Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Monday, November 30, 2009
9:32 PM
by Gene
BusinessWeek brings on Charlie Rose as columnist Who can slobber more: Charlie or ER?
1:54 PM
by Gene
The latest fad in the publishing biz is to hope for zillionaires to run "quality" boutique imprints. This is but another showy false front for what it really wants: All The Lord Goddess Oprah All the Time, pulling her daily malevolent stunts, selling out of every last piece of garbage she can tout in the name of some vague PC notion of self-improvement. The book biz has become the magazine biz in hard cover, churning out the fad of the day when not producing books for no audience, and the people running it are but slightly more reserved versions of the thumb-in-the-eye jackasses who've ruined show-biz. Sorry, MAX PERKINS DIED 61 YEARS AGO. (62 now.) We don't want to show off our past posts (and many aren't worth showing off) but if Mike is such a whiz kid why didn't he learn about junk books sooner -- when most of us did?
11:56 AM
by Gene
Sunday, November 29, 2009
10:15 PM
by Gene
![]() Speaking of criminals, part of us regrets we not leading a busier life, but Benjamin Doctor (!) has taken it to extremes -- 134 arrests in 30 years. Really the guy looks as if he wants to wave at the camera! Only in Noo Yawk. We especially like the story of Terhan Bey, who in two separate incidents in three weeks at two chain drug stores pilfered "$104.52 worth of soap, body spray, deodorant and a can of almonds" plus "three cases of energy drinks" -- hey guy, who needs energy drinks with your rap sheet? Or do they go well with almonds? And don't they give you soap in jail? Face it, without career criminals a lot of Noo Yawkers would be out of work. And since Honorary Mayor Mike's name pops up here we wonder -- Mike, what is the economic benefit of petty crime? Maybe that's why they can't keep 'em locked up. We wish we were kidding. We're not.
10:13 PM
by Gene
Yeah, get over it guys -- DOW at 15,000 -- 20,000 -- SKY'S THE LIMIT! But if the economy improves....
6:50 PM
by Gene
Further hint: It's the ac-TOR who won awards for her role in a nudie flick about the Holocaust. Pffffffffffft!
5:57 PM
by Gene
1. The Future of TV -------------------------------- We'll be Ordering Up Our Own Video, Ads and Products on a Web Convergence Device. But Who Will Reap the Revenue? No one, we hope! 2. Can Europe Rescue Media Biz, And If So, Can the U.S. Do So, Too? Okay everybody! Sing along with me! A-ONE and a-TWO and a.... 3. Some store chains are ditching brands. Okay, free-enterprise believers, how much more do we pay for the lack of competition? Oh, it's because the suppliers are taking more profits than the chains. Well you know the old saw, "To the victors".... But why must we customers be the vanquished? 4. Another mighty moment in the public-relations biz: [T]he PR push has come off as another attempt of trying to convince outraged fans of why the BCS is right and they're wrong. But isn't that the whole point of PR? And would anyone who wants to listen to the public have hired ARI FLEISCHER? Nothing on you-know-who. He's safe.
5:02 PM
by Gene
Even though we understand why the culture at large forces it, why must anyone apologize for wanting to be a priest?
4:49 PM
by Gene
"The memoir boom," [Ben Yagoda] writes, "for all its sins, has been a net plus for the cause of writing. Under its auspices, voices and stories have emerged that, otherwise, would have been dull impersonal nonfiction tomes or forgettable autobiographical novels, or wouldn't have been expressed at all." Alas, it is here that I part company with this otherwise exemplary book. What the memoir boom has in fact given us is too many dull or forgettable memoirs, precious few of which have enriched our literature but most of which have simply encouraged the narcissism of their authors. Thank you, your departing Goddess Oprah!
4:33 PM
by Gene
And I believe -- that R. H. Macy was born in a manger, and that he gave us 50 percent off for our sins. There Martine, if you can believe in anything, so can I. This is precisely what I have in mind when I say Corporate America doesn't give two cents for its rep; it lets EVPS spout the first platitude in their heads, and that's its wisdom. I'm sure Macy's Inc. is a proud sponsor of...oh, never mind. Let's try it again: I believe -- David Letterman was born in a manger, and he died and died again telling his Top-Ten jokes so Macy's could bring tidings of joy to its profits. I am in a rotten mood right now. P. S. This is off a highly partisan site, and it's from June, but I can't say I'm surprised.
