Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Friday, April 30, 2010
11:26 PM
by Gene
And somehow we're not surprised BP was involved, and what with this and Libya (not to mention the Texas City explosion, which comes to the fore now) it has a monopoly on ignominy.
11:23 PM
by Gene
You annoy me by suggesting anyone on late-night is funny.
11:11 PM
by Gene
(Second link via Paid Content) Wednesday, April 28, 2010
3:12 PM
by Gene
“I think everyone either looks like a drag queen or a stripper,” said Marcia Shulman, who oversees casting for Fox’s scripted shows.
2:54 PM
by Gene
9:18 AM
by Gene
9:17 AM
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9:15 AM
by Gene
Monday, April 26, 2010
6:22 PM
by Gene
Three years ago, suffering from an abscessed tooth and a brief state of enforced idleness, I tried reducing blogging to an irreducible minimum: It annoys me to think how many of my posts fall into so many puny [I should have said "so few"] categories: 1. Stupid liberal demagogue says something stupid, hypocritical or dishonest about a conservative; 2. Stupid conservative demagogue says something stupid, hypocritical or dishonest about a liberal; 3. Stupid conservative and liberal sling simultaneous invective, the verbal slime besmirching parties other than those intended; 4. Stupid liberal reveres fellow stupid liberal for saying something stupid. 5. Stupid conservative reveres fellow stupid conservative for saying something stupid. 6. Stupid liberal and stupid conservative mutually revere someone for saying something stupid. (Rare, although think of the comedy team of Slick and Papa or History's Greatest Comic Novelist and you'll get the idea.) 7. Stupid news hack demonstrates he cannot write a sentence without emasculating the language or inserting his egregious prejudices; 8. Government does something idiotic; 9. Business does something idiotic; 10. Another show biz blowhard earns thousands of times his weight in unjustified publicity. In short, "Blogging is words and prejudices bound in a digital corset." Three years have tightened it. Inevitably you not only repeat yourself, you repeat that you repeat that you repeat yourself. Even though most of my recent hits had come from lechers looking for PR0N at least I got some. I'm tired of writing for nothing, and for nobody, and of writing repeatedly for no effect but my own boredom, and while I suppose I will post again soon, I no longer feel the automatic obligation to say what I've said before. Friday, April 23, 2010
6:14 PM
by Gene
Thursday, April 22, 2010
2:30 PM
by Gene
In short, what is worse than THE WALL STREET CASINO?
11:00 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
6:09 PM
by Gene
DOW 2,000,000,000!!!!! Fitch: U.S. CMBS [Commercial mortgage-backed security] Loan Defaults to Exceed 11% by End of 2010 DOW 3,000,000,000!!!!! (Second link via Calculated Risk story)
5:36 PM
by Gene
What grates us about Chuck and Tom...TASTIC! is they both make low-six-digits typing filler. You should both be grateful THE NEWS BIZ HAS FULLY RECOVERED, lest you join the thousands who did NOT deserve to lose THEIR jobs. P. S. This pile of BULLHOCKEY has attracted 211 MOSTLY SCATHING COMMENTS, proof to BROCCOLI and Tom...TASTIC! they're grrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!
5:27 PM
by Gene
Moreover it's a measure of CARLOS THE JACKASS's well-heeled minions that they consider calling Dubya an idiot cutting-edge. Sorry, your knifes lost their sharpness a long time ago. (Corrected at 6:50 p. m. I called him "Chris." Pffffffffffffft!
1:37 PM
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by Gene
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8:45 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
5:51 PM
by Gene
DOW 1,000,000,000!!!!!
5:31 PM
by Gene
![]() Who says Vietnam couldn't look like a high-rose office park in Anytown, USA?
5:27 PM
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by Gene
5:16 PM
by Gene
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by Gene
5:10 PM
by Gene
We hate to say it but doesn't that go with the circus?
