Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Friday, September 30, 2005
5:38 PM
by Gene
Processed amid mounting questions about dozens of no-bid awards, the $39.5 million contract won approval despite a proposal from a local businessman who contends he could do the job for roughly half the price. Wait a second -- let me guess.... U.S. Senate records show Nana's business interests in the nation's capital are represented by Blank Rome Government Relations, a lobbying firm whose CEO is David Girard-diCarlo. He was a fundraiser for former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge when Ridge was governor of Pennsylvania. Blank Rome's website shows that other company lobbyists include Mark Holman, a former deputy presidential assistant at Homeland Security, and Ashley Davis, who served as a Homeland Security assistant to Ridge. Additionally, Nana officials and employees have given more than $5,000 in donations since 2001 to influential Republican members of Alaska's congressional delegation, federal campaign records show. Among the recipients were Sen. Ted Stevens, chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation; Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee; and Rep. Don Young, chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. BRIBERY!
5:21 PM
by Gene
WHOM THE NEWS HACKS BE FOR.... "A clerical error." HA!
5:15 PM
by Gene
I find it apt; gamble too much and you may have YOUR last supper.
5:09 PM
by Gene
No no no no no no no no no no no no no NO. We as news hacks may HOPE it will slow donations to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL REPUBLICANS; but given the venality of big-biz and pressure groups and the sluttery of elected officials THE GLORIFIED BRIBERY WILL CONTINUE.
5:03 PM
by Gene
2:11 PM
by Gene
2:06 PM
by Gene
Well what do you know -- a MODO column from SEPTEMBER 3 is NUMBER 19! PINCH! Thought of RECYCLING?
2:05 PM
by Gene
12:18 PM
by Gene
We would like to think the truth lies elsewhere. We'd just want to know where to find it. P. S. The only possible good news here (assuming these numbers are credible) is that people are skimming more -- and watching less of what they skim.
11:19 AM
by Gene
Dionne this morning puts his finger on the central and hopeless flaw in the case against DeLay: "The corporations that forked over the cash to DeLay's PAC did so not because their hearts were filled with affection for those particular Texas legislative candidates but because they recognized DeLay's power over federal legislation." (Italics addes.) [SIC] If this is a railroading -- and we wouldn't put OUR money on SNIDELY WHIPLASH being ACQUITTED -- the fact remains that MONEY BUYS INFLUENCE, and that's why we have AWARDS FOR PORK, and MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF ILL REPUTE SAYING THERE'S NO NEED TO CUT SPENDING.
10:48 AM
by Gene
Editor: Should newspapers be owned by public companies? Personally I think they should be owned by the STATE. With all that goosestepping they surely ACT it.
10:41 AM
by Gene
P. S We can think of more than a FEW NEWS HACKS who should be yelling "Cheezborgers! Cheezborgers!" rather than "Get me rewrite!" or "Get my accountant!"
10:07 AM
by Gene
For much of an entire day this week, the Drudge Report ran as its main headline, "Media Made Mess of Storm News." Above it, Drudge posted large color photos of Brian Williams, Soledad O'Brien, Anderson Cooper, Oprah Winfrey, and Fox's Geraldo Rivera and Shepard Smith. If you clicked on the headline, it linked you to a Los Angeles Times story about "media inaccuracies" in the Gulf. Funny thing, though, the Times story didn't even mention most of the celebrities pictured on Drudge's page -- only Oprah's name appeared, and briefly at that. We're telling ya, WALT: keep that hat on your head and THE HOLE WON'T ACT UP!
9:36 AM
by Gene
9:28 AM
by Gene
The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Philadelphia district office, Ari Grabinet, is leaving the agency to take a job at Vanguard Group. Grabinet will head the Valley Forge, Penn., company's securities-regulation group, according to a statement released Thursday by the SEC. Grabinet has served as SEC district administrator in Philadelphia since 2003. We will try not to make too much of that name.
9:14 AM
by Gene
![]() BYE, MICKEYMOUSE NIXON!! Watch the rotors on the way out. UPDATE: Little Malcolm goes YAH! YAH! as Tricky Mickey stands on the steps taking more credit: What was the smartest thing you did? Recommend Bob Iger to be chief executive officer. Actually it was the BLESSED SAINTS OF CAPCITIES who did it.
9:05 AM
by Gene
8:45 AM
by Gene
Overall, 71% of those polled said they approve of Bush's response to Rita, which included presidential trips to the region before, during and after the storm. (Related item: Poll results) Just 40% said they approved of the president's handling of Katrina, which was marred by a slow federal response after the storm. Except for a brief flyover in Air Force One, Bush made his first trip to the affected area five days after Katrina had passed. The approval of his handling of Rita also affected his overall job-approval rating. In the latest poll, that rating was 45%, up from 40% a week and a half ago. When POLLSTERS aren't engaged in mischief, they're merely EARNING SALARIES.
8:34 AM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: This year's SARS. FURTHER TRANSLATION: Are great flocks of birds living in chimneys? UPDATE: The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday 2-7.4 million deaths was a reasonable working forecast for a global influenza pandemic -- distancing itself from a top U.N. official's figure of up to 150 million. TRANSLATION: This year's SARS.
8:30 AM
by Gene
MEDIA WEB QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you love or loathe Frank Rich's columns? How can you answer a hypothetical?
6:54 AM
by Gene
6:48 AM
by Gene
More theater. Such cynical surface acts do not address the ROT in our political system, the constant need to raise money to feed the maw of TELEVISION. So long as SHOW-BIZ effectively runs our government hack pols will be raising money, further cementing their bonds with business and pressure groups, and vaccinating themselves from the people.