4:23 PM
by Gene
I wonder -- will Top-Ten have a LIST for this joke? THE POT.... P. S. at 4:43 p. m. Someone already thought of that. T'ain't funny, McGee.
3:02 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: A psycho who has the right to live on the street, or at least the right to be a psycho, and who somehow acquired a gun. Will someone please tell me why His Omnipotences and like experts think such nutcases should be totally immune from the law or social workers or anybody? (Via CNN)
10:42 AM
by Gene
10:33 AM
by Gene
Staff members for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Democratic majority prepared the report.... TRANSLATION: Dubya is still president. Although limited to a review of military operations eight years old.... TRANSLATION: This is definitely a press release. Saturday, November 28, 2009
5:39 PM
by Gene
![]() Al Alberts led The Four Aces, a Philly "neighborhood" close-harmony group that made the big time singing mostly big sentimental ballads (and as the pop-cult know-it-all Will Friedwald insists, flat). But then came the doowop they led in and the rock 'n' roll juggernaut, and they were finished -- but not Al; for several decades he emceed a local talent show called Al Alberts Showcase, introducing Teddy Pendergrass and Andrea McArdle (the original Annie, now known only in Branson East's precincts), and thousands and thousands of young flat singers, and young female dance groups in too-tight tutus -- seeing them was truly an education -- and those beaming parents, ready to say "You were wonderful!" as though on some intergalactic cue; and above and beyond all the Teenieboppers, the three-year-olds dressed in formal wear as though bound and gagged, telling him stupid jokes mostly in a heavy grimace, as though they knew better, but not Al. For me the show became as watchable as C-SPAN; but his very loyal fans could count on his tunes and his heavy-duty toupee until his retirement eight years ago. As a ghetto with social pretensions our city can't turn out the talent that can make life livable any more, and this as much as the show-biz' ossification has made future Al Albertses impossible. One could celebrate it; it is far worthier to regret it.
1:58 PM
by Gene
Who asked you? A version of this article also appears in this week's issue of Newsweek. [Link added] AS IN: The New York Times recently quoted Mark Zandi, who was one of candidate John McCain's economic advisers.... [ version] The New York Times recently quotedeconomist [SIC!] Mark Zandi, who advised candidate John McCain (and who now offers guidance to the Democrats).... [ZEITGEIST version] At what point does KAPLAN, INC. merge its three duplicative Web sites into two -- or one? DOWN WITH KAPLAN, INC.!
1:37 PM
by Gene
1:33 PM
by Gene
1:07 PM
by Gene
WHY ARE POP CHRISTMAS SONGS INTOLERABLE? The standard explanations won't do -- that the Christmas season's one long shopping spree, and the platitudes of the songs are the platitudes of corrupt businessmen; that they're overexposed and inescapable, especially now with FOREGROUND MUZAK. Certainly the notion of America enveloped in DOOM and GLOOM and ENNUI won't do; Tom Lehrer and Stan Freberg wrote their very sour takes on Christmas in the late fifties, before our favorite assassination. No, the best explanation is that the songs are FLAT-OUT BAD. Christ was born to provide fodder for Lawrence Welk. Consider that none of the truly top Broadway songwriters ever wrote a hit Christmas tune -- save Irving Berlin; the holiday perfectly fit a lyrical style that at its worst echoes a rhyming dictionary ("Where the treetops glisten,/And children listen,/Stand beside her,/And guide her," etc., etc., etc.). The songs also brought out the most crass in the record industry as it entered its fat years in the fifties, a time when Mitch Miller thought it cute to have Ol' Blue sing a duet with a dog. You can't think of Meredith Willson's utterly corny "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" without the cute pizzicato strings and the cute flutes and the cute xylophone and Johnny Mathis with a two-second reverb and a clothespin on his larynx. (When Willson wrote his Christmas musical Here's Love twelve years later his depleted inspiration made him re-use it, proof that the holiday does not bring out the best in musicians.) Even the very few good Christmas tunes suffer from guilt by association. Arthur Fiedler turned Leroy Anderson's "Sleigh Ride" into an exciting, bracing mini-tone poem, but everywhere else Mitchell Parish's lyrics kick in, with their fakery of