5:09 PM
by Gene
P. S. Somebody named Ernst who's looking to appear on the BIG C: "THEY BEAT EARNINGS BY $1—SO HOW CAN ANYONE SAY THEY ARE HIGHLY VALUED????? I WOULD ARGUE THAT THE STOCK IS INEXPENSIVE ON A GROWTH METRIC!!!!!!!!!!" (Vastly undervalued overemphasis added) TRANSLATION: For Stevedom it's 1998 all over again.
5:06 PM
by Gene
Sunday, April 18, 2010
6:16 PM
by Gene
1. Earth Day Is 4O [SIC!] Years Old. What Headway Have We Made? Headway enough so MULTINATIONALS can commit treason in a politically correct way. 2. Believe us, CRAINIACS, your industry friends don't have to save the earth to blame the customer. 3. MARKETERS are bringing ads to online bank statements, meaning merely another medium ignored, and another excuse to hike FEES. ![]() 4. Part of the problem, YUM RESTAURANTS, is that so many outlets described your new "sandwich" as EW! YUCK!! GROSS!!! it was highly unlikely that many would seek it out -- and besides, the market does seem to be declining for microscopic chicken wings. 5. TRANSLATION: THE MOST TRUSTED CABLE NEWS NETWORK is doing INFOMERCIALS, no news (that's obvious) to anyone who ever saw the late unlamented Lou Dobbs production PINNACLE, or who ever witnessed its show-biz "news", or LARRY KING.
1:03 PM
by Gene
12:49 PM
by Gene
Saturday, April 17, 2010
6:02 PM
by Gene
DOW UP 1,000 MONDAY!!!!!
1:56 PM
by Gene
1:52 PM
by Gene
(Via the usual AHTSJournal, which is frequently missing something) Friday, April 16, 2010
3:36 PM
by Gene
We would note, however, that HENRY HONEST! was guilty of selling at $15,000 a share, or whatever it was. (Via Seeking Alpha)
3:09 PM
by Gene
We note today Reed Elsevier folded twenty-three biz rags, a few unjustifiably -- and not, alas, including the obsolete Big V. We now wonder why Bloomy had to keep McGraw-Hill from putting BizWeek out of its misery. P. S. This fellow suggests GE BANCORP's soon-to-meet shareholders vote out all but three of its directors, so we can imagine what it's REALLY like.
3:04 PM
by Gene
2:31 PM
by Gene
Between him and NEWT it would be a battle to see which is the heavier heavy.
11:23 AM
by Gene
What a radiant thought, especially in such an awful circumstance.
10:57 AM
by Gene
How can GUVMENT turn against GUVMENT SACHS? And down 9, too -- the true believers of capitalism are taking it hard. P. S. at 11:00 a. m. Now down 18 -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHH!!!!! (Via FinViz)
10:45 AM
by Gene
The remainder are either reality shows, sports or newsmagazines, according to a report put out yesterday by Horizon Media senior vice president of research Brad Adgate, who analyzed Nielsen data. Adgate found that more than a dozen shows have seen viewership fall by more than 20 percent this season, and another 20 have taken a 10 percent to 20 percent hit, including Wednesday's "American Idol." The solution is for advertisers to increase their spending on junk TV by 50 percent! Viewers aren't just tuning in to reality shows in bigger numbers; they're choosing them over scripted alternatives. You mean they're not watching all that BURGEONING GENIUS?!?!?
10:37 AM
by Gene
![]() YOU DID IT, EDDIE!!!!! WE HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!
10:28 AM
by Gene
Why not? Isn't He the Official Singing Tribune of the People for the Democratic Party?
10:23 AM
by Gene
We'll take this as definitive from a man who's done a little PR work himself.
9:35 AM
by Gene
But then you know the old saying: a thousand wrongs make a ...never mind. (Via MediaBistro)
9:34 AM
by Gene
9:24 AM
by Gene
9:02 AM
by Gene
Thursday, April 15, 2010
7:03 PM
by Gene
![]() It's a bird! It's a plane! It's -- COACHELLA!!!!! What is it?!?!? ![]() Actually we don't find this so bad -- but it IS in THE GREATEST ECONOMIC MIRACLE OF ALL TIME, and what are the chances its "400,000 square meters" will be as actively trod as, say, that architectural masterpiece in...BEIJING? ![]() Why can't we have artsy factories in our cities too? ![]() Obviously three-footed aliens have tried breaking into this building.... ![]() A new kind of security fence! ![]() Hiding in Triangles And when gravity occurs the designers had better hope people won't be hiding in triangles. ![]() "Have a Nice Day" ...says Mr. Freeze.
