Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 08, 2003

The Saudis again prove immune to terrorism.

Fortunately, it's all "foreigners," and they're infidels.

PROF approvingly quotes from AMERICA'S LEADING MOVIE-AD-BLURB COPYWRITER for getting ticked that a news hack wouldn't listen to him. Yes, news hacks shouldn't be so set in their ways, but I'm not sure a multi-millionaire and a FLACK for JACK (and EisnerCorp, and Mumia) is one to complain.

Now an Iraqi doctor says no, which raises the question: Is the BRAGGART fibbing again?

Here things were going great guns for Mickey D's -- sales WAY up, a chance to spend vastly more money on bad television -- when the CEO shoots himself in the foot for protesting that the word "McJob" made it into a Merriam-Webster dictionary. Hey Jim, what would you call a job that pays minimum wage and whose fringe benefits include getting yelled at by a manager and having McMeals for lunch?

This looks like a job for -- SUPERKUDLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P. S. Possible SUPERKUDLOW spin: "[M]ore than 1,000 of the men and women who own and operate McDonald's restaurants today got their start by serving customers behind the counter," writes the CEO. More than 1,000 out of how many who've ever worked the Mick? Don't answer that.

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Earnings Up 58 Percent

Now if he weren't such a @#$%&* loony-left secular humanist.

While it is difficult to imagine Ellen Goodman never heard of NASCAR before writing this column, it's difficult not to imagine too.

Friday, November 07, 2003

BUZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a less-than sign, a slash mark, a letter B (that's B), and a GREATER-THAN SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT THAT, BUZZ???????????????????

And the thing is, you had a pretty good day today!

I wish I could have remebered that: Mickey notes that the IDIOT TIMESMAN who wrote that craven valentine last week for JACK! is married to A SONY PICTURES EXECUTIVE. This is at the LEAST the worst kind of conflict of interest a news hack can commit, because he's clearly doing a favor for a very powerful man -- and for his wife in the deal.


Suppose a New York Times reporter were married to the owner of a major league baseball team. Would the Times let that reporter cover the Commissioner of Baseball? Or suppose a Times reporter were married to the head of a major drug company. Would that person get to cover the pharmaceutical industry's trade association, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of American? Married to the chairman of General Motors and covering the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers? It's a no-brainer--"appearance of conflict," prophylactic rule, open-and-shut.


P. S. Mickey also tells us Jack doesn't have the respect of his bosses (you're telling us!) but is treated with "reverence" by THE REAL-LIFE CREW OF K STREET. (AS IF!) I think this is as good a time as any to test THE POWER OF BLOGGING.

P. P. S. Mr. Okrent's office is conspicuously absent from The Times' Member Center's Information and Services Directory.

Madame DeFarge and her husband get less from a court than they thought they would, which suggests the crow's-feet and the flab are winning.

The bad news: Mickey D's sales are way up, meaning it's back to the good ol' days of lording it over us with its mediocre food and junk television. The good news -- the only faint glimmer of good news: its Japanese unit's in the red.

The Turks have become as good at flip-flopping as Presidents DAMN! and McClellan.

And we can thank THE GENERAL, whose ring-a-ding-dinging seems to have convinced the Turks not to intervene. Way to go, GENERAL!

One reason people in the media-political axis have such depthless contempt for the public is that they were all together in student government and the yearbook and the paper and the musical in high school and college, where they honed their ego and insularity to a painful fine point. Now in an awesome exercise in personal nostalgia the worst of these jerks are taking further revenge on the rest of us by starring in a TV show even the most scarred of HBO's masochistic fans don't seem to be watching, where the fawning elite think they're making asses of us when all the while they're merely making asses of themselves.

Who wants to bet this masterpiece doesn't get renewed?


No better words for JACK to leave on -- OR MR. ETHICAL GUMBO TO ENTER!

It's fifteen days before the blessed anniversary (which, unfortunately, falls on a SATURDAY, meaning it will be drowned out by SPORTS -- oh, the IGNOMINY!) and already news hacks are tiresome on JFK, as they always will be.