farmers and pumpkin pie and Currier and Ives, and it's back to the land of hack arrangements by Ralph Carmichael and the ooohing and aaahing of the angelic chorus. "The Christmas Song" (not great, but pretty good) marks the beginning of Nat "King" Cole's transformation from a jazzman of the first rank to an automatic molasses dispenser. Elvis, who frequently performed bad songs at half-mast, was the perfect pop Christmas singer, oozing the drivel out like a particularly unctuous undertaker soothing a dead body's relative, or a relative's dead body. And let us not forget the KIDDIE TUNES written for television though it didn't yet exist, sound-alike songs like "Frosty the Snowman" (you can hear the songwriters cutting a deal on the tune) and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," whose title character originated at a now-defunct department-store chain (Montgomery Ward). One of the great mysteries of popular music is how Haven Gillespie and J. Fred Coots survived a piece of junk like "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" to write the immortal "You Go To My Head"; by rights their next tune should have been written by Bob Merrill. (Look up the tune in ASCAP's ACE directory and you find a veritable army of the tiresome acts that buried it: the Ames Brothers, Brenda Lee, Ray Conniff, Liberace, Guy Lombardo, the Mills Brothers -- and yes, I include Bruce.) While it is true that familiarity breeds contempt, the contempt starts early when those familiar notes in your brain are so contemptible. P. S. There are exceptions: something like "The Chipmunks' Christmas Song" is cheesy, but nostalgic fun. And I have a weakness for Sing Along's seminal renditions (can I type for or what?) as The Gang knew perfectly just how corny it was, and didn't try to escape it. But when ACTS must add MELISMAS to the "traditional" songs they ensure they're unlistenable too. P. P. S. I wasn't quite right about "the top Broadway songwriters"; I should have mentioned the superb Jule Styne, who alas with the equally superb Sammy Cahn wrote two top $MA$ nuisances, but the first came before Styne went to Broadway, and the second went to Ol' Blue, with no thought of it being a nuisance.
10:38 AM
by Gene
P. S. Of course it's possible this is but as manifestation of the kind of glorified blackmail to which the rich and famous are prone, and possibly TGM is innocent. But people have professed to be "shocked" too often about our superiors, who are frequently as superior as the things that crawl under rocks. Even if this is just a baseless rumor that got too well circulated it's hard to work up sympathy for the victim as our superiors have lots of things we peons don't. How many people go to and need a shower afterwards? It was one thing when it broke WACKO'S death, but too often it's -- another.
10:37 AM
by Gene
10:32 AM
by Gene
![]() Wait a second, MB2, if your fellow Richie Riches are busy buying presents for Christmas where poor people aren't, doesn't that mean TRICKLE-DOWN, which boosts the economy, which -- Oh, never mind. Friday, November 27, 2009
11:49 AM
by Gene
11:43 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: It's official: THE GREATEST ACTOR TURNED DIRECTOR EVER does NOT make movies for the public. Bottom Line: A temperate, evenhanded perhaps overly timid film about an intemperate time in South Africa. TRANSLATION: And how many of his other masterworks are overrated?
11:22 AM
by Gene
10:33 AM
by Gene
Iran tells 25 countries to go mothball themselves.
12:33 AM
by Gene
Ah, the best-laid plans of mice and AD COPYWRITERS.... Thursday, November 26, 2009
7:52 PM
by Gene
![]() You can sex it up with starchitects and sprinkle on some perfume and dress it in a diamond bracelet, but public housing will always look like public housing.
7:27 PM
by Gene
![]() And today is November 27, on both coasts. How apt. ![]() And will you knock it off, Einsteins?
6:50 PM
by Gene
Iran seizes Nobel peace prize winner's medal To use the worn out Web cliché, nothing to see here.
6:38 PM
by Gene
And another thing, Mike: Whoever designed your site probably knows as much of good usable design as SLIME. As in -- try scrolling down for older stories. Maybe your computer won't seize up. Mine does. "Adjusting" the settings does no good. And this time from the Merry Morons of Mountain View: ![]() Oh, shut up.
2:50 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)
1:58 PM
by Gene
1:40 PM
by Gene
11:06 AM
by Gene
Count on the world capital of bad architecture and unneeded developments to throw the world economy for a loop.