3:05 PM
by Gene
DOW 200,000,000, GEKKO KUDLOW!
12:30 PM
by Gene
And any such corporation founded by a man who is now SAVING THE WORLD has a double obligation. Microsoft said supplier non-compliance with its code of conduct could result in "corrective action plans, remedial training, certification requirements, cessation of further business awards until corrective actions are instituted, and termination of the business relationship". WHATEVER THAT MEANS. (First link via HENRY HONEST!)
8:52 AM
by Gene
8:48 AM
by Gene
DOW 10,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday, April 14, 2010
5:19 PM
by Gene
3:37 PM
by Gene
DOW 1,000,000!!!!!!!!!! 3:32 PM Eurozone combined debt may top 100% of GDP in the next few years, and high public-sector borrowing could have "severe consequences" for growth and stability, ECB's Juergen Stark warns. "These fiscal developments are all the more worrying in view of projected ageing-related spending increases." DOW 2,000,000!!!!!!!!!!
2:22 PM
by Gene
10:50 AM
by Gene
That's important because corporate spending on personal computers has been one of the last parts of the technology world to thaw as companies unlock budgets frozen during the recession. The news boosted Intel shares to a new high for the year. But there's a catch, according to Intel CEO Paul Otellini: Many companies are buying PCs again because it's simply less expensive than hanging on to older machines that need frequent maintenance. He said many customers were buying computers with older Intel chips, which are less profitable for the company than the newer products. "I'm still not going to go out on a limb, and our customers aren't going to go out on a limb, and say there's a corporate refresh snapback cycle," he said. "People are buying things to replace older machines because it's just cheaper." DOW 500,000!!!!!!!!!!
10:07 AM
by Gene
10:00 AM
by Gene
9:59 AM
by Gene
MOGUL'S FRIEND! We thought you said the movies DELIVERED!!!!! Like Domino's? P. S. Pushing on we see he says TV IS BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!, so we can go back to not reading him.
9:36 AM
by Gene
And with the arts prizes we haven't heard of most of the winners as usual except the committee did give an award to a downer musical with a tiny cult following, and it further gave a "citation" to someone who died fifty years ago, evidently unconcerned George Gershwin never got HIS P-Ulitzer. The Board, chaired by Anders Gyllenhaal, executive editor of the Miami Herald, made the award after a confidential survey of experts in popular music. [Expert emphasis added] TRANSLATION: Next year...THE BOSS -- or maybe ARTHUR PENN. P. S. We're not knocking Hank Williams -- he was a great songwriter and singer -- but isn't this a white flag in the face of the recorded...SOUND biz, not to mention masterWUHKS like NEXT TO NORMAL? P. P. S. Mr. McNulty's ticked because The Board ignored "the new guard of American playwriting" -- meaning plays whose audiences you can count on the fingers of no hands. It was fortuitous that Bill Clinton and his family attended "Next to Normal" just prior to its winning the prize. Fortuitous? (Mr. McNulty's diatribe via the usual Romy)
9:33 AM
by Gene
8:48 AM
by Gene
HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTORY marches on! (First link via MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!)
8:26 AM
by Gene
![]() THE LORD GOD SUMNER'S LOGO, which made me think, uh oh, another bad romantic comedy -- and another excuse for EDDIE to boast about all the jobs for waiters and janitors and bellhops he's creating for the 21st-century economy. Which made me think, why do they need all this heavy-lifting and heavy equipment for a flop? Didn't SUMNER boast about how His company disseminated a zillion-dollar-B. O. excretion someone made for $10,000? Why all this expensive nonsense when people only see tentpoles? Oh, I guess there's a market for bad romantic comedies. Well why must it be on my dime -- as I'm sure SUMNERIA isn't paying ONE THIN ONE for fees or taxes, or spending any money on local businesses? Oh. It's because someone thinks he's important. Sunday, April 11, 2010
8:08 PM
by Gene
JonBoy, don't you ever get tired of murdering your readers?