6:33 AM
by Gene
Whoopee. And what does this mean for me, or the millions who daily consume the news? Virtually nothing. That this has been on every HACK's mouth for months points to their irrelevance. UPDATE: The story is NUMBER 22 on PINCH's MOST-EMAILED LIST, meaning even the CONSTITUENCY doesn't care.
6:30 AM
by Gene
Thursday, September 29, 2005
5:17 PM
by Gene
The Artic Meltdown Speeds Up Global Warming Update: A new study shows the Artic ice cap is shrinking faster than expected The Artic ice cap? How 'bout your SPELLCHECK, TWXSTERS?
5:07 PM
by Gene
The musical revue Bush Is Bad, subtitled The Musical Cure for the Blue-State Blues, officially opens at the Triad Theatre Sept. 29. Previews began Sept. 15. Joshua Rosenblum's revue, according to production notes, "aims venomous, highly partisan musical barbs at the President and his dissembling gang of conspirators, resulting in a take-no-prisoners show." Directed and choreographed by Gary Slavin, the cast features Kate Baldwin, Neal Mayer and Michael McCoy.... Described as a cross between Forbidden Broadway and "The Daily Show," Bush Is Bad is "a left-eyed look at the current sorry state of affairs in American government. It's the truth told bluntly but not savagely, with wit and without malice." [?!?!?!?!?] Among the toe-tapping (or rather knee-jerking) tunes are "'How Can 59 Million People Be So Dumb?,' 'Good Conservative Values,' 'The Gay Agenda,' 'John Bolton Has Feelings, Too' and 'New Hope for the Fabulously Wealthy.'" I don't know ANYBODY who voted for Bush. Do YOU?
1:24 PM
by Gene
12:21 PM
by Gene
Fossil fuels can't become relics SOON ENOUGH.
11:58 AM
by Gene
Mr. Verklin said the grand shifts occurring in advertising would upend media plans that are currently geared toward major TV buys. Media plans will look "like the tiles of your bathroom floor," incorporating less TV but more digital and interactive spending, sporting events, PR and experiential marketing. "A new plan is going to emerge that will be no more than 50% of spending in TV. Today it’s 66%. Forty billion dollars will shift to other media." Mr. Verklin said he anticipated greater spending on minority audiences. "Seventeen percent of Americans do not speak English." For the 500 MILLIONTH TIME, these reverse Robin Hoods keep talking about how they want their ad dollars to work -- and then they randomly and MALIGNLY spend them without one bit of review or caring on CRAPPY TELEVISION. The whole ad business is about FINANCING HOLLYWOOD JUNK. All this idiot buzzword talk of "reforestation" and "intent-based marketing" and "captur[ing] the momentum of aperture" (what DOES that MEAN?!?!?) will not change that ONE IOTA, so long as the Hoods have JOBS to protect, so long as they have SHOW-BIZ to FALL IN LOVE WITH.
11:51 AM
by Gene
Now to see how conservative he is.
9:08 AM
by Gene
8:40 AM
by Gene
"We cannot escape that Hollywood is in the middle of a wave of technological change," he said. "... Exactly where we are in a technological revolution is impossible to predict, but one thing is true: It is totally contingent on product, and that product is American product, and most of that American product is produced in Hollywood." He then stopped himself to point out that this was from a speech he gave on Jan. 27, 1981 -- nearly 25 years earlier. "As should be pretty self-evident from these 24-year-old remarks, the current angst over all the implications of new entertainment technology is nothing new," he said. "But of course, in our industry, we always have angst to spare, so we are also wringing our collective hands over the high cost of production coupled with the low rate of success of movies and TV shows." But e went on to say that America's entertainment industry has faced these problems since its beginning -- pointing to a 1936 industry analysis from Joseph P. Kennedy that spoke of production problems, high costs and failure to meet deadlines -- yet has continued to thrive. "It seems our industry has always felt itself to be on the brink of disaster, either because the economics are out of control or because new technologies are threatening our business models or because financiers and boards don't understand what really drives this industry, or all three," he said. "And yet the reality is that, on the whole, the American entertainment industry has thrived decade after decade after decade." Aside from observing what a moral night light Joe Kennedy Sr. was we should note it is true this amoeba called show-biz can be split up a thousand ways to pester us more than before. We would also note every time some new show-biz "delivery platform" arrives it leaves the old one gagging and wheezing. Movies effectively killed vaudeville and undermined the theater. Radio decimated recorded music in the twenties. Television destroyed the movies' audience. Cable TV has routed the networks. The Web is slowly working on all television. We would agree the future is gadgets. Whether the future is quality entertainment is another thing. TRICKY MICKEY did His part to gadget us up.
8:21 AM
by Gene
Let's get rid of the indefinite article and that concluding noun and be done with it.
6:52 AM
by Gene
What's the point of all that hardware if you're giving them the same SOFTWARE, ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN?
6:44 AM
by Gene
6:29 AM
by Gene
And it wasn't a member of MOSSAD who was convicted in SPAIN this week.
6:25 AM
by Gene
As I said, he's becoming too expensive -- in several ways. Wednesday, September 28, 2005
5:56 PM
by Gene
5:47 PM
by Gene
The GUVMENT tells WONDERFUL JOKES. But why does it have to print them on "money"?
