Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Thursday, May 31, 2007
5:48 PM
by Gene
5:19 PM
by Gene
5:17 PM
by Gene
Translation: 1. Another one with an aftertaste, and 2. Now ethanol's pushing Coke out of the market?!?
5:15 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
Former longtime "Tonight Show" sidekick Ed McMahon is urging people to donate DVDs for U.S. troops in Iraq, saying movies offer a safe and comforting escape from wartime realities. Does this guy use Netflix?
5:04 PM
by Gene
5:02 PM
by Gene
Dell to eliminate 8,800 jobs Natch the stock did a KUDLOW (i.e., it went way up after hours). P. S. How many job cuts in India?
5:00 PM
by Gene
The honeymooner quarantined with a dangerous strain of tuberculosis was identified Thursday as a 31-year-old Atlanta personal injury lawyer whose new father-in-law is a CDC microbiologist specializing in the spread of TB and other bacteria.
4:57 PM
by Gene
![]() I never heard of them. Who were these ugly geeks?
3:30 PM
by Gene
I wonder -- what was the September, 1929 equivalent?
3:05 PM
by Gene
2:50 PM
by Gene
"And, besides, I don't think taxpayers are interested in us using the time or resources to put this together," he said. "We wouldn't even be promoting our community. We'd be promoting 20th Century Fox's movie." Not every pol is cheaply opportunistic -- or stupid. (Via ShowBizData)
10:22 AM
by Gene
Sure you don't mean "four-or-six"?
9:51 AM
by Gene
So see, the mail IS to blame!
9:42 AM
by Gene
"The book on him is he's lazy...." So was Ronald Reagan. Pfffffffffffffffft! (Via
8:22 AM
by Gene
8:11 AM
by Gene
And we wonder why the word "ethics" has such a smell? "This is no longer the fun and games we have come to know and love." Isn't that what HYER LERNING is about?
8:06 AM
by Gene
Ask Rummy. He put them there.
8:04 AM
by Gene
The better news: NBA ratings are way down! ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz. Wednesday, May 30, 2007
6:24 PM
by Gene
P. S. Yes, yes, something called "Showtime" and something else called "Simon and Schuster" helped launch it -- but people forget SUMNER has relinquished virtually no control over both His VIACONS since He split them up. Anything done by a SUMNER-controlled operation, we strongly suggest, HE does, and no matter what the company that did it might be called, this farce has SUMNER -- written all over it. P. P. S. Evidently Slashdotters don't read as someone posted a Yahoo! logo with the summary. Yes, a couple of former Yahoo! executives did the organizing -- but a couple of CURRENT SUMNER properties did the bankrolling. P. P. P. S. Yes, we suppose we should beamingly exclaim, "Oooh, look at the grown-ups playing Wookiees!" We suppose we should all laugh. DAMMIT, I want Fitzgeralds and Cathers and Mankiewiczes and Coplands and Kerns and Ellingtons making our culture again, not billionaire hacks and their infernal whores.
6:22 PM
by Gene
6:13 PM
by Gene
And that's one thing about this idiot stock speculation that makes me mad: the money either sits on paper or just VANISHES, as it did during the dot-com bust. It usually doesn't buy anything except a need for Prozac.
6:03 PM
by Gene
One hopes this typical conventional devil's advocacy about steakhouses from the very stale Daniel Gross isn't an omen, for we'll all frown when Wall Street wants to laugh, but the money throwers at these marvels of the hour give us pause. Then again, they haven't been wrong yet. Pffffffffffffffffft!
3:17 PM
by Gene
Maintenance in progress... Our site is currently being updated. Please check back later today Wednesday May 30 2007 9:15am EST. It's 3:17 p.m. Do you know where your Web site is?
3:12 PM
by Gene
At the end of a post where he freaks out over a preposterously inappropriate way of measuring the federal deficit, Andrew Sullivan says this: I also noticed in my latest letter from the Social Security Administration that, as currently configured, I'll get 76 percent of what I'm due if and when I retire. My bet is that it will turn out to be less than half. The boomers are going to hog all of it for themselves.Please. Just stop it. Assuming Wikipedia has his age right [!!!!! -- Ed.], Andrew will turn 65 in 2028. Even if we do absolutely nothing, CBO estimates that Social Security will pay out full benefits at least until 2053. Andrew will be 90 years old at that point. We side with Kevin -- after all, Mr. Mellerdrammer is no doubt well-paid into the system on the strength of what all those elite editors were hoodwinked into believing about him.
