by Gene
Who knew The Great Uniter had this in him?
9:32 AM
by Gene
What is the point of
8:44 AM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy, who shook his head so violently you could hear it in Antarctica) Sunday, August 23, 2009
6:02 PM
by Gene
![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD! P. S. To my two surfers who aren't here looking for PR0N pictures or pictures of sexy fat women in bikinis, this is Frank GanNETt. As in AL. We were getting tired of searching for unflattering pictures of SOB, and besides, looking at this guy, we can truly behold he was his REAL inspiration. We can see him now, his face matching the end of his cigar, his voice graveling gravel, and yelling: WHAT? You didn't run a show-biz blurb on the front page today? YOU'RE FIRED! WHAT? Our profit margin's only fifty percent?!? YOU'RE FIRED! WHAT? You offended a Realtor? YOU'RE FIRED! WHAT? You TOLD THE TRUTH?!?!? YOU'RE FIRED! Now maybe Frank was a nice, sweet guy, but usually nice, sweet guys don't look like someone who's had fifty people for breakfast. So we will still celebrate NEUHARTHISMS OF THE WEEK -- with THE ORIGINAL NEUHARTH. P. S. He ran for president as a Republican. NUF SAID. P. P. S. We wonder when con-SER-va-tives claim him as one of their own. After all, he ran against the DEMOCRAT candidate Wendell Willkie. Also, Henry Luce invented the "accent on NET" line (but flubbed the dub using two T's). From one tyrannical media mogul to another....
6:00 PM
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1:21 PM
by Gene
![]() In a magazine we'd never heard of until we happened on this piece about Leonard Bernstein -- is TNR starting to use others as crutches? -- Diana Muir Appelbaum offers a testimony to the catastrophe the Great Depression proved for our culture, not least in architecture. The Temple Israel in Boston would have been a fine addition to any city. We wonder indeed that builders don't dust off old plans rather than paying the HIP! hacks who get themselves posted in ARCHDaily! for buildings that leak, or rot, and that rot in any case. ![]() But look at these designs for the Union Temple in Brooklyn. By including these our author unintentionally highlights what's wrong with current Judaism. Doesn't the picture on the left suggest a bank of the era? And the one on the right a downtown train station? Come to think of it that other building could have been a fine university library. Banks, train stations, libraries -- a synagogue can be anything, and perhaps that's the problem with Judaism.
9:57 AM
by Gene
David J. Rothkopf is currently CEO of Intellibridge. He joined Intellibridge following two years (1996-1998) as Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, Inc. Rothkopf was also "co-founder and president of The Newmarket Company LLC. He has served as an adjunct professor at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service." [1] "Immediately prior to joining Kissinger Associates, Rothkopf served as Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, where he led the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration. While at Commerce, he developed and chaired the Administration's Big Emerging Markets Initiative, a program cited by President William Jefferson Clinton as among the U.S. government's most important foreign policy priorities. The program focused Commerce Department and other U.S. government resources on developing and enhancing trading relationships with ten of the fastest growing markets in the world (including China, India, ASEAN, South Korea, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Poland and Turkey)." [2] "Rothkopf has written extensively on international trade and prior to joining the government, held a variety of senior positions in the private sector, including chairman and ceo of International Media Partners. His book, The Price of Peace: Emergency Economic Intervention and U.S. Foreign Policy, was published by the Carnegie Endowment in May 1998."[3] "Rothkopf holds a B.A. from Columbia College and attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism."[4] "David J. Rothkopf, is chairman and ceo of The Rothkopf Group, which specializes in providing high-level advisory and consulting services on international themes for corporations and governments worldwide. Additionally, Mr. Rothkopf serves as President and CEO of Garten Rothkopf, LLC, an international advisory firm specializing in emerging markets investing and risk management related services. The special focus of the company is enhancing market value of a select group of companies the firm has identified as the rising stars of the emerging world. Mr. Rothkopf has had a distinguished career in business, government and the media and is well-known as an expert on international affairs, international economics and international security issues. He is the co-founder and former ceo of two companies: International Media