Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Monday, May 31, 2010
1:43 PM
by Gene
I'm not totally closed to buying it, but to paraphrase a great ad campaign, it will be eventually -- but not now.
12:32 PM
by Gene
11:02 AM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
And because we have come to know such stories by heart, it becomes yet one more nuisance to deal with on the daily Web prowl, like the endless stream of non-Middle Eastern press releases. Saturday, May 29, 2010
10:37 PM
by Gene
I guess He's going to try to win the midterms without Jews.
10:32 PM
by Gene
![]() The backlash against climate science is also about the way in which leading scientists allied themselves with politicians and activists to promote their cause. Some of the IPCC’s most-quoted data and recommendations were taken straight out of unchecked activist brochures, newspaper articles, and corporate reports—including claims of plummeting crop yields in Africa and the rising costs of warming-related natural disasters, both of which have been refuted by academic studies. WhooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!!!
9:13 PM
by Gene
The two language services are editorially separate. The English one’s choice of topics reflects the third-world interests of its viewers, concentrating more than its Western counterparts do on global poverty and the anger often felt towards America and the West. But it offers a wide range of opinion and covers Western politics well too. Both language services have bureaus in Jerusalem, Gaza and Ramallah (the Palestinian Authority’s seat), regularly giving Israelis a voice. The Arabic service is a lot more controversial. Pro-Western Arab governments, particularly those of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which denies Al Jazeera a bureau, repeatedly accuse it of bias. In particular they say it favours the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s chief opposition, and Hamas, the Islamist movement that runs Gaza and refuses to recognise Israel. The Arabic service’s head, Waddah Khanfur, and his news editor, Ahmed Sheikh, are both West Bank Palestinians said to enjoy cosy relations with Hamas. Many of the station’s Egyptian staff are deemed sympathetic to the Brotherhood, of which Hamas is a branch.... Al Jazeera’s anti-Western populism was strongly echoed at its recent forum on “the Arab and Muslim world: alternative visions”. Many speakers, denoting piety or loyalty to political Islam, prefaced their remarks with incantations of reverence for the Prophet Muhammad. On Palestine, not a single one of 200-odd invited participants spoke up for a two-state solution, apart from a clutch of doveish Americans; Hamas’s official one-state preference for the Jewish state’s abolition easily prevailed. A senior Hamas man waxed eloquent. If a representative of the Palestinian Authority, now in “proximity talks” with Israel, was present, his voice was unheard. On Iraq, not a single speaker, apart from a forlorn parliamentarian from the Iraqi prime minister’s party who made a desultory comment by video-conference, expressed a flicker of sympathy for the new Shia-led order, which several voices denounced as wholly illegitimate. The Gazan who edits al-Quds al-Arabi, a populist London-based newspaper that resonates in the Arab world, drew the loudest applause with a ringing call to back the continuing Iraqi “resistance”, even though the fight is now almost entirely between Arabs. No wonder Al Jazeera makes pro-Western Arab leaders, excoriated as puppets, feel queasy—Qatar’s, of course, excepted.
7:23 PM
by Gene
Buzz wrote this because he can afford the taxes -- hundreds of times over. Too many colyumnists have gotten the effete-snob way because they're so much better than the reader simps. And Buzz has made millions from the royalties from "the best book on sports over the last quarter century", and HIS movie, and HIS TV show, not to mention HIS speaking engagements; so maybe the time has come for HIM to retire, as did his dear friend that former StinkyInky colyumnist the DOG MAN, and live the life of Riley in Southern Cal, where he belongs -- or better still in BRISTOL, LAND OF ZILLIONAIRES.
7:00 PM
by Gene
4:20 PM
by Gene
3:59 PM
by Gene
P. S. Working at Foxconn dramatically reduces people’s risk of suicide! (Boldface SIC) Tom's ready for a con-SER-va-tive BLOG!