6:01 PM
by Gene
1. We shouldn't mock any effort to win Afghan hearts and minds when what passes for civilization is at stake, but there is something off-putting about our using advertising to do it. We'll always remember MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, and that was a form of advertising. Besides, these ads are in English, a language we doubt many Afghans speak comfortably. As we've said before it is a calamity that we don't have Satchmos and Marian Andersons to woo the people who must be our friends, but our culture stopped turning them out a long time ago, and seems inordinately proud of it. 2. MadAve's culture of hyperbole spreads to HYER LURNING: One academic believes fans of specific shows are more interested in the ads surrounding them. "THERE'S A STRONG LINK BETWEEN INVOLVEMENT WITH PROGRAMMING AND ATTITUDES TOWARD ADVERTISING!!!!!," said Larry DeGaris, an associate professor of marketing at the University of Indianapolis. In a recent national study of 1,121 U.S. adults, Mr. DeGaris found sports fans are about four times more likely to like advertising than non-fans!!!!! Not everyone feels the same way. "Just because it's promoted as an event doesn't mean that it automatically becomes one and we should pay a lot more for it," said Sam Armando, senior VP-director of strategic intelligence at SMGX, part of Publicis Groupe's Starcom MediaVest Group. [STRONG overemphasis added] When a media type is more skeptical of advertising than a perfesser I'd say there are a bit too few high-IQ types on our sedate green campuses. We should be grateful it's tougher than ever to earn tenure. 3. General Mills, proud member of the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers, boosted its media spending (read its financing-junk-television spending) by 33 PERCENT and saw SALES INCREASE THREE PERCENT! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm guessing in Minneapolis they're working nights and weekends creating Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. 4. And sorry, CRAINIACS, despite your somewhat misleading hed ("Is the Party Ending for Private-Label Package Goods?"), some people still believe that buying an expensive brand name may not buy quality. 5. "It's a fascinating, creepy document, and I don't know whether I love it or hate it," said Steffan Postaer, chief creative officer at Euro RSCG, Chicago. "But I do wish I'd made it." And Steffy, despite all those WONDERFUL campaigns how many people STILL think of Nike as a company with an attitude that stokes racial hatreds to sell $1000 sneakers even as it pays its Vietnamese help three cents an hour -- and mistreats the help to boot? No wonder Nike's a hit with you MadAveMen. BE LIKE PHIL!
5:51 PM
by Gene
(Edited 8/25/2011; I mispelled his name "Maroun")
5:45 PM
by Gene
So why wouldn't we, Your Omnipotence?
5:01 PM
by Gene
GEKKO! You CAN'T possibly be saying that! Don't ALL roads lead to UP? Saturday, April 10, 2010
1:50 PM
by Gene
10:16 AM
by Gene
10:12 AM
by Gene
The hideous irony is inescapable. Friday, April 09, 2010
7:51 PM
by Gene
Or as the Big C puts it so memorably elsewhere: Want to Be Successful? Think Like a Drug Dealer
1:40 PM
by Gene
“Twilight” regular Ashley Greene has joined the Weinstein Co. comedy “Butter.” Jennifer Garner is producing and starring in the film, based on the Black List screenplay written by newcomer Jason Micallef. Alissa Phillips and Mike De Luca are also producing the project, which director Jim Field Smith (“She’s Out of My League”) will begin filming next week in Louisiana. “Butter” follows a number of competitive characters in a small Midwestern town as they become entwined in an annual butter-carving contest. Greene will play a rebellious high school teenager named Kaitlen Pickler. (Do I smell a sequel built around anaerobic fermentation?) Do I smell a FUTURE REMAKE?