Partners (publishers of CEO Magazine and Emerging Markets Newspapers, of which he was also editor) and Intellibridge Corporation (pioneer in the field of open-source intelligence gathering and analysis). "Mr. Rothkopf is also a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace where he has recently completed his most recent book, entitled Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power, a behind-the-scenes history of how foreign policy is made in the White House. He has now begun work on his next book, The Superclass, due out in 2008 from Farrar, Straus & Giroux, which will look at global elites and how they are shaping globalization and being shaped by it. Additionally, at Carnegie, Mr. Rothkopf chairs the Carnegie Economic Strategy Roundtable as well as studies focusing on America's role in the world. He also serves as he has for the past 3 years as chairman of the National Strategic Investment Dialogue, an organization of leading institutional investors from across the US. He is also an adjunct professor of international affairs at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. "Mr. Rothkopf served as Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce of the U.S. for International Trade during the first Clinton Administration and concluded his term in the government with an extended period serving as Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade where he directed the activities of the International Trade Administration. Subsequently, he served in the private sector as Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, the consulting firm chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. After Kissinger and Associates, Mr. Rothkopf was chairman, ceo and co-founder of Intellibridge Corporation, a leading provider of international analysis and open-source intelligence for the U.S. national security community and selected corporations. "Mr. Rothkopf is the author of over 150 articles on international economic and security themes and is the author, co-author or editor of five books. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, the International Herald Tribune, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Miami Herald, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, International Economy, Blueprint, and many other publications. He has taught or lectured at over a dozen universities. He has also appeared often as a commentator on international issues on both television and radio. "Mr. Rothkopf also speaks worldwide and is well-known as an event moderator and conductor of scenario exercises. He is a member of the Chairman's Advisory Council at the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Health Advisory Board of the Johns Hopkins/Bloomberg School of Public Health, and of the Center for Global Development. He was educated at Columbia College of Columbia University." [5] Multiply this by hundreds and you can gather why our foreign policy is so screwed up. Doc-TOR Rothkopf has added to his résumé with an article saying that Hillary is a GREAT secretary of state -- but he's careful not to say how, except that she's appointed all the right people. With CV padding like this on all sides incompetence at State is a given. Saturday, August 22, 2009
6:55 PM
by Gene
“Does anybody seriously believe that Qaddafi or any of his people have any influence with the Queen?” Yes, when we need our OIL. P. S. "DEAR MUAMMAR...."
5:53 PM
by Gene
5:33 PM
by Gene
And I had to link twice to this story as in most places the ASSPress hid its distinguished correspondent's byline behind a wall.
11:40 AM
by Gene
11:36 AM
by Gene
Puh-LEASE! Haven't you heard of licensing? We thought so. Friday, August 21, 2009
10:02 PM
by Gene
Murdered Model Identified by Breast Implants
9:46 PM
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5:59 PM
by Gene
PVT. ZELL doesn't want the credit? Or in another demonstration of SELIGISM at its finest: While Tribune Co. has been criticized for its failure to put a championship team on the field, it's hard to argue with its success off the field. The transaction's $845 million value is more than 40 times what Tribune Co. paid nearly 30 years ago. The Cubs attract more than 3 million fans a year to watch a mediocre team in an aging ballpark that lacks most of the amenities of modern stadiums. If we are to keep the Greater Fool Theory alive we MUST get the greater fools the taxpayers to...hint hint? Maybe the Permanent Mayor can budget it into THE GAMES! WHAT? No SELIGISM in THE GAMES? We'll think of a sport!
5:36 PM
by Gene
![]() the GHEEEE-TOOOOOOOOOO.... (Via via Bloomberg)
5:32 PM
by Gene
The WSJ is reporting that News Corp. is considering selling its stock market indexing business, which includes the iconic Dow Jones Industrial Average. Charles Dow and Edward Jones might think SLIME is flailing. P. S. SLIME bought Dow Jones at the top of the market. Is this another contrary indicator?