3:03 PM
by Gene
Could it be that editorial-page editor Andrew Rosenthal’s new office is just as big as publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.’s 16th-floor spread? “Let’s kill that rumor now,” said Mr. Rosenthal. “It’s not. His is a slightly different geometry.” Mr. Rosenthal was speaking about geometric shapes and sizes by phone on May 28, exactly one week after his staff took residence on the tower’s lucky 13th floor. With the relocation from 229 West 43rd Street, Mr. Rosenthal was forced to give up his two-room suite that included, most importantly, a private bathroom. Now: “My office is exactly the same size as [deputy editorial-page editor] Carla Robbins,” Mr. Rosenthal said. It still sounds pretty good for a five-star hotel.
1:19 PM
by Gene
1:08 PM
by Gene
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Kobe Bryant says he wants to be traded by the Lakers. Is even he that important?
10:01 AM
by Gene
9:45 AM
by Gene
9:43 AM
by Gene
This should be refereed by PAUL DRECK. Pffffffffffffffffffffffft! Tuesday, May 29, 2007
9:54 PM
by Gene
No. 1 WORLDWIDE!!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mum's the word!
6:03 PM
by Gene
“The Sopranos” teems with the mindless commerce and consumption of modern America. [Home-page squib] Substitute The New Yorker for "'The Sopranos'", "twaddle" for "commerce", "insufferable pretensions" for "consumption" and "high-end media" for "America" and you have a much better sentence -- and one that isn't written by The Greatest Magazine Editor of All Time either.
5:52 PM
by Gene
And not everyone has a vibrant economy.
5:51 PM
by Gene
(Via FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News, which is drooling)
5:39 PM
by Gene
![]() Look at the backdrop below the flag. Is it me or does it call to mind "Mission Accomplished"? The question is not if Dubya is dense. The question is how dense.
5:36 PM
by Gene
5:33 PM
by Gene
![]() What do I think? I think after the politicians and the hacks and the Bunsen Honeydews get together we'll permit the impermissible while screaming ETHICS!!!!! often enough to convince us we're doing the right thing. That's what I think.
5:27 PM
by Gene
Jamshidi said the same charges had been lodged against Kian Tajbakhsh, an urban planning consultant with George Soros' Open Society Institute.... Shucks, I guess that doesn't help either. (Via's News Blog)
10:45 AM
by Gene
The sad thing is no one can hear her blame JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS anymore. Boo-hoo!
9:42 AM
by Gene
Nah, it won't hurt the economy, Wall Street says.
9:36 AM
by Gene
8:59 AM
by Gene
Miss USA Rachel Smith, who slipped and fell to the floor during the evening gown competition and was jeered by the Mexican audience during the interview phase, was the contest's fourth runner-up. Thanks, Trumpster, for your fine contribution to international relations! Hours before the pageant began, dozens of protesters held a mock ceremony in downtown Mexico City that featured "Miss Marijuana,""Miss Sexual Health,""Miss Human Rights" and other candidates with obscenities written across their sashes. The group yelled "Neither ugly nor beautiful, should a woman be considered an object!" Oh, shut up. 1999 Miss Teen USA Vanessa Minnillo and "Extra" weekend correspondent Mario Lopez hosted the live, two-hour telecast, broadcast on NBC and Telemundo, expected to be viewed by more than 600 million people in more than 180 countries. Has THE DONALD bought out the ASSPress?
8:43 AM
by Gene
Time Flies [Kathryn Jean Lopez] Our friends at turned five this weekend. 05/29 12:02 AM And they don't sound a day over two.
8:29 AM
by Gene
8:24 AM
by Gene
First on the list for the latter: SHARON. Monday, May 28, 2007
3:53 PM
by Gene
Even as the industry tries to branch out, though, there is no promise of an answer to a potentially more profound predicament: a creative drought and a corresponding lack of artists who ignite consumers’ interest in buying music. Nope, I guess it's not just file sharing.
11:37 AM
by Gene
I suspect it would be more apt to say it blurs the line between fantasy and fantasy.
11:20 AM
by Gene
If NOSE weren't the perpetually raised left fist in the air Gekko Kudlow would write her a stirring defense.
11:14 AM
by Gene
And really it's not brainpower but code-writing power, which merely seems the same.
8:54 AM
by Gene
8:22 AM
by Gene
![]() By the way Uni, don't pat yourselves on the back about how you've allegedly made older women fashionable; Athena would look good at any age.