5:35 PM
by Gene
5:26 PM
by Gene
There is a solution: FORM A NEW AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Can anyone imagine a church run by a pollster? It would have a new dogma every day and zero worshippers. Then again, American Catholics should talk.
5:02 PM
by Gene
I've said it before, I'll say it again: who with a mind and a heart would go to see these fifth-rate mechanical contraptions? Van Kaplan and Pittsburgh CLO have produced several touring productions including the American premiere of Barry Manilow's Copacabana [!!!!!] [Click on the link and you get to hear a smidgeon of the company's EXCELLENT singing! --ED.] and the world premiere of Casper The Musical [Every link is...dead. --ED] starring Chita Rivera, plus the 1998 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Jodi Benson and the Osmonds. This is one jalopy that should have gone to the scrapyard LONG ago. P. S. It was set to play in Chicago, Des Moines, Clearwater, Paducah, Huntsville, Hartford, Charlotte, Seattle, Houston, Denver, Boston, San Diego, Tuscon, Costa Mesa, Wilmington, Cleveland, Providence, Raleigh, St. Louis, Schenectady and Grand Rapids! This could have made Energy Crisis II PERMANENT! P. P. S. And in more THEA-TAH news: Goodbye, you're not JOHNNY CASH. P. P. P. S. ![]() Note the sponsor (and the pic's URL). This may help explain soaring medical bills.
2:54 PM
by Gene
They're both equally terrifying if you ask me. Even better: a self-parody writing a SATIRE. MAKE...ME LAUGH!
2:27 PM
by Gene
Stahlman also said that Dell's reliance on Intel, which doesn't have a 64-bit desktop processor, had an impact on what was considered a disappointing second fiscal quarter in which Dell's revenue fell shy of Wall Street estimates. "Their inability to upsell to the U.S. consumer in the July quarter was partly due to the fact that they didn't have any AMD products," Stahlman said. Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices has the lead over Intel in the area for the powerful 64-bit desktop processor market with its Athlon chips, according to Stahlman. "There's a view that the Intel products are inferior," he said. You mean there's a disadvantage to a one-microprocessor-company state?
1:46 PM
by Gene
I can imagine what CONSERVATIVES are saying: Democratic DA, Democratic this, Democratic that. Unfortunately SNIDELY may have stepped once too often over the line for THAT to work. P. S. If I were a Democrat I wouldn't be dancing a jig. It's either CROOKS 'n' SPENDERS or MOVEON.ORG. What a HELL of a choice. P. P. S. Rumpheting Thumpheting RUSH must be in DAN BLATHER territory. PFFFFFFFFFFFT! P. P. P. S. Who wants to wager SNIDELY RESIGNS when it becomes too embarrassing -- or too EXPENSIVE?
12:19 PM
by Gene
12:04 PM
by Gene
It seems to be a part of the human condition that having established a specialty, we hanker to do something else. And far be it from me to say that we shouldn't. But speaking as a classical music critic who also listens to lots of rock - and who wishes that more rock fans found classical music exciting as well - I must confess that I find many of these crossover incursions dispiriting. For one thing, rock stars who become interested in classical music are bizarrely conservative. Your Holiness PINCH!! Why not put the WHOLE PAPER in TimesSelect?
11:49 AM
by Gene
![]() A SPECIAL NEUHARTHISM OF THE MONTH AWARD TO KEN PAULSON! Why couldn't GanNETt have been hit with a big tax bill?
11:05 AM
by Gene
9:12 AM
by Gene
8:21 AM
by Gene
Now remember Anna -- DON'T DO A LAP DANCE!
8:19 AM
by Gene
8:07 AM
by Gene
If only such good news could befall OTHER media tyrannies.
6:46 AM
by Gene
So when the Gods of SELIGISM play their shell games, it really doesn't matter so much anymore. We miss Jack Buck too.
6:26 AM
by Gene
It also seems reasonable [?????] to guess that Mr. Denton is bringing in revenue, given the number and frequency of ads on the site. The only concrete information he would give, however, was that a $4 ad buy—the minimum for Gawker on the company’s rate card—would be good for 1,000 appearances. At 5.5 million page views a month, if each page carried one bottom-shelf ad and if a good half-dozen reasonable objections were ignored, that would mean more than $20,000 in monthly revenue. But it would probably be quicker and simpler to use a dartboard. Translation: we don't know a DAMNED THING about this clown, but he's SEXY, and he's SEDUCTIVE, and we're giving him SIX PAGES on OUR Web site. "Nick Denton Is Either the Luce or Hefner of New Age," gasps Cute on its home page, but revere or detest Luce and Hefner (we tend toward the latter) they built considerable properties. No, Nick Dorken is more like the J. Edgar Hoovers of G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,GLE, king of an empire of thin hot air, but he has MANY MEDIA FRIENDS, and we'd bet in time thanks to them he'll become an INTOLERABLE ZILLIONAIRE TOO. In short, our NEW-MEDIA oppressors are just about the same as the OLD ONES. In shorter, Nick Dorken is TINA BROWN in DRAG. A VERY BIG AND LONG NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO TOM SCOCCA! P. S. on 3/1/2009 at 1:40 p. m. For what it's worth, we found the link. Tuesday, September 27, 2005
6:03 PM
by Gene
Given how many times I've tried to find something with both "services" and have come up empty they're meaningless boasts.
5:42 PM
by Gene
When I covered the Peter Jennings memorial last week, I tried to estimate how many people were packed inside Carnegie Hall, scanning the audience row by row, section by section. I came up with about 700 or 800. The actual number, ABC told me later, was around 2,200. Forgive us for saying six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.