3:41 PM
by Gene
3:36 PM
by Gene
“My boy was cremated,” Billy Anderson said. “But the actions he and those other 10 heroes took are what made it possible for more than 100 other people to escape with their lives.” Jason Anderson was a toolpusher, an offshore drilling job akin to foreman on a construction site, which gave him responsibility for overseeing the workers involved in the nuts- and-bolts of drilling and finishing wells. Anderson had worked aboard the Deepwater Horizon since it was launched from a South Korean shipyard in 2001, his father said. Once the vessel arrived in the Gulf of Mexico, he worked alongside exploration specialists from BP, which had the rig under lease for all of its existence. Prior to that, he was assigned to the Cajun Express, another of Geneva-based Transocean’s most sophisticated rigs. Shortly before last month’s disaster, Anderson had been promoted to senior toolpusher and was scheduled to transfer to his new post aboard another rig, the Discoverer Spirit, by helicopter at 7 a.m. on April 21. The Deepwater Horizon exploded nine hours before his flight was due to lift off. Anderson, a father of two and a former high school football middle linebacker, started working aboard offshore rigs in 1995, scraping paint from below the water line, the lowest-ranking job on a rig. His father thought the grueling labor would convince his son to study harder after two lackluster years of junior college. Instead, Jason Anderson decided he enjoyed being offshore and began working his way up to jobs of increasing responsibility, his father said. “He loved his work and thought of his crewmates as family,” said Billy Anderson. “He was the kind of son a man wants and loves and hopes his son will be.” These are the people the Chief DILBERTS must sacrifice in order to pay themselves what they don't deserve. P. S. BP meekly pays a $69,200 fine, less than some CEOs earn in a day. Wednesday, May 26, 2010
8:32 PM
by Gene
![]() Reading of Art Linkletter it's clear he had opportunities impossible in our time, but more than that, he had that inner gumption to overcome his earliest adversity of abandonment (and the awful tragedy of his daughter's death thanks to drugs) to become a living embodiment of Ben Franklin's wisdom, an active man who lived, and who had that unconquerable optimism of the sort that once guided America, and in this case made for a truly happy man who made others happy too.
11:57 AM
by Gene
![]() Advertising is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!! (Via via MediaBistro)
11:37 AM
by Gene
11:28 AM
by Gene
And there was another inconvenience last night, too. Tuesday, May 25, 2010
6:07 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)
5:50 PM
by Gene
![]() $100 million -- and when do the LAWSUITS begin? A "clinic for brain health in Las Vegas". We could think of a few people who could use it. And it goes without saying -- Veg DESERVES IT. At least it doesn't rain in Veg -- for now. (Although that MIT lawsuit was settled, dammit!) I want to be with those doctors after a year in one of MR. STARCHITECT's trapezoids. AND: ![]() A nursing home! Could it be -- an advanced case of STARCHITECTURAL SENILITY?
5:45 PM
by Gene
5:40 PM
by Gene
And it only took millions of taxpayers shaken upside-down to do it! Of course I can think of arguments for it: INBEV (Anheuser-Busch), P&G, Coke, PepsiCo, the Clunker Brothers, the movee extruders, etc., etc., ETC.
5:35 PM
by Gene
Bankrupt Tribune wants to give another $15 million in bonuses to executives (Link) $15 million colyumnists? $15 million bonuses. Bloomberg: 'BusinessWeek lost its way and it was not germane to its audience' (Link) Honorary Mayor, judging from Your version it's still in a dark forest in the dead of a cloudy, foggy, rainy night. Two more editors resign from Harper's Magazine (Link) When does that irrelevance finally kick its long-awaited bucket?
5:33 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual NRO)
5:30 PM
by Gene
6:50 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: UB IGER frequents fire sales.
6:44 AM
by Gene
6:39 AM
by Gene
Sunday, May 23, 2010
8:28 PM
by Gene
9:56 AM
by Gene
![]() Look GANNETTOIDS, we know of your obsession with PROFITS, but don't you think sometimes you carry it a bit too far? ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO STEVE, BRIAN, ELYSA, JERRY -- AND DAVE 'N' JOHN! Saturday, May 22, 2010
3:47 PM
by Gene
3:43 PM
by Gene
10:10 AM
by Gene
And so do $20 TICKETS!!!!!