5:29 PM
by Gene
Obama would trade healthcare for second term Related?
2:38 PM
by Gene
A survey performed for EA by the University of Oregon's Sports Marketing Center found that "Madden NFL" players were considerably more knowledgeable about the sport than other fans. For example, 67 percent of "Madden" players could correctly identify specific passing routes, compared with 48 percent of non-gamers. "Fans aren't given enough credit," Madden says. "They know a lot more than fans 25 years ago." And what do they know less about?
10:59 AM
by Gene
As opposed to the UK, which is getting close to an infinitely negative reputation.
10:10 AM
by Gene
Even if the DOW goes up 5,000 POINTS!!!!! today.
8:36 AM
by Gene
Rise of the Super-Rich Hits a Sobering Wall A-List Stars Flailing at the Box Office I would say the super-rich and a-list stars deserved it, but that would be ungenerous, don'tya think? Thursday, August 20, 2009
7:45 PM
by Gene
6:42 PM
by Gene
Calipari is now the first head coach to have vacated Final Four appearances with two different schools. His 1996 Massachusetts team met the same fate because of NCAA rules violations, even though Calipari was not implicated in that instance, either. Memphis also suffered the same fate in 1985, when it was stripped of its NCAA tournament appearance then because of rules violations. P. S. at 10:10 p. m. I'm wondering if I wasn't wrong about sports columnists.
5:50 PM
by Gene
5:30 PM
by Gene
2:21 PM
by Gene
HEY SLIME! YOU REALLY THINK WE'LL PAY FOR YOUR ADS? ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO ROCKET!!!!! YOU'RE GOING TO THE MOON, ROCKET! BANG! ZOOM! Oh and SLIME, do You intend to inflict Your paying customers with as many POP-UP ADS as You do now?
9:28 AM
by Gene
The problem of what to do about the discarded copies of the free papers that littered the streets of central London soon became an issue, leading to rows with London councils, particularly Westminster, which demanded that both companies pay some of the costs of cleaning up the mess. As we've said before, free papers make jobs only for sanitation workers.
8:13 AM
by Gene
And naturally Pinch's Glob speaks of this almost euphemistically, meaning the hacks don't want to face reality either. Wednesday, August 19, 2009
5:13 PM
by Gene
![]() Eleonora Gaggioli is certainly not bad for a nominee for the European Parliament. Can our Congress claim such a pin-up? (Then again maybe it's the apt choice as the Parliament is mostly full of figureheads, no pun intended.) ![]() This one -- an actress named Francesca Dellera -- we MUST post with SI's caption, which we don't think was entirely intentional. Or as Lucky Strike said long ago, so round, so firm, so fully packed.... (Forgive us.) ![]() This one named Aida (!) Yespica, from Venezuela, has posed for Maxim, but say, what red-blooded Italian Hef could turn down this dame? ![]() This one, a starlet named Barbara Matera, is perhaps the best of all, but we must ask, if Silvio weren't a high, er, mucky-muck what would she think? (Assuming, and we must say it alas, she can.) ![]() And then there's the cad's wife, Veronica Lario, perhaps a little over the hill now, but if a woman with her face (and attributes) woke up tomorrow morning in our bed we could hardly chase her off. And if we know this -- rhymes with mucky-muck he's probably all talk and no action, which might not be so bad in a politician except that's all he's known for -- especially being an Italian politician. This post seems to have brought out the worst in us.
5:04 PM
by Gene
*He was persecuted on 60 Minutes the Second, the show INVENTED by HORACE -- STORM, who took infinity, er infinite credit for it! Some idea, Horton.
2:06 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual Romy)
1:49 PM
by Gene
Like the Beatles? ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO NIC! (The man on the left is Bob Johnson, founder of Boogie Everynight Television; the man on the right is Don Keough, who in so many words admitted NEW COKE wasn't the most brilliant idea. Yep Al, you deserved the company.)