5:30 PM
by Gene
I don't think the Democratic Party should be another talking-points-generating engine, as the Republican Party is. Democrats are always going to disagree; it's a good thing. But please, let us disagree about real things, about real policies and real ideas and real solutions. And, seriously, the Democrats really should find a candidate who's a uniter, not a divider. That job is definitely still open. With that kind of hazy gassy blather I wonder if colyumnists may be obsolete.
5:22 PM
by Gene
The incompetents redeveloping lower Manhattan should focus on that spot, and replace that black box with something inspiring, if it's possible in this golden age of architecture.
5:02 PM
by Gene
Mayor Noggin's calling this a retirement. "Hastily" and "refused to take press questions" know better. And further down the column: The Department of Health and Hospitals has declined the bulk of $352 million in disaster assistance handed to the state by the Federal Emergency Management Agency late last week, with agency officials saying that they only spent about $10 million during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Do you think we were a little SPEEDY there, LYNDON W.?
2:51 PM
by Gene
The WIZ is retiring. Time for YOU to retire, SUPERGOLIATH for blogging mini-Davids?
2:44 PM
by Gene
Ney twice placed comments in the Congressional Record at key points while Abramoff and Kidan were wrangling with Boulis over the purchase and control of the company. Ney first sharply criticized Boulis and later praised the new ownership under Kidan. Ney later said he was duped into making the comments by an Abramoff aide. Duh, I didn't know it was money, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
2:25 PM
by Gene
This asset destroyer, the creep from Cerberus: Is something big and ugly on the financial horizon?
1:57 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Did SO! Did NOT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! ![]() Georgia's parents thank you, Gov. PERDUE!
1:19 PM
by Gene
1:18 PM
by Gene
12:13 PM
by Gene
Go back to sleep, Tony -- or to COLYUMNING in THE PAPER OF RE-CORD.
11:56 AM
by Gene
Among those being held is Safe Bourada, 35, who was released from prison in 2003 after five years for helping organise a series of bomb attacks in France in 1995 for the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA). SMART!
10:20 AM
by Gene
We were sort of hoping.
10:07 AM
by Gene
Don't worry, Corner; no one can ever be as funny as YOU.
9:40 AM
by Gene
OR: Chris has contributed to a variety of other publications in recent years, including Wired, Slate, Salon, Mother Jones, Legal Affairs, Reason [!!!!!], The American Scholar, The Washington Monthly, The Utne Reader, Columbia Journalism Review, The Washington Post, The Washington City Paper, and The Boston Globe. Very non-partisan. This is merely a variation on how liberal NEWS HACKS paint themselves as unbiased. Translation: THE OTHER SIDE HAS A DOGMA -- and WE HAVE A DOGMA TO PROVE IT. IRONY OF THE DAY: For the general reader, there are places where Powers's detail may grow tiresome and slow the energy of the narrative. But there are few quarrels to be made with the quality of his research (although the book does contain a completely inaccurate definition of Christian Science, offered in passing as Powers details some of Twain's tirades against Mary Baker Eddy, founder of this newspaper.)
8:35 AM
by Gene
(This post replaces an earlier version in which my clever skimming led me to believe PINCH was trying to placate the people who couldn't read the late GLIBERAL anymore.)
8:31 AM
by Gene
Note: We found this as it was the 23rd most e-mailed story in...oh, you know.
8:16 AM
by Gene
8:07 AM
by Gene
ABC, CBS Secretly Searching for Anchors (Insert sound of eyes rolling here)
8:03 AM
by Gene
CPB Taps Two...GOP...Conservatives for Top Posts BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (Emphasis added -- but I'm waiting for ST. WARREN'S CHERUBIM to do little things like that.)
7:00 AM
by Gene
6:40 AM
by Gene
6:32 AM
by Gene
6:28 AM
by Gene
U.S. official: Al Qaeda's No. 2 in Iraq killed Interestingly this leads on the "International" site, not CNN's "U. S." site. You doing something, TWXSTERS? Monday, September 26, 2005
8:16 PM
by Gene
• Porsche drops plan to take VW stake Now here'e the hed of the story it links to: Porsche drops on plan to take VW stake If Yahoo!'s going to be a NEWSPAPER it must be more careful than this. Then again, if it's going to be a NEWSPAPER it doesn't have to be careful at ALL.
6:24 PM
by Gene
Possibly because members of THE CONSPIRACY are getting into the game biz themselves? This guy writes for THE PAPER OF RE-CORD. I think we have a candidate for TimesSelect!
6:10 PM
by Gene
5:23 PM
by Gene
Where are the options for smaller, cheaper sets? I second that important question. (Set includes the required tuner, otherwise it's just a monitor) Dorm dwellers, RV'er's, apartment renters, homes with kids (Dad has no interest in the purple dinosaur) and such. A one TV home theatre solution is not a solution for a house with a family. A multi thousand dollar set in each bedroom, kitchen, den, living room, etc are [sic] also not a solution. Just where are the cheap small sets? Where is the over the air demo at the local electronics store? I keep looking. The demo is either for a subscription Satelite or Cable pay TV service, or from an in-store demo loop. If it won't work in the store, how the heck do I expect it to work at home? Show me the sets in operation! Don't show me a 5.1 sound system, monitor, tuner package. I have a good stereo. I'm just looking for a few small inexpensive TV's to replace my analog stuff for the local news. Don't try to sell me components. I just want a TV for after analog does dark. If the sets don't show up, then the Internet will be my TV of the future. CALLING LORD STRINGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! P. S. I think I'll be holding off on HD until scifi [sic] channel is broadcast in HD. Well, it IS SLASHDOT.