11:04 AM
by Gene
We celebrate NATIONAL AIRPLANE CRAMMING, TURKEY GORGING, FOOTBALL GAZING AND BANGING DOWN THE STORES' DOORS AT THE STROKE OF MIDNIGHT DAY because 144 years ago some president issued a proclamation. That we haven't the foggiest idea why a president would issue such a proclamation makes it easier to gorge on the turkey and camp out at Wal-Mart. Indeed if we had the least idea why a certain president issued this proclamation we might not see this day as just another justification for mindless spending and family arguments. We can so easily forget our great traditions' antecedents because they mean virtually nothing to us. Christmas ceased to have a connection with anything religious decades ago, and the similar justification to this day -- some folks in funny clothes with funny guns colliding with a rock someplace -- would seem laughable except it had something to do with us becoming the Superman of nations. Inevitably we would forget past struggles; The "Good" War was so increasingly long ago it may have happened on another planet. But we're so blind to the past now that when it comes history's time to repeat itself we'll just do as Dubya does, flail, make a platitude, and hope the people mindlessly spending can save us. We could do worse than humble ourselves to God, as Lincoln did, and hope He is still prepared to save our nation, as unworthy as we've more often become of it. Our only updates would be to substitute "146" for "144", "His Omnipotence" for "Dubya", and "the government" for "the people". P. S. at 7:50 p. m. We just scanned your listicle, Hank. 1. It's stupid. 2. Why does the URL say "15-reasons" when you only list 12? Or was your intern bored too?
10:57 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
4:32 PM
by Gene
12:04 PM
by Gene
Remarkably, the broadcast offered not a single international story. Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, China, the world economy—all took a back seat to Oprah, Twilight, Tim Russert, Santa, and Zoo TV. The broadcast seemed almost a Saturday Night Live parody. Sadly, this is what the network news in America has become: parochial, sentimental, self-absorbed. We deserve better. Well, if Brian's doing SNL parodies he's learned from the SOURCE. And isn't 30 Rock the GREATEST SITCOM EVER?
10:29 AM
by Gene
(Via MICHAEL, who would be very fascinated) Tuesday, November 24, 2009
9:17 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal)
11:21 AM
by Gene
This is but a new take on EDUCATIONANDHEALTHCARE, it means burning more tax dollars, and it won't prevent our cities' vast wastelands from getting vaster. When will the RENDELLISTS learn -- you can't replace the working class with self-proclaimed EGGHEADS! Seoul's Digital Media City is one of the most grandiose efforts at nurturing a creative community. Today the new district along the Han River doesn't yet look much like other Asian boomtowns. It consists of only a few dozen modern offices housing 230 companies and apartment towers lining broad avenues. Over time, Seoul officials envision Digital Media City swelling into a Hollywood of sorts for everything from cultural programming to electronic games and interactive workplace software. Already, for instance, creators of experimental video can project their digital images onto four huge screens on building exteriors. "120,000 workers and 2,000 companies by 2015" making VIDEOS?!?!?
10:31 AM
by Gene
Its centerpiece resort is 61-story Aria (so named because arias are focal points in operas).... Honest, GanNETtoids, we wouldn't know these things without you! ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO KITTY BEAN!
10:04 AM
by Gene
You sure, Your Omnipotence? Don't do too much nail-biting or you won't have any fingers.
9:53 AM
by Gene
Monday, November 23, 2009
11:42 PM
by Gene
Royko? Where's MENCK?
10:51 PM
by Gene
In a way the Os-CARS® are worse because where soccer can at least claim millions of devoted tire burners whose thuggery is understandable that precious award show instead has the kind of overly devoted minuscule self-loving claque that follows musicals, but that tends to congregate where too many people can notice (i.e., the pop-cult precincts of the Web), and in a way that tests one's patience far more than rioting (i.e., their silly whiny ironic sarcasm, the stock of the pop-cult trade). The Os-CARS® and musicals underline what's wrong with our culture: while musicals were once highly popular, and the Os-CARS®, for all their faults, tried once to honor films that were genuinely good and popular, now both are mere platforms for a certain kind of upscale fan preening. Really, who cares about the new musical director? or what went on at a SAG screening? They will deny it but these devotees have lots in common with the NASCAR® fans with their shrines for Number 3, or the Crimson Tide fans who paint their homes red, only -- and this is where they're worse -- they celebrate AHT. In short, they're Rocco Landesman, and they're proud of it. We can laugh at the soccer maniacs and the Os-CAR® maniacs, but with both, a screw is loose. (NYT link via Marty)
5:59 PM
by Gene
Why not some SECOND STIMULUS money? BwahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
5:57 PM
by Gene
Evidently Very Littler is thinking. He can think?