1:44 PM
by Gene
What an AWFUL decision!!!!! Because Tom Sherak has been responsible of late for many of the worst decisions by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences!!!!!!! Heck, this guy helped run Revolution Studios into the ground!!!!!!!!!! Now he's going to do the same thing with AMPAS!!!!!!!!!!!! What a tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a moronic Board Of Governors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (AWFUL overemphasis added) Shucks if he can drive the ratings lower this would be a GREAT decision! She also goes ALL-CAPS ballistic over giving Jerry Lewis that award. Don't you have better things to plug with your time, SUPERNIKKI!!!!!?
11:27 AM
by Gene
(Antitrust concerns, while a convenient excuse, actually are not an issue, as there are many ways publishers can act in concert without unlawfully colluding.) NUF SAID. (Via the usual Romy)
9:50 AM
by Gene
Dan Brown's latest conspiracy thriller looks to be 'big, big' Somebody should do a conspiracy thriller about S. O. B. -- and how he conspired with the nation's hacks to EVISCERATE OUR BRAINS. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO BOB!
9:43 AM
by Gene
Can the man who restructured Krispy Kreme and Enron save Leo the Lion? The only good thing is when the TWXSTERS pay too much for that mangy cat they can finally restore the proper logo to MGM's movies.
9:38 AM
by Gene
While many performers suffer real injuries during some of the more grueling shows, producers say they suspect drinking, partying and general carousing are often the real culprits. "Musicals employ a lot of kids," one producer says. "They're in New York, they're making money, they're having fun. You have to stay on top of them." Another, speaking of buff chorus boys, says: "Some of them are more loyal to their gym than they are to their show."
9:36 AM
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9:32 AM
by Gene
9:21 AM
by Gene
If you would've asked us before today what kind of music we thought Stephenie Meyer listened to, we probably would've said something like Evanescence, Lifehouse, or maybe even early-period Donnie & Marie Osmond. However, we would've been totally wrong! Her iPod playlist includes the likes of Animal Collective, the Silversun Pickups, and the Dead Weather. Oh, and the Fray. Maybe we weren't so off in the first place. [Flavorwire] Could someone please translate this into English? Tuesday, August 18, 2009
5:26 PM
by Gene
You mean HP is NOT the Gillette of printers? You mean people might be tired of feeding their constantly hungry machines cartridges? Especially in a depr -- an ECONOMY?
5:13 PM
by Gene
![]() We know some people love their cars but isn't this going a bit too far? And why isn't the Maserati watching television?
5:03 PM
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4:55 PM
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9:22 AM
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(Via Seeking Alpha)
9:19 AM
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9:01 AM
by Gene
8:25 AM
by Gene
See, but it's not about education, or the environment, or...oh, never mind.
8:23 AM
by Gene
8:18 AM
by Gene
![]() AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! FAKE!!!!! And this was another of those pictures that caused partisans and news hacks to fall in love with themselves, until they found a new romance in THE NAPALM GIRL. (Via the usual AhtsJournal) Monday, August 17, 2009
5:26 PM
by Gene
![]() Alone in his dark, gloomy office, the Once Conscience of Jernalism ponders what might have been -- but for a superscript.
5:07 PM
by Gene
FIVE! Unfortunately KAPLAN, INC. has come up from the low-300s, but fortunately it was down $13.05 today.
4:57 PM
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4:52 PM
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4:50 PM
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11:10 AM
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11:02 AM
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10:49 AM
by Gene
How much would it cost to renovate a dozen fine old Detroit office buildings? Wouldn't the muscle-flexing of a showoffy philanthropist like BUGMEISTER or ST. WARREN be better put to use trying to reclaim a once-glorious city? P. S. at 5:35 p. m. Heck PEOPLE WARNER's moving into a house to report in the city. Yes, we can do better. (Via the usual Romy)
10:35 AM
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10:26 AM
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(Via Seeking Alpha)
9:05 AM
by Gene
And in more proof ad-blurbists do nothing but promote: When Ratings And Viewers Don't Matter, What Does? Why of course: YOUR brilliance, YOUR self-esteem, the fact that YOU live in an age of ARTISTIC GREATNESS -- in short, YOU! ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO ALEX! P. S. Judging from Jamie -- JAMES'S typing the show is essentially a HIP soap opera. But THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT was also something of a soap opera. How did the ad-blurbists get to be such big fans of SOAP OPERAS? P. P. S. SUPERNIKKI!!!!! sez "women make up 7 of the 9-member writing staff". NUF SAID. (Audience figure corrected 11:40 a. m. The WIK's article is natch longer than MILLARD FILLMORE'S or JAMES BUCHANAN'S. I don't care how bad they were as presidents -- look when they served. WIKI MORONS.)