8:16 AM
by Gene
8:09 AM
by Gene
8:06 AM
by Gene
8:04 AM
by Gene
Sunday, May 27, 2007
11:06 AM
by Gene
10:55 AM
by Gene
10:48 AM
by Gene
10:35 AM
by Gene
Heavy TV viewing under 2 is found About 40 percent of 3-month-olds watch television or videos for an average of 45 minutes a day, or more than five hours a week, according to the first-ever study of the viewing habits of children under the age of 2. The study, by pediatric researchers at the University of Washington, also found that by age 2, 90 percent of children are watching television for an average of more than 90 minutes a day. ![]() RIGHT ON, right B.S.?
10:28 AM
by Gene
Though "Days of Darkness" criticizes the isolation and aseptic blandness of modern life, and though the main character's aging mother is dying in a hospital, it is a much lighter film than "Invasions." Arcand says it is the first time he has included elements of slapstick comedy in a movie. A barrel of -- something, we are sure!
10:25 AM
by Gene
They're smiling! The hacks are SMILING AGAIN!
10:23 AM
by Gene
10:16 AM
by Gene
![]() A scholar has written a one-volume biography of FDR, and as Jonathan Yardley reminds us in his eloquent review, whatever his foibles, Roosevelt was a man, and after Truman most who followed him didn't even qualify as mice.
10:12 AM
by Gene
Silver is professor of molecular biology at Princeton University. He is the author of "Challenging Nature." He has no financial ties with any biotech firm. No, noooooooooooooooo! Saturday, May 26, 2007
7:52 PM
by Gene
Jay-Z never had the ubiquity of this guy who just died in New Hampshire, not even close. Oh a dense media TOLD US Jay-Z was a worldbeater, but how many people lost their virginity, got pregnant, MASTURBATED to Boston????? [Too-much-of-it-is-bad-for-you overemphasis added] We didn't, although we must say sometimes we'd want to beat our head against a wall with the umpteenth playback of "More Than a Feeling." People who worry about the Web destroying our society should breathe easier; with keyboard pounders like Bill Lipshetz or Ben Lipzits or whatever his name is it will self-destruct first.
5:08 PM
by Gene
The good news for a man my age: young women can be dense.
2:16 PM
by Gene
Its interviews can be “sycophantic” or overly aggressive, while presenters are guilty of appearing to plug products. And how would the Beeb differ from most business news hacks in that?
1:16 PM
by Gene
Since knuckleheads like PAUL DRECK and their enablers like USAOKAY!!!!! insist we pay attention to their dubious numbers with their constant HYPERBOLE we'll pay attention to them.
10:23 AM
by Gene
"The overall lifestyle that they live is work hard, play harder." Translation: Wife- (or husband-) beating alcoholic burnouts by 35, or future KennyBoys. If outfits like LALA will waste our time with typing like this they can't lay off their scribblers fast enough. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD to KIMI!
9:57 AM
by Gene
9:54 AM
by Gene
We will have conventional top-down-you-buy-it-or-else advertising twenty years from now, and fifty years from now, and FIVE THOUSAND YEARS FROM NOW. Friday, May 25, 2007
5:53 PM
by Gene
Fox Tops Anna Nicole Coverage Another surprise from our favorite TV-biz trade site: Report: TV Revs Up 8.2% The big numbers are buoyed by political money; BIA projects a 1.4% drop in revenue for 2007, followed by a 9.9% rebound in the election year 2008. @#$%&* ADVERTISING IDIOTS CAN'T STOP SPENDING OUR @#$%&* MONEY!
11:58 AM
by Gene
11:41 AM
by Gene
That's a neat motto for the DOG Star, ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. (Via MediaBistro)
10:44 AM
by Gene
8:35 AM
by Gene
He will quickly discover bean counting won't do, and neither will His "talent".
8:26 AM
by Gene
Thursday, May 24, 2007
5:46 PM
by Gene
5:44 PM
by Gene
9:26 AM
by Gene
8:40 AM
by Gene
That a publicity broadsheet like USAOKAY!!!!! can admit to this shows just how much our culture stinks and how much the hacks are covering that inconvenient fact up.
8:37 AM
by Gene
(Sorry for the FRONTPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
8:20 AM
by Gene
6:56 AM
by Gene
6:53 AM
by Gene
Wireless Axes Confirmed for Guitar Hero III
6:50 AM
by Gene
News hacks all over America are having idiot conferences as to how to expand this profit center. Expand this profit center, morons, and you contract your audience even further.