10:07 AM
by Gene
The ultimate schmoozer! Just one problem: He'll be 67 in August, so obviously THE CONSPIRACY is choosing a Benedict. Friday, May 21, 2010
5:26 PM
by Gene
![]() Revenge of the White Piano Keys! ![]() A big red starfish makes landfall in ABU DHABI! Or is that some sort of superhero whose parachute failed? ![]() A granddaddy of STARCHITECTURE! This hammering and sawing (which should be called Bearhug with the Letter N) dates from 1965. Visual practical jokes were predestined for AHCHITECTYUH. The STARCHITECT (whose name was Gwathemy) built it for his parents. I'd have been PLEASED. They probably were too. ![]() Is the worst over? If STARCHITECTS keep erecting MASTERPIECES like the last three WE HOPE NOT!
5:23 PM
by Gene
5:05 PM
by Gene
![]() Here there's catastrophic flooding in Poland (and HENRY HONEST!!!!! tells us), and the former Mouth of the Mouth of the South, "International Edition", wastes a good chunk of its home page on an ad for His Highness Luke Spielberg -- and Poland doesn't even merit a squib on the HOME PAGE! -- proof reputations in the nooz biz are nothing more than the HOT AIR they're built on, and that no nooz organization can PAYWALL its way to excellence -- and the Mouth lives thanks to the CABLE PAYWALL.
12:58 PM
by Gene
Thursday, May 20, 2010
8:56 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
9:50 AM
by Gene
Or maybe one with a very awkward name. (Via IWantMedia) Tuesday, May 18, 2010
7:53 PM
by Gene
11:58 AM
by Gene
(Via NRO)
11:33 AM
by Gene
[Y]ou've always wanted to be Teddy White, who himself outlived his form and sycophantic devotion to politicians. Much as we hate to link to NICK DORKEN, we will say Jonny "The Thinking Knee-Jerk" Alter and WOLFFMAN!!!!! deserve each other. (Via MediaBistro)
11:16 AM
by Gene
OUCH! Monday, May 17, 2010
5:07 PM
by Gene
(Via TINA!!!!!)
4:38 PM
by Gene
How about assembly-line work for GOD? Foxconn says it is at its wits’ end as to how to tackle the problem, and has even drafted in a Buddhist monk to try to purge its factories of evil spirits. Buddhism can tackle STEVEISM?!?!? (Via WOLFFMAN!!!!!)
4:30 PM
by Gene
How did TRANSPARENCY become one of the most offensive words in English?
4:25 PM
by Gene
When the day comes that Tehran can announce its nuclear capability, every shred of international law will have been discarded. Buried under thousands of buckets of wet noodles.
4:01 PM
by Gene
"I can't wait to interview the cast of 'Jersey Shore' on the same lot where they filmed 'Casablanca,'" O'Brien said. ![]() No, that was shot on thirteen other stages; but they did shoot House of Wax, They Shoot Horses, Don't They, Stir Crazy, Blow Out, Body Double, The Lost Boys and Demolition Man there. AND BLAZING SADDLES!!!!! PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!! P. S. Look carefully; PEOPLE WARNER calls it "DEMOLITIONS [SIC!!!!!] MAN." DOUBLE PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!
2:31 PM
by Gene
Sunday, May 16, 2010
6:41 PM
by Gene
![]() A $5 million igloo! ![]() What's it like in the dark? ![]() Aren't these memorials to Communism going a bit too far? ![]() So what do you do after entering that little-bitty "forest project" -- climb the wall to get out? ![]() Whoever heard of putting a mausoleum in an office park? ![]() Hmmm -- not too badly designed!