11:19 AM
by Gene
11:13 AM
by Gene
This is not an if, this is a when; and "leaders" like His Omnipotence will help get it ratified with their good intentions. (Via Jeffrey Goldberg)
11:02 AM
by Gene
It's a shame. Once Amazon was an author's best friend: Now, it's an enterprise that undercuts a writer's sales almost instantly by offering second-hand copies along with new ones, and allows an army of trolls to attack, apparently completely unmoderated. We're sympathetic on the trolls -- although we haven't found too many in our experience, and we've perused thousands of items. But try getting a company as huge as to employ moderators. And as to the first point -- aren't you conservatives all for the genius of the marketplace?
10:54 AM
by Gene
One hates to take such things seriously when the motto of our age is "Any publicity is good publicity." It is a shame though that SUMNER had nothing to do with this ad because we'd have learned who sponsored it.
10:30 AM
by Gene
Needless to say the licensing king Bye Bye Birdie is doing well on Branson East despite rotten reviews -- and it has a decent score.
10:03 AM
by Gene
Partial correction at 3:15 p. m. Northeastern was in the Football Championship Subdivision (the former Division I-AA -- now that's a mouthful), which has a playoff, but as unlikely teams like Rutgers and Temple show, one can dream the dreams -- of playing in the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl or the Meineke Car Care Bowl.
9:37 AM
by Gene
Didn't Jesus say something about money changers? The only thing Wall Street is missing is a golden calf. It already has its bull. How apt this nonsense appears on a day a Fed high-mucky-muck tells the dealers a soothing fairy tale, and puts the SECOND MASSACRE RALLY back on track.
9:02 AM
by Gene
And who in his right mind believes we can go on bequeathing ourselves big boxes of benefit candy without a long-term stomach ache?
8:31 AM
by Gene
12:03 AM
by Gene
Sunday, November 22, 2009
11:50 PM
by Gene
11:41 PM
by Gene
And why can't we have a movie with a real Sophia Loren instead of one of WOODSTER THE PERV's girlfriends?
11:40 PM
by Gene
8:03 PM
by Gene
The attorney general says, fine with m...they'll be sentenced to...they'll be SENTENCED!
11:39 AM
by Gene
10:49 AM
by Gene
![]() Okay SUPERNIKKI!!!!!!!!!!, SHARON!!!!!!!!!!, PAUL DRECK!!!!!!!!!!, DAVID "NON" GERMAIN!!!!!!!!!!, why is this GOOD NEWS? We've had outbreaks of screaming meemies before; we dismiss that. But we know in the movee excretion biz you have to spend money to make money -- so much of it you can't make money. How much did your beloved Summit spend on MARKETING? (The money the movee excreters have saved on prints is no doubt going to MORE MARKETING.) You've mentioned THE GREATEST COMIC BOOK FILM EVER -- how much money did that make PEOPLE WARNER? That didn't prevent its stock from pancaking, or the idiot MR. BEWKES from waving his arms frantically and spinning off half the company. You've also mentioned QUANTUM OF CALCULUS, or whatever the name of that movee was. Remember? That made umpteen gazillions -- and now UNITED ARTISTS faces bankruptcy, and the morons who hold its debt (sorry to cite SUPERNIKKI!!!!!!!!!! again) may not get half their money back. A lot of good that did. Or you may be thinking of You Wanna Be a Terrorist? That's sold umpteen gazillion copies -- and the videogame biz is still in free-fall. We can hear you in sycophantic unison: look at all the people who came out for this. We note -- and we suspect not for the first time -- that movee attendance has been virtually flat since 1960, and without your typical self-serving spin you know what that means -- in per-capita terms it's SHARPLY DECLINED. Now PAUL DRECK!!!!!!!!!!, we know you've been rehearsing that $10 BILLION!!!!!!!!!! gag for several years, but the B. O. would not have gotten there without inflation -- or this year without 3D SURCHARGES. We'd wager attendance is AT BEST FLAT. And to top it off, everyone who is not a teenage girl agrees your record-setter is a great big piece of bovine leavings. I want a long loud chorus, folks -- why is this GOOD NEWS? Saturday, November 21, 2009
1:28 PM
by Gene
12:11 PM
by Gene
12:09 PM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
Friday, November 20, 2009
5:13 PM
by Gene
Poynter's Times Publishing Co. sells Governing to company big on Scientology And of course the evidence comes at the tag end, as we'd suspect with Romy's righteous employer. Happily Scientology is one of those topics we hacks can ignore almost as successfully as DOJ recusals.