6:49 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
3:07 PM
by Gene
Once they get outoutOUT of Iraq! "I would impose a no-fly zone immediately and I would commit [US] forces to stop the Janjaweed -- NOW!!!!!" [Overemphasis added.] But first of all let me assert my firm belief that four score and seven years ago...oh, never mind.
2:54 PM
by Gene
He MUST sit on the couch for Gekko Kudlow!
2:02 PM
by Gene
Speaker Babs, why don't you go back to timetables?
12:57 PM
by Gene
Time to slap it with ten thousand bowls of wet noodles!
11:20 AM
by Gene
Goldilocks is featured prominently this morning in the front-page Wall Street Journal cover story, “Why Market Optimists Say This Bull Has Legs”. It’s a great article. That said, I always get a little nervous when major publications run these cover stories (Business Week boasts a particularly bad record of calling markets tops with their cover stories). I’d prefer this to remain the "greatest story never told." Don't worry, Gek: 5,000 bizrags, 10,000 business news sites and THE BIG C will keep this absolutely HUSH.
8:45 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: The Dems are the GOP of the left. Tuesday, May 22, 2007
7:55 PM
by Gene
3:06 PM
by Gene
There is now officially no reason to go to the movies, regardless of how the ad-blurbists sell them.
9:58 AM
by Gene
'Iran supplies the Taliban'
8:57 AM
by Gene
![]() If the lady on the right might cause accidents, the religion of the lady on the left can cause, shall we say, intentional accidents. Does anyone notice what looks like wedding ring?
8:42 AM
by Gene
The Addams Family...Spider-Man...pretty soon Branson East will have almost as many cartoon characters as Disney World!
8:41 AM
by Gene
Monday, May 21, 2007
7:21 PM
by Gene
6:27 PM
by Gene
5:30 PM
by Gene
1. Will LEGENDARY WELCH be the lead banker? 2. Somewhere, He's laughing. 3. It may be Little Jeffy's last shot at getting it past the 30s.
5:27 PM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro)
5:26 PM
by Gene
He will soon learn, however, that it isn't enough to make the voters (or the women) feel good.
9:13 AM
by Gene
As the costs for fixing the state's troubled corrections system rocket higher, California is headed for a dubious milestone -- for the first time the state will spend more on incarcerating inmates than on educating students in its public universities. And then we add all the zillions gullible California parents throw at HYER LERNING -- not to mention all the zillions the state's taxpayers finance LOER LERNING with -- and EHDYUKAYSHUN still vastly outspends prisons, no doubt. But it makes a catchy factoid.
9:11 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: They both have a good thing going!
8:58 AM
by Gene
Outstanding JERNALISM may yet be SAFE! Pfffffffffffffffffffft!
8:27 AM
by Gene
(Via Slashdot, natch -- where they're celebrating getting their stupid Linux penguin on an Indy car)
8:21 AM
by Gene
On a quiet cul-de-sac in Southernwalk, an upscale Loudoun County neighborhood, the fiber-optic cables beneath the manicured lawns were once a source of technological pride. Now they're a source of headaches. Seven years ago, the neighborhood's homeowners association, set up by the developer Van Metre Homes, inked an exclusive deal with OpenBand, a small Dulles firm, to provide Internet, cable and phone service to all 1,100 homes. Residents say they are now locked into an expensive, decades-long contract for second-rate services. This will happen when you're first with the most.
8:12 AM
by Gene
Hey keep campaigning for Democrats and quoting PERFESSER THOMPSON and PAUL DRECK and you'd better prepare to sacrifice a few more limbs.
8:09 AM
by Gene
Jimmah must keep his stuttering to himself next time. Sunday, May 20, 2007
7:04 PM
by Gene
Further translation: Here's another pile of doo-doo THE WEB foisted on us. We almost gave Claude a NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD but held back because of the reporting. The NEXT time, Claude.... And in other content from America's leading journal of the MadAve hacks, the Three-Headed Dog hasn't even taken possession of Chrysler and already it's allegedly selling more cars! Why did it take a management change to move product -- and what's to make people abandon the brand after the novelty's worn off?
12:59 PM
by Gene
12:39 PM
by Gene
We sort of liked it better when you were appeasing militants.