6:36 PM
by Gene
1. Reviving long-gone TV shows may be a risky maneuver, but the technique is gaining more fans, said Mr. Weeks. After all, he said, "Zombies are huge right now." And the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTSIERS is keeping them alive! Oh and seeing how SUMNER's reviving Hawaii Five-0 and seeing how TV series aren't supposed to have theme songs anymore -- what's He do about the theme song? 2. After hugging themselves for letting amateurs devise their ads the ads they're devising are getting very rankly amateur. We don't see why this should bother ad people -- isn't this just being annoying in a different way? 3. Meantime the Crainiacs celebrate "on-the-fly" advertising, which means it can be even more rank, or amateur, or both.
4:19 PM
by Gene
remarkable for the sumptuousness of the costumes and the sophistication of the stage machinery. The libretto of Handel's very popular opera Rinaldo (1711), for example, requires the heroine to be carried through the air in Act I by a "Chariot drawn by two huge Dragons, out of whose Mouths issue Fire and Smoke", while Act II calls for waterfalls as well as "Thunder, Lightning and amazing Noises." With so much spectacle to engage its attention, the audience at an opera was unlikely to concern itself greatly with the details of the plot, which was in nearly every case if not manifestly absurd at least considerably remote from the concerns of the everyday. TRANSLATION: TENTPOLES! (Although I doubt anyone will sing along with Iron Man 2 anytime soon -- even if it stars an AC-TOR.) When they weren't obsessing over the scenery the audiences obsessed over the stars. British Italian opera needed real Italian singers, and for a time three dominated it: two prima-donnas and a castrato. We defer to the introduction again: The three great Italian singers were first brought to together on the London stage in May 1726 for Handel's Allessandro, an opera carefully constructed so that neither Cuzzoni nor Faustina could claim to have the better role. The story concerns two women, Rossana (Faustino) and Lisana (Cuzzoni), both in love with Alexander the Great (Senesino); he wavers indecisively between them for virtually the whole length of the opera, only choosing Rossana at the last possible moment before the final curtain. [CHICKEN!] This even-handedness did not prevent the rivalry between Cuzzoni and Faustina form becoming notorious, however, and the London opera public divided into opposing claques so enthusiastically that by the spring of 1727 the young Lord Hervey complained that nobody talked about anything else. [!] Matters came to a violent if farcical head at a performance of Bononcini's Astyanax in June 1727 [the tentpoles had weird names then too] in which Cuzzoni and Faustina appeared. Showing scant respect for the Princess of Wales, who was present, the rival partisans in the audience became restive and then violent; as a contemporary newspaper reported, "the Contention at first was carried on by only Hissing on one Side, and Clapping on the other; but proceeded at length to Catcalls, and other great Indecencies." Spurred on no doubt by the excitement, Cuzzoni and Faustina so far forgot professional decorum as to come to blows on the stage, and the performance was abandoned in confusion. TRANSLATION: Handel invented the Web long before Al Gore did. The introduction also contains an account of London's unspeakable criminal aura of the day, vastly fueled by gin and stupid legislaTORS, which makes Noo Yawk in the seventies look like paradise. P. S. This furore seized the public imagination – the pamphleteer John Arbuthnot published "The DEVIL to pay at St. JAMES's: oR [Arbuthnot SIC or WIKI SIC?] A full and true ACCOUNT of a most horrid and bloody BATTLE between Madam FAUSTINA and Madam CUZZONI", in which he lambasted the two ladies: "TWO of a Trade seldom or ever agree … But who would have thought the Infection should reach the Hay-market and inspire Two Singing Ladies to pull each other's Coiffs, to the no small Disquiet of the Directors, who (God help them) have enough to do to keep Peace and Quietness between them. … I shall not determine who is the Aggressor, but take the surer Side, and wisely pronounce them both in Fault; for it is certainly an apparent Shame that two such well bred Ladies should call Bitch and Whore, should scold and fight like any Billingsgates." Recent research has shown, however, that there was a great deal of journalistic exaggeration in such accounts: it was the ladies' supporters who were behaving badly, not the singers themselves. Nonetheless, the entire opera season at that theatre was brought to a close by this scandal, though Handel kept both singers in his employ until the demise of his company in June 1728. TRANSLATION: FREE REPUBLIC WAS THERE!!!!! And HUFF 'n' PUFF!!!!! And WOLFFMAN!!!!! AND HENRY HONEST!!!!! And SLIME!!!!! And SUMNER TOO!!!!!