5:10 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual conservative sites, meaning another nifty excuse to ignore important news)
1:45 PM
by Gene
12:06 PM
by Gene
Thankfully plenty of people can still tell fantasies and fairy tales.
9:12 AM
by Gene
What prevents GE BANCORP from an outright spinoff except Very Littler Jeffy's vanity? (Via Seeking Alpha)
8:56 AM
by Gene
Still, who could help McCain beat back a populist conservative challenger? Sarah Palin. Uh Bill, leaving aide other things, isn't -- wasn't -- the guy a moderate?
8:34 AM
by Gene
With each passing day I grow a little more sensitive to how so many hacks waste my time. The moment I spent clicking on a link and getting agitated I could have used more productively. My only consolation is that I reminded myself I stopped trusting BS about fifteen months ago. P. S. on 11/21/2009 at 11:10 a. m. And of COURSE most of the shows she praises are the same old hacks' favorites, shows with small audiences, shows for the with-it, which further proves she can't think without mulling in a crowd and definitely can't be trusted. (Via MIKE, proof too many at NRO are looking for work) Thursday, November 19, 2009
11:11 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: No, our long, slavish "interview" proves we didn't SERIOUSLY mean that question mark. ![]() A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO GINA AND LALA'S OTHER MOVEE TOADIES!
7:44 PM
by Gene
Piano-pop titans Elton John and Billy Joel have postponed their "Face 2 Face" concert at the Pepsi Center on Sunday until Feb. 22, promoter AEG Live announced today.... The postponement should come as no surprise to fans who have watched the tour's troubled-plagued progress the last few months. (Emphasis added) We could say something, but won't.
7:20 PM
by Gene
Who will be the guest on the last show? ONE guess. A FIRST-PERSON guess. (Via HENRY HONEST)
5:30 PM
by Gene
5:28 PM
by Gene
5:20 PM
by Gene
DOW 15,...well, maybe tomorrow, despite the speed bump for the SECOND MASSACRE RALLY. "The mix of our business is 80% commercial," Gladden said. "But the areas of the most growth are coming from consumer [sales]. And we are losing share in the aggregate." Dell said its total unit shipments were down 5% from a year ago. Consumer sales totaled $2.8 billion, a 10% decline from a year ago even though consumer shipments rose 17%. Large enterprise revenue fell 23% from a year ago to $3.4 billion and small-and-medium business sales totaled $3 billon, down 19% from the same period last year. Revenue from desktop PCs slid by 26% compared to year-ago quarter, while notebook and mobility-product sales were down 14% and revenue from servers and networking equipment fell by 6% from a year ago. ![]() I'm telling you, all the signs are UP!
5:15 PM
by Gene
"Long on biography, short on visible achievements." "A series of unfortunate events." The winner of the Dynamite Memorial Good Intentions Prize of 2009!
12:11 PM
by Gene
Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann are brothers. [Emphasis added] (Via RAMESH)
11:40 AM
by Gene
![]() ...a new quonset hut in Rotterdam! No wait, we got it: A PLATFORM HORSESHOE!
11:20 AM
by Gene
10:58 AM
by Gene
8:52 AM
by Gene
But then what would one expect for a fillum that shares a name with a Sigmund Romberg musical from 1928? P. S. We know, it's rated R -- PG-13, but heck we also know how screwy grandmas can put on short-shorts to impress the younguns, and the movee excretion biz is a very old screwy grandma. Wednesday, November 18, 2009
6:38 PM
by Gene
And who wants to bet she'll do favors for her husband once appointed to the Senate -- albeit under the table, like so many others?