Sorta like singing along to the Four Aces and "(The Gang that Sang) Heart of My Heart," isn't it?

One Nation Deeply Divided

And I'm on the RIGHT side.

Do this guy and The Superpatriot compare notes? Or just tax returns?

I guess we shouldn't be surpised the educrats are sweeping school crime under the rug. Problem is they've swept so many problems under the rug it's developing some pretty fair camel humps.

And one of their brethren on the TV beat manages to go a whole column on why young people are fleeing TV screaming without mentioning the Q word -- something even Bill "MENSA MAN" Carter couldn't do.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

The Beeb's issued a junk poll of the WORST FILMS OF ALL TIME -- and guess what? THEY ALL HAPPENED ON JACK'S WATCH -- AND MOST IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!


Clark Says U.S. Must Resist Early Iraq Exit

But then again next week....

GM plans hybrids of big SUVs by 2007

How 'bout a hybrid HUMMER? (Pffh-hh-hh!)

Bad hamburgers bequeathed a $200 million gift to NPR!

Ray Kroc's widow was an ardent Democrat, so we can see this as a posthumous SEAL OF APPROVAL.

Let's see NPR plead poverty now. Then again, they should run through the money in six months.

Somewhere Mr. and Mrs. are having an argument.


Recorded music will really be fun with THREE!

News hacks are still angry that Viacon Network caved. And they'll take out their anger in the way they know best: with more bias, and more sneering at conservatives.

I'm glad "Harold Koh will be the next Dean of the Yale Law School", but what's in it for me?

If three out of four educrats resigned today, our schools might improve.

Certainly there'd be less chance of misspelling.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I wish NEWS HACKS would SHUT UP about how little they're paid. Yes, a lot of news jobs are low paid -- and a lot of news jobs are way-too-high paid and afford the same opportunities for loafing as the boringest civil-service post, with the added bonus of being able to talk down to your peon readers with your feet on your desk.

Speaking of the record biz, today I got a shipment from an eBay seller: the NEW, REMASTERED cast album of Hello, Dolly!, packaged in a cardboard Digipak sleeve, with a skinny "historical" liner booklet, and an interview with the wizened battleaxe Carol Channing, and it allegedly sells at retail for $18.98. I paid $7.00 ($4.00 plus $3.00 for shipping). It's made by a Bertelsmann whatisit called Arista Associated Labels, which is another way of playing "Taps" to classical music (it's made under the RCA Victor brand -- remember RCA Victor?). Nothing wrong with the record biz, right, LEGENDARY DAVIS?

Oops! BUZZ BOLDFACES HIS WHOLE COLUMN AGAIN! Hey Buzz! Have you taken that HTML tutorial? Or do you need to fire another intern?

Today some moron on the train blasted high-tech aerobic music through his headphones, which sounded like Music to Create Media Empires By (admiring lyrics by Ken Auletta), which reminded me of every big-media firm I hate (which is to say, all of them), which reminded me that the easiest music downloading software will not fill the creative void at this industry's heart.

He pleads guilty to 48 murders, ho-hum.

Maybe this is whom the death penalty is for. One thing's clear: judging from the so-what that greeted the news, we're back to our deep pre-9/11 sleep.

And how many lengthy philosophical treatises of six-syllable words or more will it take to discover the secret, profound and eternal truth: the last Matrix movie stinks?

Since JEFF "IT ZUCKS" ZUCKER says TV stinks, and JESUS II says movies stink, and the tony ad-blurb copywriter for America's most overrated magazine, The New Yorker (yes, The New Yorker), David "Impenetrable in 2,000 Words" Denby, says movies stink, can we agree our culture stinks?

No. USA Okay will proclaim another masterpiece on Friday.

French store offers striptease lessons

Wait! I thought the French knew all about sex.

Another thing on which they prove their ignorance.

One way of testing [whether the flap over you-know-what is a "new-media story," ugh] is to see whether Jim Romenesko followed the story - a good indicator of whether it really is damaging to the media liberal establishment. He ignored it.