2:48 PM
by Gene
11:25 AM
by Gene
Saturday, May 15, 2010
2:44 PM
by Gene
2:31 PM
by Gene
So THAT'S why they pay these pundits the big bucks!
2:01 PM
by Gene
And he can SMELL it! Or is that just himself? Friday, May 14, 2010
8:48 PM
by Gene
Given the emoting and the clumsy ambivalent cop-out tone at the end we'd say this has that pop-culture phreak JPOD's grimy revision marks all over it. P. S. He holds degrees from Dartmouth College, Trinity College, Cambridge, and the University of Chicago, where Saul Bellow was his doctoral dissertation adviser in the Committee on Social Thought. After all that big thick head scratching he might not need Vitalis.
8:39 PM
by Gene
8:24 PM
by Gene
![]() In the end, THE MOST TRUSTED MAN IN AMERICA proved...untrustworthy. P. S. Do you see what I see?
5:34 PM
by Gene
2:06 PM
by Gene
11:53 AM
by Gene
![]() THE ABSURDITY OF THE WALL STREET CASINO: Here TiVo's chugging along for months, doing mostly nothing, then all of a sudden it goes WAY UP. Then it chugs along at its new elevated price and all of a sudden it goes WAY DOWN. Here in the proverbial nutshell is why WALL STREET can start PANICS, and why a few computers and brainiacs have the power to bring down economies. P. S. at 10:35 p. m. It went up and then down thanks to two rulings in a patent-infringement suit against DirecTV. It still looks ludicrous.
10:42 AM
by Gene
Thursday, May 13, 2010
7:32 PM
by Gene
We would not begin to calculate how long we could spend dreaming up punchlines for that one.
7:16 PM
by Gene
![]() We were drawn by this picture posted today on this blog partly because of this other comely lass with the hourglass figure, not to mention the folks around her; and it too must exert the same melancholy, for it too reminds us whatever the past's ills us we yet manage to live in the wrong age.
6:48 PM
by Gene
![]() Playbill has run an incredibly long obit on Doris Eaton Travis, most likely one of the last of Florenz Ziegfeld's girls (or as SUPERNIKKI!!!!! would call him, "Zeigfield"), and while it may seem perhaps too long it isn't, for the reach of America's greatest showman will influence showbiz forever, though in this never-ending bad-taste age you might not know it, for he combined lavish spectacle with an extraordinary eye for female beauty, and tentpoles and PR0N are but the rotten permutations of his ethos; and though he was supposedly indifferent to music only he could have produced the masterpiece Show Boat, whose aura may seem nonexistent in this day of Branson East and its AudioAnimatronics but resounds in anyone who ever owned a cast album. Ziegfeld's girls seem to have come in two groups: those who married millionaires and those who didn't. Mrs. Travis was among the latter (though some of those who married millionaires didn't do too well either); whatever their marriages many vanished because they could do one thing and one thing only: be pretty. (Or two, like Ann Pennington.) But clearly Mrs. Travis maintained her looks well into old age, and she was smart and vigorous enough to have been a success in business and to have "graduated from the University of Oklahoma at the age of 88". Because the name Ziegfeld still exerts a spell (unlike Maxim, which emits a smell), so do his names, and his girls. (First link via the usual AHTSJournal. We do note, by the way, that Will Rogers did call his discoverer and friend "Ziegfield", but then he wasn't a columnist who ran showbiz.) Wednesday, May 12, 2010
7:43 PM
by Gene
![]() Hip army barracks! ![]() Vertical zeppelins! ![]() A hip prison! ![]() This fine old French building just had a square bowel movement! ![]() Does this remind you of lizards mating?