8:39 AM
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8:36 AM
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
9:49 PM
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3:30 PM
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2:52 PM
by Gene
Such daydreams in print account for why business news deserves to be held in low esteem even as the story unwittingly points to why a day of reckoning may be due for our economy.
2:06 PM
by Gene
![]() Dancing together, Astaire and Rogers expressed many of love’s moods: courtship and seduction, repartee and responsiveness, teasing and challenge, the surprise of newfound harmony, the happy recapture of bygone romance, the giddy exhilaration of high spirits and intense mutual accord, the sense of a perfect balance of power, the tragedy of parting and, not least, the sense of love as role playing.... We need to keep returning to these movies. Quite true -- and after a weekend where ANOTHER AIN'T-IT-COOL-NEWS production does another Friday-to-Saturday dropoff on the road to oblivion ("ONLY 10 percent", insists a press agent of the soon-to-be dishonorably discharged PVT. ZELL), in a time where we have nothing more than tentpoles and apes on the screen, we need for the movies to return, in some impossible manner, to them. P. S. USAOKAY!!!!!'s press agent calls Hasbro's toy's 59-percent dropoff "respectable." Yes, most of the newshole IS filled with promotions, and should be stuck in a deep underground hole alongside radioactive waste. (First link via the usual AhtsJournal)
10:37 AM
by Gene
![]() We hate having to write up the NOT ME gang, but some tantrum thrower named Perlstein says in so many words a good many conservatives should reside in a psycho ward. Well, perhaps. So should a good many liberals. Conspiracy theories and the urge to murder your opponents thrive among all sorts of unhinged types, and a trip to a mental hospital might be a calming thing for all of them. If we're going to prescribe psychiatric wards for political beliefs let's at least be bi-partisan about it. But a psycho isn't a psycho when he's your psycho, and here's guessing when said tantrum thrower goes live on his Q&A on Tuesday he either denies liberals can be psychos or does the yes-BUT routine -- which is a variation of NOT ME. Saturday, August 15, 2009
7:39 PM
by Gene
![]() Restaurant? How about an ultra-hip funeral parlor? And this in New York, which has as much of a problem with these unneeded projects as Vegas.
7:30 PM
by Gene
1:07 PM
by Gene
I'm not sure what "one of the least filled houses in my experience at Santa Fe" means except its author is very capable of being a blogger, and possibly more so of writing in a newspaper. (He freelances for The Daily Kaplan.) Friday, August 14, 2009
5:24 PM
by Gene
5:08 PM
by Gene
4:59 PM
by Gene
![]() We'd rather not intensify the practically total trend of people coming from Google Images but what struck us about this Daily Mail photo of the supposedly "gorgeous" progeny of the Geritol Rocker and his airhead Former Significant Other was the almost unanimously catty comments. You wonder if there's a parallel here with the health-care riots; people are told to think from above, and they resent it. This promotion contains a typical PEOPLE WARNER-like sell-it analogy, and the folks aren't buying it. We don't know who reads but obviously they know who Brigitte was. We were moved by those who mentioned her eyes; one said they "look dead, like a drug addict! There's no spark behind them, like the beautiful Brigitte's eyes. That makes all the difference, doesn't it?" Not if you're trying to sell a new Starlet of the Week. Yes, she is attractive, at least in this photo, but given the aping of and aching over BB we may wonder how.