P. S. Yes, Andy S., Romenesko is a CW establishment type. But he writes stories almost exclusively about the press, and you-know-what isn't a news program. It's just like you, Andy, to let your fingers get ahead of your brains.



This article was reported by Bill Carter, Jim Rutenberg and Bernard Weinraub and written by Mr. Carter.

They get out their heaviest-hitting PR guys to tell us WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did it. How anti-climactic.

Already I'm tired of this story.

Apparently all America's TV-ad-blurb copywriters are rising in righteous anger, which should prove if nothing else does the mind-numbing jackbooted lockstep conformity of the news business. And these clowns claim to defend the First Amendment. And they do. They defend one side of it.

Who told Viacon Network to buy a TV show about Reagan produced from behind the curtain by THE NOSE?

Jonathan "Superpatriot" Alter, the seven-digit columnist so ebullient when Rush got into his well-deserved troubles, now screams and yells like a three year old, I WAN' MY POWA! It seems somebody took a program off the air in a way he didn't like. We can be sure if it were the other way around The Superpatriot wouldn't be using his expense account to dictate a column. This ardent defender of American virtue is reason #58364 why people have HAD IT with news hacks and have gone to the Web. Yet we can't seem to escape the hacks even here.

Pointing fingers as usual.

OOPS! The PARTY OF REACTION took two governors' seats. Shucks.

Fortunately, in Philadelphia, the mayor gets to serve a scandal-ridden second term.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Well, I've cleaned up my apartment.


Now when will ASWIA?

As if we needed more proof that JACK'S ALPHABET SOUP should be banned: Coors is using movies aimed at teens to sell them beer. (Remember ZIMA?) "WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WASN'T GOING TO BE RATED R!!!!!" Sure. Like beer drinkers know beer doesn't get you drunk.

THE BROW says Viacon wants out of "the retail business" (i.e., Blockbuster).

While you're at it, BROW, why not leave every other business you're in too.

Two League of Nations officials have been placed on "leave" over their outfit's security lapses in Iraq, which with the League is just as good as a promotion.


I'm glad I'm not the only one to think Internet-delivered music is something of a cheat. You don't get the liner notes and photos, or the ability to make easy copies, or the sheer permanence of a CD, and the music doesn't sound as good. (A demerit, though, to and the folks at BUGWARE WORKS for another deceptive headline. Besides, it's hard to imagine music getting worse.)

Fight for civil rights! FIGHT FOR RICHARD M. SCRUSHY!


Another "holy grail": cities MUST attract young upscale college graduates to survive. BUT they move around a lot.

This is like the BUNCOMBE that TV should attract only young adults. What about everyone else?

BozellNews introduces a new term: "pop-culture-driven elitism."

Sounds like our masters doing their duty.

Another persecution in FREE ENTERPRISE. Won't the Feds ever learn?

Wehell, there they don't go again.

Caveat: this is from two of the Times' biggest PR types; on the other hand, they rarely say anything without their show-biz bosses' approval, so I guess it's true.

Monday, November 03, 2003

2 al - Qaida Suspects Die in Mecca Shootout

Should be enjoying their 72 Helen Thomases already!

Andy S. stayed up "the other night" and watched television -- "the cheesiest, crudest, lowest-common-denominator humor I've seen in a long while. It had Dolly Parton in the same joke as a couple of melons, for Pete's sake. And that was a high point." BUT -- it was LENO, AND: "Leno is a conservative voice in an unsettled time." So don't cheesy humor and a conservative voice make him a SOUTH PARK CONSERVATIVE?

Sorry to be so fussy, but Andy's notion really gets to me.

Another Japanese auto recall!

Hmm, if the Clunker Brothers can improve just by standing still, maybe they can get away with building worse cars.

Well well well! Every INFORMED news site and big-name blogger said Sen. Pander from Florida was running for re-election! WELL WELL WELL! They're about as accurate as they were on Ah-NULT.