7:29 PM
by Gene
1:41 PM
by Gene
Before his arrest on corruption charges, Wang Yi was not only a powerful financial official in the Communist party but also one of China’s most celebrated modern classical music composers. But since his detention and arrest last year, Mr Wang’s magnum opus – a symphony called Ode to China – has been dropped as a repertoire staple of the China National Symphony Orchestra and his compositions derided by formerly adoring media commentators and critics. Mr Wang is described now as someone who has trouble reading music, had no formal training and was reliant on ghost writers to produce what was once hailed by state media as “China’s answer to Mozart” and “music for rejuvenation of the nation”. Official reports suggest that most of the millions of renminbi spent on tickets to see Mr Wang’s works came from businesspeople and officials hoping to curry favour with him.
1:30 PM
by Gene
6.15pm: Sky News has been running snippets from the televised leaders' debate which showed Cameron and Clegg pitted against each other. It offers what I imagine is the unprecedented situation of having a public display of vehement disagreements between two senior members of the same team, simply because they were bitter opponents at the time. Cameron has already had to eat humble pie earlier (see 2.43pm) about an old comment in which he said his favourite joke was "Nick Clegg". Clegg, meanwhile, had described the Tories' colleagues in Europe as "a bunch of nutters, antisemites, people who deny climate change exists, homophobes" during one of the debates - something that has been seized upon by Edward McMillan-Scott, a former Tory MEP, in light of the coalition deal. McMillan-Scott, who joined the Lib Dems earlier this year after being expelled in a row over Cameron's EU strategy, is in the unenviable position of having the party he joined now linked to the party he left.
9:39 AM
by Gene
![]() Whatever shriveled ghost Cannes has become we can be sure people like Melina Mercouri (here with Jules Dassin) were not airheads. (We thought Tina ran this before; note the URL. Oh well, one good turn deserves another.)
9:37 AM
by Gene
9:33 AM
by Gene
9:31 AM
by Gene
9:16 AM
by Gene
Face it: We can't stand the Beltway's guts. That's okay; the Beltway can't stand ours back. P. S. Mollohan was part of the Stupidak -- Stupak Coalition.
9:14 AM
by Gene
9:08 AM
by Gene
P. S. A special demerit to ALPHA MEDIA GROUP for the Harley-Davidson ad you can shut off only after frantically playing with an Adobe Flash pop-up menu -- and with that gal's voice you want to shut it off -- but we should expect things like this from a company that's had five CEOs in 33 months. (Corrected at 6:53 p. m. Those UK midgets sold their American version of Maxim three years back, and folded the British edition thereafter; the CEO revolving door is responsible for the ad, and the online ad too.) Monday, May 10, 2010
9:07 PM
by Gene
(Second link -- which linked to the first -- via NRO, where Matts are considered profound)
3:43 PM
by Gene
No -- because they love their country.
3:40 PM
by Gene
Elena Kagan: Confirmation Hearings 'Vapid and Hollow Charade' NO COMMENT.
2:26 PM
by Gene
Who cares as long as WE'RE IN IT!!!!!
9:45 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: It's better that they're doing it now because government can spend more money propping up capitalists!!!!!