12:11 PM
by Gene
![]() Slashdot's geeks are EXCITED over the HUGE BACKLASH to XM's suspensions of its HEROIC GENIUSES!! MILLIONS are canceling their subscriptions! And advertisers are joining in the fight -- like Nashville Coffee -- almost as famous as Folger's! And Adam and Eve -- maker of dildos! And.... Guys, go back to playing with your Star Trek toys and yourselves. P. S. McAfee Site Advisor hasn't decided whether Nashville Coffee's site is safe. As for Adam and Eve, well, you can guess. Yes, one can be judged by the company he keeps.
10:16 AM
by Gene
9:41 AM
by Gene
When do the hacks start turning this into a virtue?
9:39 AM
by Gene
But there's a catch, as always: Dead pets and melamine-tainted food notwithstanding, change will prove difficult, policy experts say, in large part because U.S. companies have become so dependent on the Chinese economy that tighter rules on imports stand to harm the U.S. economy, too. Wal-Mart WINS! Saturday, May 19, 2007
7:11 PM
by Gene
5:36 PM
by Gene
I feel like a traitor to my fellow parents for even saying this. These movies are made in part for me: a socially progressive, irony-friendly Gen Xer with rug rats. I thought Hoodwinked! and most of the Shrek series were hilarious, and God knows I don't want to go back to the days of suffering with my kids through a long, slow pour of Uncle Walt's wholesome syrup. But even if you ultimately reject their messages, old-school fairy tales are part of our cultural vocabulary. There's something a little sad about kids growing up in a culture where their fairy tales come pre-satirized, the skepticism, critique and revision having been done for them by the mama birds of Hollywood. Isn't irony supposed to derive from having something to rebel against? Isn't there a value in learning, for yourself, that life doesn't play out as simply as it does in fairy tales? Is there room for an original, nonparodic fairy story that's earnest without being cloying, that's enlightened without saying wonder is for suckers? I have often said the biz would be better off without the ad-blurbists, and now I'm thinking it would be better off without show-biz writing of any kind PERIOD. How often have the hacks said that some cultural trend or another is the greatest thing since SUMNER created the universe, and how often have these same scribblers come back two years later to say maybe they shouldn't have said that? It's all revisionism, revisionism whose goal is precisely that of the Kremlin heavy thinkers who airbrushed inconvenient faces from existence, revisionism that would not be necessary if they viewed things with that cold skeptical eye of legend they're supposed to have in the first place. I HATE NEWS HACKS!!!!!
5:33 PM
by Gene
5:07 PM
by Gene
Neither, I will confess, does it help when a man like Gekko Kudlow would absolve a person of his failings just because of his wealth.
2:24 PM
by Gene
9:54 AM
by Gene
9:38 AM
by Gene
9:30 AM
by Gene
The torrent of allegations came in a signed affadavit.... [Very excited overemphasis and Mort Zuck spells it his own way! SIC added] We're supposed to be surprised that news hacks take favors? We're supposed to be surprised that SLIME operatives take favors? When a paper engages in its famous one-upmanship against a paper famous for its own one-upmanship you can be sure it has affidavit material worth hiding. By the way, we learned the spelling of affidavit from To Tell the Truth.
9:24 AM
by Gene
It looks like China's getting quite a rep for quality control too -- as if business cares.
9:21 AM
by Gene
Isn't a little late in the day for public service? Or are we planting the seed corn for future lobbyists? Friday, May 18, 2007
6:05 PM
by Gene
6:04 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: One three-headed dog attacks another!
5:59 PM
by Gene
Hey WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!! You don't suppose that's piling on? Then again, maybe he can catch up!
5:56 PM
by Gene
So let's build a time machine and save him! (Via Slashdot, who would)
5:54 PM
by Gene
I don't know Doc, he may claim that as an endorsement.
5:50 PM
by Gene
Not to justify that football-hero cretin, but when these bloviating clowns (particularly of the good side) can spend so much time chasing these publicity stunts maybe that means for all their legislative triumphs they have a bit too much time on their hands.
5:46 PM
by Gene
I don't know that I can take it.
5:42 PM
by Gene
Bradlee's "flat-out sick" of hearing bad news about journalism Well, LEGENDARY Ben, if You hadn't turned mere Clark Kents into SUPERMEN!, and then turned one of Your SUPERMEN loose on JIMMY, maybe we wouldn't have some of the conditions that breed all that BAD NEWS.
5:37 PM
by Gene
IT'S TIME TO IMPEACH GONZALES... BEFORE HE DOES ANY MORE DAMAGE TO THE LAW! (Too bad he's not going anywhere.) [Overemphasis added] Who says only newspapers are irrelevant? (I had to collect all these @#$%&* heds because Bill and St. Warren make it impossible to do a screenshot unless you know what you're doing.)