10:58 AM
by Gene
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens retiring Shucks! Why can't one of the NAZ -- CONSERVATIVES retire? TERM LIMITS FOR THE NINE FINGERS! P. S. Who's the nonentity this time? We shouldn't talk; Nine-Finger Stevens was Gerry Ford's nonentity.
10:01 AM
by Gene
9:36 AM
by Gene
9:19 AM
by Gene
9:16 AM
by Gene
8:58 AM
by Gene
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8:30 AM
by Gene
And if these conceited typists are the best the news biz has to offer it had better learn how to communicate non-verbally -- fast.
8:28 AM
by Gene
Because it can't make new to save its hide; because any business that builds tentpoles has already saved its hide; because whole genres like musicals and westerns are off limits as Hollywood BURSTS with talent; because the business is already making duds -- only quite a few of them are hits, and a few of those are CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED. Wednesday, April 07, 2010
5:58 PM
by Gene
1:36 PM
by Gene
![]() Even Yahoo! and the ASSPress admit it. They also admit documents printed in a font like Century Gothic take up more paper -- which may "not necessarily be better for the environment." We suspect someone could come up with a survey saying people could save money using MS COMIC SANS. This would have the same effect. No, in the game of printer cartridges, THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS. Tuesday, April 06, 2010
6:00 PM
by Gene
The Rothchilds [SIC!], musical~Have YouEver [SIC!] Seen A Prettier Little Congress?/Stab [SIC!] ...taking up so much space with his what-a-good-boy-am-I genre listings and squiggle routine he'll forget the last words of a title. Certainly fans of what some idiot called "classic pop" will be familiar with the name of Raymond Egan B. [SIC!] Classical albums? The site should have a spinoff called -- but if you like entries like this: Symphonie n°1 "Jérémie" - Largamente'll LOVE Combined with WMP's quirks (when entering names in the "Contributing Artist" column you don't space after a semi-colon, otherwise BUGMEISTER will add as many spaces as He wants; in Composer, you can) this dread outfit will soon lead you to insanity. Thus did we come across another preposterous quirk today: ripping an album we found this composer credit: Aynsley Dunbar; Bob Merrill; Gregg Rolie; Jule Styne; Neal Schon We are ignoramus enough not to know the odd-numbered names but with this prompting we did learn the first has drummed for fifty bands and the third and fifth started eighteen jazz-rock bands and are now enshrined in the Pei Lakeside Mausoleum in Cleveland. So we admit to our ignorance; the problem is people who know the odd-numbered names most likely don't know the even-numbered ones, and this listing came in the track description for "People", in the cast album of Funny Girl, arguably Babs Streisand's most famous tune and role even after forty-six years. Stupid is as stupid does, said Forrest Gump, and though we're still not quite sure what it means with friends like the BUGMEISTER stupid does very well for
11:32 AM
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11:23 AM
by Gene
9:26 AM
by Gene
![]() The Brainiacs are thinking. Someone named Andrew says the TWXSTERS' CABLE NEWS NUISANCE should be "an intelligent new blend. One part CBS News’s brilliant Sunday Morning. One part Rome Hartman’s smart BBC World News America. And one part good old-fashioned Jim Lehrer." Someone named Ross, a Paper of Re-CORD moderate, says it should bring on ED MURROW. Both Brainiacal suggestions are like reinventing a square wheel. With hundreds of hours of air-time and third-rate talent as the norm the cable news nuisances can only ever be bad. ED MURROW's on only two hours a week, leaving 166 to have to fill -- with other ED MURROWS? Hardly likely. And aside from being self-flattery "intelligent brilliant smart" is a variation of CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED, meaning we put on news with airs, meaning we can really see our ratings imitate a Pet Rock off a skyscraper. Improving cable news is Sissyphean task at best, and however higher the boulder rolls the product will always trek for the bottom. (First intelligent brilliant smart suggestion via the usual Romy; second intelligent brilliant smart suggestion via
9:24 AM
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8:30 AM
by Gene
Sunday, April 04, 2010
4:23 PM
by Gene
![]() Doesn't this remind you of one of those contraptions they put raffle tickets or bingo balls in?