5:55 PM
by Gene
We would add (and here's something JonBoy would appreciate as a foot-stomping partisan) that getting talked about may not be a good thing. Look at SARAH!!!!!'s family.
3:34 PM
by Gene
Yes, we've seen the Dilbert cartoon where "Dogbert The CEO" says his plan for entering the news business is to "summarize stories from other sites and provide" links, and hero Dilbert asks "So…we'll be parasites?" Ha. Fortunately, has an "embed" option, so we don't even have to summarize the thing and can just paste it here.... So you can stop sending it to us in the tips box or linking to it from the comments now!
3:14 PM
by Gene
10:09 AM
by Gene
I repeat something I've said before: most news stories can fit in a graf, or even a sentence. Longer is when the problems begin, and one problem is hyperventilation. I don't need to know this story. There are others I might need to know, that I won't know, because news hacks are satisfying their prejudices, and their synergies. (Via
9:29 AM
by Gene
We base it on this ad. What's the difference between such an ad and a real ad except the one isn't nominally paid for? There is none -- which makes slogging through unpaid ads ever more an exasperation. Why do so many hacks think they MUST write down to us to get ahead? And why are such writers the last to get fired? There's next to nothing in these days. Heck there isn't even a John Heilpern ready to do HARVEY WHINER's bidding. We wonder why we must frequent it.
8:57 AM
by Gene
![]() Golly Broccoli, you kicking yourself for not having used Pat Robertson in the campaign?
1:16 AM
by Gene
12:50 AM
by Gene
12:37 AM
by Gene
"Grey's Anatomy" star Eric Dane has joined "Burlesque," Screen Gems' musical drama which stars Christina Aguilera and Cher. "Burlesque" centers on the journey of an ambitious small-town girl (Aguilera) with a big-town voice who finds love and success in a Los Angeles neo-burlesque club, reminiscent of the nightclub in Bob Fosse's "Cabaret." But definitely not reminiscent of a 1929 film called The Dance of Life -- based on a hit 1927 Broadway melodrama called Burlesque. The more things stay the same.... Dane is playing the role of a charming, highly successful businessman who offers to buy out of the burlesque club from Cher and vies for Aguilera's heart. OLDER. Note: That play was Barbara Stanwyck's first starring role. Cherilyn Sarkasian is 62. NUF SAID.
12:34 AM
by Gene
I'm surprised some GEKKO KUDLOW hasn't lauded Ponzis as proof of a booming economy. It's still booming, all right -- with Ponzis.
12:18 AM
by Gene
The scientists had previously simulated 40 percent of a mouse's brain in 2006, a rat's full brain in 2007, and 1 percent of a human's cerebral cortex this year, using progressively bigger supercomputers. The latest feat, being presented at a supercomputing conference in Portland, Ore., doesn't mean the computer thinks like a cat, or that it is the progenitor of a race of robo-cats. Oh come on ASSPress, that's precisely what it means: first robo-cats, then robo-dogs, then robo-monkeys, then robo-humans. Things like Moore's Law are mere nuisances. Any company that built a machine that could beat a chess master can build a machine that can beat humans. Tuesday, November 17, 2009
3:14 PM
by Gene
How much do you suppose the Part -- our First-Amendment Defenders will tell us about this? As to any notion of a connection to the Mob -- isn't our Free Press already connected to a small-m mob?
2:59 PM
by Gene
![]() I think even SARAH!!!!!'s most rabid foes might agree: the NEWS HACKS are channeling the old PRAVDA.
2:40 PM
by Gene
12:09 PM
by Gene
(Via SUPERADAM!!!!!, who insists there is one)
11:16 AM
by Gene
(Via MediaBistro)
11:14 AM
by Gene
Miami-Dade commissioners' trade trips ring up $217K tab -- and no results
10:56 AM
by Gene
This must have been a tough decision, he having rapidly established himself as one of America's greatest BIGMEDIA boosters. Do show-biz puff pieces and business news have anything in common? (Aside from business-news puff pieces, that is.) We'll miss your SYNERGY, ER -- unless Bloomy decides to buy PEOPLE WARNER. Then again, that may not be necessary with Norman "Pearls Before Swine" Pearlstine working there. (Via the usual Romy)
10:48 AM
by Gene
9:34 AM
by Gene
Monday, November 16, 2009
9:47 PM
by Gene
9:28 PM
by Gene
GEKKO KUDLOW! Why in God's name haven't YOU said anything about TRICKLE-DOWN!