5:35 PM
by Gene
Wow! Something must have gotten Sean MAD!
8:59 AM
by Gene
8:52 AM
by Gene
Proving once again, as in the House, that ethics are fungible. (Via MediaBistro)
8:48 AM
by Gene
I think we know what will happen: the Republicans will scream, then the Democrats will scream, then it gets turned down on a party-line vote, then we can make asses of ourselves as usual. Thursday, May 17, 2007
6:02 PM
by Gene
The way whatever-passes-for-Dubya's hundreds of thousands of elves say THIS IS NOT AMNESTY will make con-SER-va-tives happy.
5:25 PM
by Gene
Isn't that what all "family" movies are? (Via ShowBizData)
2:00 PM
by Gene
Fatso Glub-Glub doesn't like it, so maybe it isn't that bad. On the other hand, whatever passes for Dubya agreed to it, so it can't be that good.
1:50 PM
by Gene
![]() With THAT face?
9:44 AM
by Gene
9:16 AM
by Gene
9:07 AM
by Gene
(Via IWantMedia)
8:48 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
5:05 PM
by Gene
$2 million? He should have gotten $50 million like any mutual fund chief!
4:59 PM
by Gene
Lady's Man's such a popular guy everyone wanted to leak first!
1:53 PM
by Gene
OhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh, so when a BIGMEDIA trade group COMMISSIONS a "report" that comes to OUR conclusions but doesn't PAY for it we can be SUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE it's fair and impartial. RIGHT? Have you folks performed a few self-administered extractions in preparation for the tooth fairy? (Via MediaBistro)
12:13 PM
by Gene
"Don't Read!! Personall," warns the diary's inside cover. But its author, Anna Nicole Smith, has no hold in death on the remnants of her life. The public now can discover that she was delighted by rough sex, ecstatic over the prospect of plastic surgery for her breasts, and fearful of a jealous boyfriend. She was careless with spelling, punctuation, and, too often, with her own well-being. Complaining about her then-lover's carousing, Smith writes that she'll break it off with him if he doesn't stop. Then she amends her stand, according to new diary excerpts released EXCLUSIVELY to The Associated Press. "We discussed it and he said he wouldn't go out and get drunk no more unless it was with me," Smith wrote in the diaries, which span about a year from early 1991 to 1992. [Crusading overemphasis added] This is the greatest thing to happen to chick-lit since Opal Mehta!
11:58 AM
by Gene
And the truth may be starting to dawn on con-SER-va-tives -- ever so slightly: [Y]es, the Journal Ed Page is the best conservative op/ed page in the world; but that's just the opinion operation. The news guys are further left than the Post (Washington, not New York) or the Times (New York, not Washington). The only thing is somebody tried competing with the Journals with Investor's Business Daily. Have you heard of it lately?
10:40 AM
by Gene
Reuters trustees say Thomson deal won't hurt its journalism TRANSLATION: Militants as usual.
10:07 AM
by Gene
"We're under the same scrutiny as (National Public Radio) _ [SIC] it doesn't make sense!!!!!" [Overemphasis added] Who said anything about sense on your salaries? (Via MediaBistro)
9:23 AM
by Gene
The best laid plans of mice....
9:21 AM
by Gene
How can the professional racial groups and our drone-like mu-ni-CI-pal leaders sleep through this?
8:31 AM
by Gene
Ah, the lifestyles of the rich and world-saving.
8:12 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
8:15 PM
by Gene
One of the eight new required subject areas -- "societies of the world" -- aims to help students overcome U.S. "parochialism" by "acquainting them with the values, customs and institutions that differ from their own," Harvard said. Tell prospective Fixers they're parochial. "This new program is the result of hundreds of hours of lively engagement by the faculty," David Pilbeam, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, said in a statement. EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FACULTY!
8:12 PM
by Gene
8:06 PM
by Gene
McDonald's said 30% of franchisees, 50% of corporate staff and 70% of restaurant managers began as crew. Of the top management -- including CEO Jim Skinner -- 40% started behind the counter. And what percentage of all counter help has graduated? We can't all be CEO of Mickey D's. While the term "McJobs" was first coined in 1984 by McDonald's as part of a training program for handicapped prospects.... Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!