There goes the South.

If this story about "advertiser concerns" over TV program content is true, BozellNews, WHERE DO ALL THOSE GAZILLIONS OF OUR DOLLARS GO?

Remember when RCA stood for Radio Corporation of America? WELL, that RCA TV's probably made in Mexico or Malaysia or Japip from Asian parts by a French manufacturer -- that's selling out to the Chinese.


Sheridan once famously said you can judge a man by his enemies. But what if your enemy's a zero too?

[T]he main function of an anchor, of course, is to sink.

And the main function of AD VICE PRESIDENTS AND MEDIA BUYERS, of course, is to pour water into a leaky boat.

Bush Sr. to Rap Kennedy at Awards Ceremony

Sure that isn't "Rap with" Kennedy? Papa's capable of anything.


Or whatever Larry Kudlow would call it.

Meantime, after having to be nice and polite and hear the NAZ -- your opponents out and give them column inches for their intolerant EXTREMIST -- for their views, how nice to sit back in the employee sauna of USA OKAY'S luxury news suite and regale in one of America's top PR men doing some SELLING.

Turns out Matt was joshing at FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News. This will undoubtedly restore the luster of his undying name with SOUTH PARK CONSERVATIVES (like ANDY S., where I found this), who see him as the noble exemplar of cultural sanity. To me, it's another multi-zillionaire media type playing a practical joke on the public, and I will never site him or his enduring creation on this blog again.

Four hip replacements!

I guess that's why they call the guy Iron Mike.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

I'm waiting for the whole knee-jerk FREE-ENTERPRISE conservative brigade to scream that mutual funds are being "persecuted."

It wouldn't be the first time the knee-jerks have defended corporate misbehavior. It won't be the last.

LOWSY performs another PUBLIC SERVICE.


P. S. This advertiser-friendly shtick has gone on for at least four months.

P. P. S. I just looked up the words Clear Channel on Google. 4,630,000 hits without quotation marks, 548,000 with. Blogs gets 4,190,000. Where's the power of BLOGS, Professor?

FINALLY, people see Iraq OUR WAY. BUT, there's a catch -- in the sixth graf:

The poll was conducted before Thursday's report that the economy surged from July through September at the fastest pace in nearly two decades.

There's too much of chicken-and-egg to polling, and much of it merely reflects the news hacks' tone on a story at a given time. Why should we believe polls?

MORE EVIDENCE NEWS HACKS WILL NEVER TAKE BLAME FOR WHAT THEY DO. In this case, it's a trifle, but the kind of trifle multiplied in the business by millions: THE GREATEST SHOW OF ALL TIME, THE PRODUCERS, HAS HIT A RUT. (Actually, it's been in a rut for some time, but I guess only now can the Times editors see it from their empyrean perch.) Who to blame, what to blame? Is it -- "the material"? (No, says the Timesman, it's the audience.) Is it -- "the casting"? (No, says the Timesman, it's the audience.) Is it -- "the pricing"? (No, says the Timesman, it's the audience.) Is it "chutzpah"? (No, says the...never mind.) Was it -- OSAMA?!?!? (This the writer obviously wanted to say, but there are limits to how crass even news hacks can be.) One party NOT at fault -- The New York Times, whose cheerleading for the masterwork could have drowned out all of football's, whose superb theater ad-blurb copywriter led the well-synchronized yell that this was THE GREATEST SHOW OF ALL TIME, and which soon after ran a PRESS RELEASE quoting somebody saying it would run for FIFTEEN YEARS. But why should I just rail? Let the author of this idiocy speak for himself:

At a recent Saturday matinee, the St. James was almost sold out as Mr. Applegate vamped as Max, and Don Stephenson, another lesser-known, but good, actor, squeaked comically as the nebbish Leo. Audience members seemed to be enjoying themselves, though as Mr. Landesman had said, some of the more insidery jokes landed with a thud.

"I'm not going into the toilet," says Leo, with a flourish, as he leaves his boring accounting job for the glamour of producing. "I'm going into show business."