5:13 PM
by Gene
4:56 PM
by Gene
Which raises the question: When will all the WELL-PAID EDI-TORS who keep WRINGING THEIR HANDS over JOB CUTS take PAY CUTS to help preserve some of the JOBS?
3:22 PM
by Gene
ST. WARREN! Get out Your CHECKBOOK -- and Your CALCULATOR!!!!!
3:19 PM
by Gene
In 1941, he dropped out of school to join the Marines, lying about his age. In Guadalcanal he survived the deadly blackwater fever and was returned to the States to become a drill instructor, acquiring the clipped delivery that served him well as a comedian. Indeed. I remember Get Smart, and we are all growing old. P. S. That show was produced by one David Susskind, who moonlighted as a faux-highbrow interviewer. (He also produced Supermarket Sweep.) "It is ironic, yet somehow fitting, that the grand impresario who introduced millions of television viewers to Willy Loman would, himself, suffer the death of a traveling salesman. Susskind died alone in a hotel room of a heart attack at age 66 in 1987." Er -- David who?
2:47 PM
by Gene one of the most humorless people on earth, Jonah, in case you haven't been able to tell. He watches "South Park" for the politics, after all. Posted at 12:57 PM Coming from THE CORNER we'll count that as DEFINITIVE.
1:12 PM
by Gene
We have often thought when it comes to wrongdoing maybe all the BELTWAY should recuse itself.
12:44 PM
by Gene
11:27 AM
by Gene
And natch, His outfit has AN IN-JOKE NAME: Cerberus was a vicious beast that guarded the entrance to Hades and kept the living from entering the world of the dead. According to Apollodorus, Cerberus was a strange mixture of creatures: he had three heads of wild dogs, a dragon or serpent for a tail, and heads of snakes all over his back. Hesiod, though, says that Cerberus had fifty heads and devoured raw flesh. Yes, quite an apt name for an investment group. Just one question: what is Hades? His COMPANIES? P. S. DAN QUAIL, er, QWAAL -- QUAYLE! is its certified GUVMENT insider. Betcha he doesn't know what a MYTH is. But we suspect he knows what MONEY is. P. P. S. Anyone for a sequel to Barbarians at the Gate?
11:18 AM
by Gene
I repeat: LORD KOPPEL at PBS!
10:46 AM
by Gene
As it happens, the contemporary university is diverse only as a matter of definition and ideology, but not in practice or reality. A recent national survey of college faculty by Stanley Rothman, Robert Lichter, and Neil Nevitte showed that over 72 percent held liberal and left of center views, while some 15 percent held conservative views. The survey also found that, over time, and especially since 1980, academic opinion has moved steadily leftward as the generation shaped by the 1960s has taken control of academe. In the humanities and social sciences, where political views are more closely related to academic subject matter, the distribution of opinion is even more skewed to the left. Unlike professors in the past, moreover, many contemporary teachers believe it is their duty to incorporate their political views into classroom instruction. Thus students at leading colleges report that they are subjected to a steady drumbeat of political propaganda in their courses in the humanities and social sciences. The same researchers found that 50 percent of college faculty were Democrats, while just 11 percent were Republicans, which should surprise no one since the diversity ideology that drives the university is the same one that defines the Democratic party. Other researchers have reported even more lopsided distributions. Daniel Klein, an economist at Santa Clara University, found in a national survey of professors that Democrats outnumber Republicans in social science and humanities departments by a ratio of 7 to 1. Meanwhile, college administrators and faculty continue to promote campaigns for cosmetic diversity even as their institutions are becoming more monolithic in the one area academics should care about most--that is, in the area of ideas. In the humanities and social the humanities and social social science and humanities departments....I for one will not challenge that HYER EHDYUKAYSHUN has intellectual and political rigor mortis. But what of the HARD SCIENCES, and their vacuuming of Federal money for ANYTHING? What of the huge business and accounting programs, breeding grounds nonpareil for Babbittry? And what of the closely allied Babbitts in the ATHUHLETIC PROGRAMS, whose sole purpose is WINNING at ANY COST? People who criticize our universities SOLELY for their HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL-SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS may be guilty of very selective thinking.
10:32 AM
by Gene
10:22 AM
by Gene
9:54 AM
by Gene
Look out, PINCH!
9:35 AM
by Gene
Third time: If you'd rather not know anything, START reading now. Anyone for TEN MILLION?
8:46 AM
by Gene
![]() There were lots of expensive homes here, which the government is obligated to rebuild, so people can live here again, so the next hurricane can come along and destroy the homes which the government is obligated to rebuild, so people can live here again, so....
8:43 AM
by Gene
Remember, it's not who's first, it's who's trying to AVOID LAST. NBC got a wake-up call in June, when advertisers refused to pay higher rates after NBC's prime-time ratings had dropped 17% last season. NBC took in nearly $1 billion less in prime-time commitments from advertisers than it did the year before. It DID?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
8:22 AM
by Gene
The WaPost practices FAIRNESS! Okay, St. Warren -- FIVE MILLION!!
6:49 AM
by Gene
Maybe the generals ought to keep their advice to themselves.
6:40 AM
by Gene
![]() Mr. Google, Mr. Microsoft and Mr. Yahoo! say AMEN!
6:24 AM
by Gene
We can't see why any candidate would agree to such nonsense. Then again, with JOHN KERRY'S HAIR, we can.