5:05 PM
by Gene
4:58 PM
by Gene
2:58 PM
by Gene
Or haven't you noticed? (Via MediaBistro)
1:44 PM
by Gene
![]() Mixing politics and religion has almost always meant trouble. It ultimately failed for the Rev. Jerry Falwell not because of his vision, which meshed well with the Reagan era, but because of his prickly and combative manner, a manner all too well suited for television, which with that stern basso profundo led to the understandable notion that anything that came out of his mouth was -- to use that awful double entendre -- judgmental, when on the basis of so much he said in recent years he seldom showed good judgment. His chief difference with, say, Billy Graham was a political forthrightness, and a freedom from sucking up, but that hardly made him more palatable. He'll always be remembered for that journey down the waterslide -- and that points to another failure: he took over the PTL Club in an epic power struggle after Jim Bakker's moral turpitude, and pointed fingers and bellowed and allowed it to slide into bankruptcy. Today despite the rehabitation of its buildings its once headquarters is a veritable ghost town, its water park long demolished. That the evangelical movement of the eighties is a shambles now is because in many ways it was a ghost town too. Now news hacks, try to hold your glee! P. S. at 5:25 p. m. The Corner hasn't said anything, and the reaction of con-SER-va-tives has been somewhat muted. P. P. S. on 5/16 at 9:30 a.m.: NRO did run a few squibs before my P. S., so I was wrong; I still submit, however, the reaction of many con-SER-va-tives was (understandably) muted.
1:15 PM
by Gene
1:05 PM
by Gene
(Via ArtsJournal)
12:07 PM
by Gene
The pledge comes after a recent Gallup survey in the U.S. found only 10 percent of those polled rated the ethics of advertisers as "very high" or "high." The advertiser beat the "ever-ridiculed used car salesman" by a single point. Another U.S. poll asked the public to list the top five areas requiring governmental regulation. Tops was water pollution, followed by toxic waste, air pollution, advertising and nuclear safety. One problem: four of the five are solvable. Monday, May 14, 2007
8:44 PM
by Gene
We should -- the football and basketball types are the CEOs of the trade.
5:39 PM
by Gene
5:37 PM
by Gene
That makes sense. Something has to after all that money evaporated.
5:33 PM
by Gene
Gingrich may get into presidential race What a delusional race this will be.
5:27 PM
by Gene
So often has Thompson been quoted, over 17 years at Syracuse, that some news organizations (including The Associated Press) have lately tried consciously NOT to quote him. [Enthusiastic pop-culture-is-king overemphasis added] But then their colleagues make up the slack by quoting his inane sound bytes even MORE. We'll NEVER be rid of this preening lout.
5:23 PM
by Gene
Let's see how big the audience gets when He runs and hides from Barry Bonds*.
5:19 PM
by Gene
"We all know that the current pope is characterized as a conservative man, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we must automatically think that any word he utters ... is against Venezuela," Information Minister Willian Lara told state television. TRANSLATION: Vatican City is a sovereign state. Meantime the TWXSTERS say the Pope got a lukewarm reception in Brazil, which we attribute to four things: 1. He's old; 2. He's uncharismatic; 3. His predecessor may have traveled once too often; and 4. A goodly chunk of Latin Americans are still nostalgic for a native brand of Communism, as witness Fidel Jr.
11:09 AM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro)
10:59 AM
by Gene
The state-owned Islamic Republic News Agency yesterday quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini as saying Iran agreed to the talks to ``relieve the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people, support the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and stabilize peace and security in Iraq.'' And we are all extremely grateful. Pffffffffffffffffffffffft!
10:51 AM
by Gene
Homogenized movie criticism could lead, I fear, to a further homogenization of the movies. Fewer movie critics means fewer voices shouting against the noise of Hollywood's hype machine, fewer champions for the small, interesting films struggling to break out amid the blockbusters. What the hell do we have now? (Via the crusading Romy)
8:32 AM
by Gene
8:15 AM
by Gene
That's the result of a Daily News poll released today that asked the voters who know best - New Yorkers - which man belongs in the White House. Is Mort Zuck campaigning for something? Maybe he owes him a tax deal. I can see Zuck writing a slew of those "centrist" editorials in Useless News. Fuhgeddaboutit, Zuck.
8:11 AM
by Gene
Sunday, May 13, 2007
6:31 PM
by Gene
By the way, from what I remember, The Seven Samurai would be a pretty good movie for young teens, because it's such a pretty good movie. But why does it have to be so expensive in DVD? P. S. 21,534. Serves Bertelsmann's boneheads right for printing 100,000 of these. Yoohoo, remainder bins! (Via a Terry Teachout post on Commentary Magazine's blog)
6:08 PM
by Gene
Don't you just love stirring leadership?