1:59 PM
by Gene
I'm hearing he had some very kind words about my book today. Much appreciated. 08/14 01:49 PM Share It pays to have half your staff on as contributors.
10:51 AM
by Gene
"The banks will be in charge," one insider said, adding that they are growing impatient with Zell's stewardship. [Emphasis added] AND: "This was a textbook case of a leverage buyout gone bad," said Brandt, president of Development Specialists Inc. "These were imbeciles who had no idea what they were doing." AND: Tribune debt recently traded for about 7 cents on the dollar, meaning investors think a lottery ticket is just as likely to pay off. AND: Brandt said the Tribune deal has become such a "reputational disaster" for Zell that's he's probably not involved much in management other than creditor negotiations. SO LONG, PVT. ZELL! Hope you get to keep your military pension. (Via the usual Romy)
10:09 AM
by Gene
9:59 AM
by Gene
9:46 AM
by Gene
9:33 AM
by Gene
9:15 AM
by Gene
8:38 AM
by Gene
8:28 AM
by Gene
And the revisionists are saying the movie was "great", meaning they're still on the right side.
8:17 AM
by Gene
8:12 AM
by Gene
And of COURSE the guy must share a name with DOW 36,000. Thursday, August 13, 2009
1:16 PM
by Gene
Baseball, which joined the Olympic program in 1992, also was expelled after Beijing, and the sport has not always been a good Olympic fit: It is not a popular game in Europe, where the I.O.C. is headquartered, and Olympic leaders have little interest in keeping another sport with chronic doping issues. (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!)
1:02 PM
by Gene
1:00 PM
by Gene
(Via Seeking Alpha)
12:57 PM
by Gene
9:26 AM
by Gene
9:08 AM
by Gene
In the film, Heder will play Oliver Vale, an average geek whose uneventful life changes when Buddy Holly [link SIC!!!!!] turns up on every TV channel and declares that Vale is the only one who understands why this is happening -- which causes Vale to be pursued by a mob of disguised aliens. ...who are really stupid movee producers? By the way, does Buddy sing in this movee or did the rights cost too much?
9:02 AM
by Gene
DOW 15,000!!!!! Wednesday, August 12, 2009
9:45 PM
by Gene
6:53 PM
by Gene
[S]ure, an average newspaper did print some serious journalism. But is that most of what they did, or even anything more than a tiny part? Did newspapers crusade from early in the morning to late at night to right wrongs? Did the typical reporter spend the majority of her or her time ferreting out information that the local powers-that-be kept hidden? Did their critics focus a gimlet eye on all manner or art and pop culture, shoot from the hip, provoke dialogs about its meaning and import? Did the papers really afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted? Did each department, each day, have at least one story that took an extra step to find out some information that others didn’t want public, that didn’t come from a press release or a government official, that didn’t merely repeat warmed-over developments that had happened the day before? No on all counts. My experience lies more with arts and features; I’d guess that the average paper’s coverage of arts and entertainment, for example, runs at least 80-plus percent promotional (meaning that it was “coverage” tied to the release of some product), with the remainder split between the rare other-than-upbeat critical review and some fairly minuscule percentage of actual original reporting. I once analyzed two weeks of the arts and features sections of a well-known American newspaper and found exactly one feature published over that period that contained original reporting. Even good papers’ arts coverage is largely promotional; look at the cute little features that dot the inside of The Wall Street Journal’s Friday feature section; it offers pages of fluff, each bit of it pegged to some product release. Even a top-tier critic like Joe Morgenstern will fill out his columns with random little plugs for new DVDs—with no information about special features, say, or the quality of the restoration of a classic film. Whose interest, other than that of the home video departments of the movie studios, do those squibs serve? [Emphasis added] He says newspapers are an ad-delivery device where the news is mere filler and they're failing because the advertisers don't want to pay to cushion the filler. Obviously he hasn't seen papers from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. But with technology newspapers were bound to devolve, until they have become ad-delivery devices in more ways than one, and that is why (for an example) the newly resurgent MNI at $2.00 is still at least $1.99 too much. (Via the usual Romy)