9:31 AM
by Gene
![]() That the hacks have gotten out their automatic verbiage referring to Lena Horne as "legendary" means they don't understand her either. She was an enigma, as befitting a black performer who passed for white, but she was also an extraordinarily beautiful and magnetic woman with a seductive appeal, and she could have been of any race and that would have been true, and she arrived at precisely the right time, good for her and in time for us. Sunday, May 09, 2010
1:20 AM
by Gene
1:07 AM
by Gene
Saturday, May 08, 2010
12:41 PM
by Gene
12:20 PM
by Gene
That the industry is irrelevant is beyond question, however high-decibel its publicity shrieks; the FCC's decision to allow the movee extruders to pipe their sewage direct into homes seals it. Moveegoing as a social activity was doomed from the day someone thought teevee up, but then movees started becoming teevee a long time ago, when the studios got into series production, and especially when they tried their closed-circuit experiments in the sixties; moreover because movees are now biggest-screen teevee, not least in their production and dissemination, the distinction is just as irrelevant as the industry, however much Mr. THUMBS-UP!!!!! may gabble otherwise. Thursday, May 06, 2010
6:05 PM
by Gene
![]() A big green intergalactic partially melted Hershey's Kiss - or maybe Shrek's egg -- or maybe something else.
5:23 PM
by Gene
Sources tell CNBC the erroneous trade may have been made at Citigroup.... YOUR TAX DOLLARS....
11:43 AM
by Gene
Henry Paulson: "I was never able to explain to the American people.. [sic] why these rescues were for their benefit, not for Wall Street" No Hank, you never will.
10:19 AM
by Gene
(Via HENRY HONEST!!!!!) Wednesday, May 05, 2010
10:52 PM
by Gene
![]() The news biz began its death spiral in 1975. In that year the business showed it could usurp democracy by almost unilaterally dictating public policy. That was also the year, more fatefully, that two newsrags ran their cover ads for THE BOSS!!!!! right next door to each other. That said there really wasn't a dime's worth of difference among most news publications. The harder they claimed to compete the more alike they were. And here were Tweedledee and Tweedledum in print. Actually the rot set in the year before, when People started. That very crime against brain cells said the prime motivator for the news biz was advertising -- selling ad pages and selling ads among the ad pages. Combined with its newfound dictatorial powers no wonder the press began to die; it had grown not merely apart from its audience, but superior to it, and with the wherewithal to avoid the scornful's questions. Outfits like Zeitgeist might stand a chance with real talent and fully exercising the notion JonBoy imperfectly expressed of wanting to dazzle the readers with a weekly AHA! moment, but decades of conformity primed by power and advertising ended that hope before it could be born. Indeed we are struck that Poynter's goody-goodies conceded game, set and match by calling The New ECONOWIZ "an uncomfortable mix of the abstruse and glib, mostly an expendable read both in print and online." That is what the whole news biz has become, and barring a sudden surge of Menckens it is doomed to spiral ever downward, whatever its profits or its editors' egos.
5:45 PM
by Gene
1:56 PM
by Gene
Econowiz II didn't work. (Via HENRY HONEST!!!!!)
1:52 PM
by Gene
This means nothing; there's no warm body the likes of corporations can't heat up to.
1:33 PM
by Gene
![]() But for our continued bad mood over the Human Rights Stalwarts of Mountain View playing mind games with our hits we'd have posted yesterday about Ernie Harwell. We listened to some of his broadcasts, and the man had a dignity and authority about him behind the mike -- plus by all accounts he was a truly grand guy. We have forlornly counted all the top-notch baseball announcers no longer with us, and now it is down to Vin, and such is the loss that even he can't stop us from giving a big who cares to that sport of zillionaires and mercenaries called SELIGISM, which like an alien life form took over baseball's ghost of a shadow of itself. But once it was baseball, and once it was folks like Ernie Harwell. How much we have lost.
1:31 PM
by Gene
Monday, May 03, 2010
8:13 PM
by Gene
Awwww, why couldn't they have left together?
8:11 PM
by Gene
Why am I thinking they haven't grown too touchy-feely since? (Sorry for the NewsMAX!!!!!)
7:53 PM
by Gene
![]() Ladies and gentlemen, Space Rocket X2050, which took off three weeks ago from its specially-built launch pad in Michigan... ![]() ...has just landed in Austria....
7:49 PM
by Gene
This calls for a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING! LENOGATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you going to DO about it, ALBRITTON?!?!? Hey, he recycles jokes, they recycle laws.
10:43 AM
by Gene
10:38 AM
by Gene