5:43 PM
by Gene
The company's Web site looks like Enron's after it went broke.
1:13 PM
by Gene
Every Tuesday during the program, Y Combinator hosts a dinner of chili or stew for the start-ups. At this first one, Graham and Livingston distribute gray T shirts emblazoned with one of Graham's pithiest admonitions, MAKE SOMETHING PEOPLE WANT. A second, black shirt is bestowed only to start-ups that achieve a "liquidity event"—a purchase by a larger company or an IPO. It reads, I MADE SOMETHING PEOPLE WANT. No no no no no, the point isn't to MAKE SOMETHING PEOPLE WANT, it's to MAKE PEOPLE WANT SOMETHING. That's who we can't live without spam and buggy software and nuisance cell-phones and all other sorts of sexy inconveniences. If high-tech had MADE SOMETHING PEOPLE WANT it wouldn't be high-tech. Saturday, May 12, 2007
2:00 PM
by Gene
That included creating and defending a ratings system that gives as little hard information as possible while purporting to be a parent's best friend. The obsequious first rough draft of history is slowly disintegrating.
9:40 AM
by Gene
"Who elected you the PC police chief? Who elected you to anything?" Advantage: TUI's producer. (Talking Under the Influence, that is.)
9:31 AM
by Gene
Occasionally, though, the stopped clock can be right.
9:23 AM
by Gene
A professor of mu-sic must add: “They’re scared to death that the market for this is going to be hurt,” Gorder said. “The outcry could have an effect on sales. If it raises consciousness among people who have historically bought this music and thought it was OK, well, that’s lost sales. Executives’ bonuses are tied to sales and they don’t want to destroy this market.” And which way is the market going now? P. S. A complete, accurate and factual award to the MESS for the following photo caption on the story's first page: Edgar Bronfman Jr., vice-chairman of Vivendi Universal leaves [SIC] the company headquarters in Paris.... Yes, I do believe he did. Friday, May 11, 2007
10:27 PM
by Gene
10:26 PM
by Gene
Haiti Immigrants Angry With Boat Sinking
5:30 PM
by Gene
Greg, will you SHUT UP?
5:22 PM
by Gene
5:17 PM
by Gene
5:12 PM
by Gene
Nobody minced words, especially when it came to bad dialogue masquerading as good taglines. After watching the "Fantastic Four" trailer, Adam Voron, 14, grumbled: "If that catchphrase 'I just bought this tux' is supposed to be cool, they're really in trouble." Most likely the teenagers The Mogul's Friend interviewed have more insight than The Mogul's Friend.
5:10 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
![]() They could have used Magic Marker. Next stop: a calendar? (Via's On Deadline)
1:03 PM
by Gene
In defense of SLIME, at least he's overpaying for an ASSET.
10:26 AM
by Gene
That shouldn't be too difficult.
10:12 AM
by Gene
Stick a fork in it, the merger's done.
9:48 AM
by Gene
8:43 AM
by Gene
8:32 AM
by Gene
Because of the voting power of Google's executives, the proposal's defeat was a foregone conclusion. Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt, and co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin control 66 percent of the votes. We hope some time in the future these clowns have a PINCH moment. Thursday, May 10, 2007
6:41 PM
by Gene
6:07 PM
by Gene
Dow 36,000, Jim?
5:50 PM
by Gene
I pledge allegiance To the plan Of the United State of Pinch And to the banana republic for which He stands, One autocracy, Under Pinch, Incorrigible, With tyranny and injustice for -- Everyone but Pinch.
5:42 PM
by Gene
There's a whole cottage industry of apocalyptic financial 'journalism'. Jerry Bowyer on Dow 13,300: the losers. [Home-page subhed] Back in 1999 there was a whole cottage industry of DOW 100,000!!!!! jernalism. Jim Glassman helped build the cottage. It crumpled like the pigs' house of straw. Never mind, he'll always find a better straw.
5:39 PM
by Gene
5:24 PM
by Gene
Some will say show-biz has always been about events. True -- it's been that way since before Quo Vadis? But at least the biz gave something for people to remember; it wasn't a mere excuse for a mass night out, urged upon them by hundreds of thousands of publicists. If every other mass medium can decline so can the movies -- and now it has the reason that it can CLONE the same overproduced movie hundreds of times. The face may change, but the FAKE remains the same.
5:23 PM
by Gene
5:19 PM
by Gene
5:18 PM
by Gene
Remember it if Wall Street treats us to a depression.