6:20 AM
by Gene
They say THREE MILLION paraded against an EEEEEEEEEEVIL WAR. They say MAN and his (its) GLOBAL WARMING caused all these hurricanes. They say we're living in a MEGAPLATINUM AGE OF ENTERTAINMENT. If you get them, they may say THE BIONIC WOMAN is 100% REAL. They'll say anything. Sunday, September 25, 2005
5:49 PM
by Gene
MICKEYMOUSE NIXON: Michael Eisner. So called because in recent years He's frequently been likened to Nixon, given His penchant for micromanagement and credit-hogging. Soon to wave bye-bye with both arms in the air. ESPNCORP (pronounced espencorp): The "Walt Disney" Company, after its PROFIT CENTER, and for the simple reason it ceased being Walt Disney a LONG TIME AGO. BUTTMAN INSTITUTE: The Cato Institute, the home of glibertarianism (qv). The producer of Buttman videos is a "major" benefactor. THE BROW: Sumner Redstone, after the arch-nemesis of Dick Tracy, and also because He lost His in a hotel fire. THE ZON (or ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN): Mel Karmazin, the broadcast tyrant and THE BROW's former rival, now the SAVIOR OF SATELLITE RADIO, who makes a big thing about the correct pronunciation of His name: it's KarmaZON, NOT KarmaZIN. THE GLIBERAL: The late Frank Rich, killed in a fit of greed by THE LORD GOD PINCH. ASWIA: The fictitious American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers, which isn't so fictitious; it's called the Association of National Advertisers and it's made a big PR stink about its "support" for "family-friendly programming" even as it's grown ever more indiscriminate in its sponsorships. THE CLUNKER BROTHERS: GM and Ford, and honorary member DaimlerCorp (i.e., DaimlerChrysler), again for obvious reasons; and while I know The Big Two have made considerable quality strides, they always manage to undercut them one way or another, mainly through their bad PR and excessive advertising. STERNO: Jeff Jarvis, former TV Guide "critic" and founder of the unreadable Time Warner rag Entertainment Weekly, and proprietor of, formerly "Buzz T. Newhouse" for being a TWXster (qv), and for being employed by Si Newhouse, and who has a decided aversion to knocking people in big media, unless they make idiotic statements about blogging. The current nickname comes from his turning his site lock-stock-and-barrel over to THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER AND TRUTH TELLER OF ALL TIME, and though he is not as much the firebrand toward his savior these days, we are waiting for a reason to change his nomenclature. RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Any property run by News Corporation automatically gets at least twenty exclamation points after (or within) the name given the Founder's penchant for banging people on the head with them (hence FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News, THE NEW YORK POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, etc.) This also applies to any right-wing organization or NEWS HACK who exaggerates the news, like NewsMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, WALTER "SPYWARE" WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, etc. TWXSTER (pronounced twixter, as in Elmer Fudd): Anyone employed by Time Warner (TWX is its NYSE ticker symbol). VIACON: Viacom: self-explanatory. Soon to be two VIACONS: VIACON and what I will call CBS Corp. BUGMEISTER BILL (formerly "Bill the Entomologist"): The head wizard of Microsoft, after his company's penchant for creating some very ingenious software bugs. SUPERHOOPER: Ibrahim Hooper, the tyrannical spokespoop for the hard-core-Islamist front group CAIR, who never met a Muslim he didn't like. NEWS HACKS: I know I have what amounts to an obsession in using this term, but as I explained in one of my earliest posts, I'm not calling them "journalists." That's like calling a garbageman a sanitation engineer (God knows they're in the same business). Besides, am I going to endow an AP drone with the same term as Boswell, Dickens, Hemingway and Orwell? Not on your life! Well how about "reporter," then? Because not all news hacks report; some are incoherent columnists, some are movie-ad-blurb copywriters, some are senior-citizen groupies, some are millionaire toadies, and so forth. No, the dictionary defines "news" as "new information of any kind" (never mind that most "news" writing is old as the hilburns), and "hack" as "a writer hired to produce routine or commercial writing." Hackwork is worse on a deadline. Hence -- NEWS HACKS. HOWIE HAIRSHIRT: Howard Kurtz, for making huge sums beating his chest. GE BANCORP: General Electric, because it seems increasingly to want to be a bank (and in similar financial scams like show-biz) and to uninvolve itself in grimy businesses like manufacturing. ALTRIA MOTIVE: The former Philip Morris Companies, or as it must call itself now, Altria, the pronunciation of whose name suggests a double entendre -- and if the firm didn't provide it by sticking with its NYSE ticker symbol MO. (ALTRIA MOTIVE FOODS is Kraft Inc., 85-percent owned by ALTRIA MOTIVE.) MOVIE-AD-BLURB COPYWRITERS: Again, I will not call them movie "critics" for the same reason I will not call NEWS HACKS "journalists." In a "notorious" column several years ago Variety's fawner-in-chief Peter Bart suggested calling them the same thing. All they write are ad blurbs for movies, seasoned with a big dollop of pretension. WALTER "SPYWARE" WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Matt DRUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, multi-millionaire populist liar, known for wearing a hat to cover the hole in his head, and for having done his part to create the burgeoning anti-spyware software biz. DOW 36,000: Jim Glassman, the smug glibertarian columnist and head of Tech Central Station, who confidently predicted at the height of the stock-market bubble in 2000 -- in a BOOK -- by THAT TITLE -- that's where the Dow Jones Industrial Average would go. SNIDELY WHIPLASH: House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, for his comically villainous demeanor, and also because he'd look like Snidely if you gave him a handlebar moustache, a cape, and a stove-pipe hat. CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES: AP hacks, affectionately named for their boss, Tom Curley, former publisher of USA OKAY!!!!!, who once insisted with a straight face most of the people who run the news biz are conservative. Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk! THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS: The United Nations, like its forerunner, a wimpish, appeasing irrelevance. TOENAIL.COM (formerly KINSLEY.COM):, founded and once edited by Michael Kinsley, whose snide, smirky, smarmy presence radiates in every piece, since renamed because for days it (and its former sister site MSNBC.COM) gave prominence to an eerily appropriate ad about TOENAIL FUNGUS. We may rename this as the joke's gone stale. Aha! STALE.COM! No, we can do BETTER. THE NINE FINGERS IN THE WIND: The Supreme Court of the United States, whose members frequently seem to rule that way. GLIBERTARIANISM: Libertarianism. It combines (to quote from another post) "the worst of the knee-jerk liberal (laissez-faire morals) with the worst of the knee-jerk conservative (laissez-faire capitalism), mixed with a healthy dose of conceit." SAMMY GLICKMAN: Dan Glickman, president of THE CONSPIRACY: The Motion Picture Association of America, so named after Sammy Glick, the anti-hero of the movie-biz novel What Makes Sammy Run? by Budd Schulberg -- not that Dan's necessarily a heel, but the job may make him one, and at any rate the name's a PERFECT FIT. JACK'S ALPHABET SOUP: "CARA," the MPAA's ratings system, named for its creator, SAMMY GLICKMAN'S predecessor, the evil Jack Valenti. Its supersecret cooks are SOUP NAZIS. The soup is an absolute disgrace, a big reason movie stink, and a problem no one seems of a mind to do anything about, for all the occasional REFORMING noises among news hacks. One suspects a reason the hacks are content just to make noises on the subject is that any positive change to mass media is a NEGATIVE CHANGE TO THEM. Hence the constant wave of denials of press bias, and the only recent grudging admission that something called the Web exists. SOB: Al Neuharth, former CEO of GanNETt and putative founder of USAOKAY!!!!!, because He wrote a novel -- I mean, an AUTOBIOGRAPHY boasting that He was one. He was the DONALD of jerrrrrnalism. NEUHARTHISM: An exaggeration for the purpose of selling. Frequently employed in USAOKAY!!!!!, but with the increasing popularity of SYNERGY (see THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY) NEUHARTHISMS can pop up ANYWHERE. GanNETt: Gannett, the newspaper tyranny, so spelled because SOB always liked to say, "Gannett -- with the accent on NET!!!!!" That sort of hubris may not be apparent anymore. USAOKAY!!!!!: USA Today, for having run so many NEUHARTHISMS, and for having been INVENTED BY ONE. ST. WARREN of BUFFETT: Warren Buffett, so-called for the often exaggerated praise He has gotten from NEWS HACKS, largely for having invested in so much of MEDIA; although the shenanigans of His Berkshire Hathaway may have tarnished the halo over His head -- a little. CAPITALIZED PRONOUNS: Applied to anyone who's a media capo, and especially to media capos who like to throw their weight around, like RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and SUMNER. THOMPSONISM: the womyn's-studies and black-studies movement of our time, "pop-culture studies," the incontinent praising of show-biz junk with multi-syllable words for the purpose of establishing tuition- and taxpayer-financed fiefdoms, named after "Prof." Robert Thompson of Syracuse, who's set Guinness Book records the last three years for getting his name in Nexus. LITTLE JEFFY: Jeffrey Immelt, chairman of GE BANCORP, whom I call such because he will forever work under the shadow of the LEGENDARY (see again THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY) JACK WELCH, the most overhyped and overrated CEO who ever lived. LEGENDARY DAVIS: Clive Davis, the infamous tone-deaf record exec, who officially cannot be mentioned in any newspaper article without being called LEGENDARY (see the previous entry) for all the Johnny and Janey-One-Notes He's inflicted on us. TOILETBOWL RAG: Newsweek, formerly BLUNDER after its hyperventilating Harvard graduate and superpatriotic columnist Jonathan Alter made fun of Vice-President Cheney for saying the Iraqis would cheer us ("AN ARROGANT BLUNDER FOR THE AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"), renamed after it did a little investigative population control. The magazine tries to make up for being second to its competition by outzeitgeisting the zeitgeist, often with nauseating (or unintentionally funny) results. TOILETBOWL was home of the Hitler Diaries, to this day one of its finest achievements. MR. MARK: Mark Whitaker, BLUNDER's editor, who judging from his rag's contents seems like the classic advertising executive and buck passer.
5:08 PM
by Gene
Last year proved to be the hall's weakest for attendance, 413,000, down about 13% from the 476,000 in 2003, which was the first year it drew less than 500,000. The totals are down substantially from the 873,000 who came the first full year in 1996. We recall bitterly that the LEGENDARY Ahmet Ertegun launched the Mausoleum as a way of deking out Tipper Gore's lyric crusade. It figures now that Cleveland's stuck holding a rather sizable bag. (I can imagine how many TENS of MILLIONS in MU-NI-CI-PAL money have gone to this white elephant.) We can attribute this to one of three things: 1. Rock music stinks, 2. A Mausoleum in its honor wasn't that great an idea, especially as the time will come when it will "honor" BRITNEY and ASHLEE, or 3. BOTH. We'll go with 3. P. S. It could be worse. The Mausoleum could be in PHILADELPHIA.