9:20 PM
by Gene
Beantown just doesn't seem to want to live this down.
9:18 PM
by Gene
9:12 PM
by Gene
And Prexy (so the URL calls him) says "we're running out of time," meaning there's more where that came from. Cut the comedy folks -- you've haven't done anything since we first heard, and you'll never do anything.
11:03 AM
by Gene
Like, yeah, sure.
11:00 AM
by Gene
(Via an ASSPress story on
9:22 AM
by Gene
A very populist farewell. CNN 'wanted him out' Not the only ones. Dobbs is set to give his first TV interview since then to Fox News' Bill O'Reilly tonight, leading to speculation that he may be headed there. But TV insiders said such a move is highly unlikely. True: FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News already has hundreds of prima-donnas. Talk about a possible political career -- possibly as candidate for the Senate from New Jersey in 2012 -- is also probably overblown, friends said. "He couldn't stand the scrutiny," said one colleague. We couldn't stand him. (Via MediaBistro)
9:09 AM
by Gene
![]() This was unintentional, wasn't it? Sunday, November 15, 2009
4:47 PM
by Gene
Genentech, a subsidiary of the Swiss drug giant Roche, estimates that 42 House members picked up some of its talking points — 22 Republicans and 20 Democrats, an unusual bipartisan coup for lobbyists. It's official: Congress is a whorehouse. In an interview, Representative Bill Pascrell Jr., Democrat of New Jersey, said: “I regret that the language was the same. I did not know it was.” Sure Mac, that's what they all say. (Via Cheat Sheet)
3:02 PM
by Gene
He might get mean again when he sees how the ASSPress misspelled his name (but not in the accompanying promo, thankfully). Maybe we could turn eleven JERNALISTS loose to investigate this, huh CURLEY?
2:44 PM
by Gene
1. P&G, Walmart, Unilever, General Mills Are Major Marketers on a Mission A mission to sell more overpriced goods-- on more JUNK TELEVISION! Oh wait -- they're using mission statements! Pffffffffffffffffffffffft!!!!! 2. Moving junk television from its once hugely profitable infrastructure to FACEBOOK!!!!! and TWITTER!!!!! can only help our national morale. 3. In the last decade, BBDO produced an estimated 35,000 ads, which comes to 3,500 a year, 70 a week or 10 a day, including weekends. At its height, more than 2,000 people worked there. What good did all the busy-busy do Chrysler? What good did those "1,000 industry awards" do? Could Nomotown have reached this abyss because it relied on advertising too much?
2:02 PM
by Gene
Hold your tongue! (Via Jennifer, who didn't notice either)
1:45 PM
by Gene
1:33 PM
by Gene
And what did the PM tell His Omnipotence? And how did His Omnipotence respond? We can guess: "Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, MYANMAR has VAST energy resources, and we want to help you develop them", remembering to get off the chair and bow when he said that. Oh and don't forget, Your Omnipotence, it's "MeeYAHNmar."
1:28 PM
by Gene
Well, vice-president, maybe.
11:21 AM
by Gene
So when a copyright expert (to quote Forbeslist) says that "piracy is not responsible for the failings of the film and music industries...[i]t's that they fail to give customers what they want", can we doubt this, even though it is truer than most people who professionally excuse our culture want it to be? And speaking of excuses, a hand to Forbeslist for devoting part of its ever withering resources to an earth-shattering topic like the rebirth of John 3:16. And give yourselves a hand too!
10:58 AM
by Gene
1. We thought little of that project to bring a big movee studio to Plymouth. At best it was government money wasted; at worst it was lying. It seems to have been largely the latter. 2. We see too that the Miami Beach's celebrated Fontainebleau is near bankruptcy. We remember the PR over its renovation. There was another case of showing off, and no money. 3. Michigan can't account for His Omnipotence's stimulus dough. Can anybody?
10:49 AM
by Gene
We wonder. We'd guess most Catholics who vote Democratic are either the secularized type or the see-no-evil type who hold their noses in the voting booth, who may be more faithfully Democratic than Catholic. And we wonder how much abortion can mean in a church as thoroughly dumbed-down as American Catholicism. This isn't the age of James Michael Curley anymore.