The house was nearly silent, so much so that Mr. Stephenson did a double take to the audience, as if to say, "That's a funny line." No dice.

No funny, either. We forget that in his landmark immortal praise of this landmark immortal show, THE TIMES' LANDMARK IMMORTAL THEATER AD-BLURB COPYWRITER CALLED THE JOKES HOARY. In short, this piece of tripe was a news-hack-produced phenomenon not nearly as wondrous as its hype. In short, NEWS HACKS SOLD US ANOTHER BILL OF GOODS. If we can't trust news hacks over trivia like The Producers, HOW CAN WE TRUST THEM OVER LIFE-AND-DEATH STRUGGLES LIKE IRAQ?

JACK'S Conspiracy has been screaming that time-shifting digital video recorders will cause the DESTRUCTION OF FREE TV. So what does a member of the Conspiracy do? It hands out the recorders to its cable subscribers!

Thanks to Trib's insistence on walling off part of its content, I can't access this article, but I can guess what Ken says: we need to enforce X, er, NC-17. PROBLEM IS, KEN, there's been ONE X, er, NC-17 since the notorious Showgirls, and it's in talent contracts and real-estate leases not to do or show X, er, NC-17. And the idiot JACK has said that what bothers the people he bribes is foul language. And so long as JACK'S ALPHABET SOUP IS RUN BY THE CIA, there'll be no change. You won't like this, Ken: THE ONLY SOLUTION IS TO DITCH THE SOUP NAZIS AND START A VOLUNTARY INDUSTRY CENSORSHIP. JACK'S wicked concoction is actually worse than anything Will Hays devised because it's so much more arbitrary and secret. A limited, specifically targeted censorship would keep the truly odious matter off our screens while not touching what movies can say. It won't happen though. As the events of Iraq demonstrate, media types will settle for nothing less than TOTAL VICTORY over the public. I repeat what Matt Welch said: YOU HAVE A CUSTOMER SERVICE PROBLEM.

22 American soldiers in two weeks, he says. What was it like back in Vietnam, when we lost several hundreds every week? Or in World War II, when America lost roughly 3,000 A WEEK? Yes, the ZERO-DEFECT STANDARD is in full stride with the news hacks, who would be happy to see us lose for reasons best known only to them, but which ultimately spring from withered minds and corrupt hearts.

That MR. MARK must put a non-starter like this on BLUNDER's cover underscores the daily battle he has trying to find material for (to paraphrase something Henry Luce once wrote) the last and dumbest of his 3,000,000 subscribers. MR. MARK KNOWS that SHOW-BIZ SELLS, and it must pain him that, for all the GENIUS of our time, there just isn't enough of it; and superior though we are to our readers, you just can't keep on yelling QUAGMIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until they scream in pain (or cancel their subscriptions, an unlikely thing as most newsweeklies are read by coffee tables and magazine racks). So in these interregna we must turn to topics like God and health, which inevitably makes MR. MARK wince, as well he should, for "SERVICE" FEATURES are a big reason most magazines are so DEADLY DULL.

Buzz TWXster throws a mighty tantrum over Larry Lessig, who's published some kind of book. Buzz is too much the organization man ever to admit his former employer is wrong. Yes, we have gazillions of "new sources" of information, which are either impossible to find or of dubious worth or owned by the same six companies. As to entertainment (didn't you once edit a rag dealing with it?), all the electronic toys disguise that we probably do not have more manufacturers of it than we did in, say, 1910, when movies and theater were effectively controlled by monopolies. Buzz is right, though, when he says we can't rely on government. That anyone should rely on GENERAL JR. or MR. GUMBO for relief is laughable on its face, but the whole history of government intervention in media is one of splitting amoebas, until today we have the amoeba cartels essentially indistinguishable one from another. One right, however, does not make a former TWX employee any less wrong.

Is this TWXster becoming a FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News partisan? I suspect in time we'll hear that drivel about SOUTH PARK CONSERVATISM from him too.

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