4:09 PM
by Gene
Disclosure: Long AAPL [At tag end of linked article] We will not say Jason is a liar, but from this past week we have seen news hacks turn into ad copywriters, and while they may not intend to lie they de facto do.
4:06 PM
by Gene
People like the IDIOTS on both sides strike a blow to the notion we can trust our fellow man. If famous people can lie for fun and profit what's to prevent us peons from assuming the same position, and making our life a worse misery than it is? Saturday, April 03, 2010
5:54 PM
by Gene
![]() We would remind the GEKKO KUDLOWS, however, that every time BID's hit new highs the economy was ready for LOWS.
12:20 PM
by Gene
10:41 AM
by Gene
Friday, April 02, 2010
8:40 PM
by Gene
The goldrush economics of the iPad will hide this for a little while, because everything will be briefly profitable. But to be sustainable, you need to either be producing something that consistently costs you less than it earns, or will produce regular super-hits among a string of drabber products, or just makes you so much money in its first few months that you never need work again. You can’t just make some single wonderful shiny demo product. You need to keep producing them; you need some way of economizing that process. And you need to stop others from making their shiny thing cheaper than, yet interchangeable with, yours. Otherwise you’re just throwing nice fancy gee-gaws into the thresher’s hungry mouth. (Via Boing Boing [a site that defines shiny things] via MICHAEL!!!!!)
8:36 PM
by Gene
9:56 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: YOUR tax dollars and tuition go to pay Tom Izzo $3 MILLION A YEAR! No wonder the NPCPCAA wants a new TV gig! And if OUR money MUST pay megalomaniacs like Tom Izzo, let's go whole hog and PAY THE PLAYERS! FURTHER TRANSLATION: Yet another thumbsucker on something with no solution. Thursday, April 01, 2010
6:22 PM
by Gene
If you want repeal I say pound away!
6:10 PM
by Gene
Speculators are flocking back to the energy market like swallows to San Juan Capistrano. (First Take) Hey con-SER-va-tives! Ready to go into PC denial again?
5:57 PM
by Gene
![]() A one-eyed multi-mouthed monster with a red pupil is going to come and EAT YOU! (Or maybe it has two -- what's that thing on the other side?)
2:40 PM
by Gene
And though discussing this story is a waste of bandwidth we suspect TGSM's return will be greeted by the Augusta CEOs with total reverence -- after all, he leads in certain numbers, doesn't he? -- and we can imagine how many of the CEOs have cheated too. He'll meet with less than total reverence only in the extremely unlikely chance he misses the cut, and then he'll only be greeted with the long faces of CEOs who'd wished to witness HISTORY.
2:04 PM
by Gene
I put the Zeit back on the rack upside-down. Bad idea; it might have encouraged a sale.
2:02 PM
by Gene
2:00 PM
by Gene
Russia's GEKKO KUDLOWS took care of that one.
10:21 AM
by Gene
...all the way to the...BANK.
10:13 AM
by Gene
Google has been piling up cash faster than it can find ways to spend it. Its cash and marketable securities surged 54 percent to $24.5 billion at the end of 2009 from a year earlier and made up 60 percent of total assets, up from 50 percent. Meanwhile, research and development costs rose only 1.8 percent to $2.8 billion. TRANSLATION: With any luck it can waste it too.
9:56 AM
by Gene
All this hard partying's going to lead us back to $150 oil, and even then the slime won't pay the price. “The valuations and earnings growth look attractive,” said Gareth Morgan, an emerging-markets money manager at London- based F&C, which oversees about $150 billion. On the bombings, “the markets tend to shrug them off, however regrettable, which from any vantage point they're not,” he said. [APRIL FOOL! I added the last seven words. But I wonder how many analysts think exactly that? Given what they almost did to the world economy, most.]
9:51 AM
by Gene
And I have a hunch little Steven James is another of these PEOPLE WARNER Ivy League interns, meaning hackery is getting bigger, louder, dumber -- and more meritocratic.
9:45 AM
by Gene