4:12 PM
by Gene
3:56 PM
by Gene
"THIS FALL SEASON HAS BEEN IN A WORD, SPECTACULAR!!!!! WE'D BEEN SO FIXATED ON THE BOX-OFFICE SLUMP, AND HERE WE ARE IN A FALL BOOM!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS TERRIFIC FOR THE INDUSTRY AND BODES WELL FOR A VERY STRONG HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I got BAD news for you, PAUL DRECK: you were up against a WEAK WEEK from last year, but next week you'll be up against a RELATIVELY STRONG ONE. The slump may yet return.
3:45 PM
by Gene
Was this not what Jonathan "THE PATRIOTIC THINKER" Alter suggested in one of his head-scratchings three weeks ago? I SMELL A CONSPIRACY AGAINST POOR PEOPLE!
3:33 PM
by Gene
12:32 PM
by Gene
Matt Kenseth is fifth in the Nextel Cup standings going into today's MBNA 400 at Dover International Speedway. But should he be? According to the 2005 Nextel Cup rule book, perhaps not. "If at any time two (2) or more drivers or car owners have the same number of points (a `tie')," Rule 17-4-C on page 34 reads, "each driver or car owner will be ranked according to the greatest number of 1sts in 2005 Events for the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series as of that time. If a tie still exists, the greatest number of 2nds, 3rds, etc. will be used in the same manner until the tie is broken. If a tie still remains, the driver and/or car owner establishing the best finish first in the season will prevail." After the 26th race at Richmond, Kenseth and Carl Edwards each had 3,114 points. Going into the Chase for the Nextel Cup, each had his points total reset to 5,015 points. But Edwards had two victories and Kenseth had one. So, under Rule 17-4-C, that would put Edwards in eighth place and Kenseth in ninth. After all, the rule does say "at any time." And under Rule 17-3-B, eighth place starts the Chase with 5,015 points and ninth place should have had 5,010 points. What's the big deal? Well, if you're a member of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS, and you're a CEO pouring BILLIONS into a sport so you can demoralize your subordinates endlessly, it's a VERY big deal -- like HOW MANY MORE BILLIONS WE'LL WASTE NEXT YEAR.
11:52 AM
by Gene
We suspect that somewhere behind his Janus demeanor Yusuf believes that too, but I guess the world of jihad and shari'a will have to wait for the "world of sin and greed", for now. And Yusuf is fully capable of thinking there's a difference. Whose name is he using?
11:25 AM
by Gene
A new move to bar celibate gays from the priesthood would signal Pope Benedict's priorities, says TIME Vatican correspondent Jeff Israely [Home-page tease] It MIGHT seem that way.
11:21 AM
by Gene
This article is available exclusively for TimesSelect subscribers until it is made available to the public. And when is that, Your Highness? It is clear Pinch's whole damned empire will be subject to His whim. As I said, MAKING THE WHOLE PAPER PAID IS NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION.
9:57 AM
by Gene
9:17 AM
by Gene
P. S. If they want the PETULAS to make fun of them, they will exaggerate their numbers. The best policy is silence.
9:14 AM
by Gene
9:09 AM
by Gene
See, Petula knows what her bosses want -- a lap dog. Honest, Mr. Mark, you ought to hire her for your staff the next time you want to throw things at Dubya! Meanwhile -- if you can believe this -- a bit of CALM from THE PAPER OF RE-CORD: Organizers of the rally and march had a permit for 100,000 people, but the National Park Service no longer provides official estimates for large gatherings in Washington. [Emphasis added.] So we may presume, ST. WARREN, that because 300,000 PEOPLE SHOWED they were breaking the law. RIGHT O REVERED ONE?
9:06 AM
by Gene
Saturday, September 24, 2005
6:33 PM
by Gene
GENE KELLY'S going to get a WORKOUT in these precincts.
5:05 PM
by Gene
Yes. As Her overtime mouth demonstrates, She has all the answers -- and a few extra questions too. P. S. CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES have Goebbelized around the 100,000 number, because the D. C. "police chief" (who couldn't keep his own car from being stolen) said it was okay to say that. "The car was taken, and there was nothing of real value in it. Cars are getting stolen every day," as he said. P.P.S. ![]() The DIMWITS at the REUT were FOOLISH enough to run this overhead shot. We would not be foolish enough ourselves to guess, and it would certainly depend on when this shot was taken, but we would say it is more than the 2,000 the Freepers bruited -- and less than the 100,000 the GOEBBELSES "REPORTED". P. S. At 8:00 P. M. ST. WARREN SAYS BETWEEN 150,000 AND 200,000!!!!! How did you make out in the GULF, REVERED ONE?
3:16 PM
by Gene
2:50 PM
by Gene
Sorry to be killjoy, and I know virtually no one on DU is going to agree with my opinion here, but this is another International ANSWER rally that is probably a net negative to the anti-Iraq war cause. Too many topics addressed aside from the Iraq war, too much anti-Israel sentiment, too many pro-Palestinian speakers, too many pro-Fidel Castro speakers, too much radicalism on display, too much America is the cause of all evil in the world wailing, etc... This is just not going to appeal to average Americans. I'm watching a speaker now railing about the US in the Philippines. I mean, come on - what has this got to do with the war in Iraq? The US troop presence in the Philippines is marginal and for the most part assists the PI government with crushing Islamists Abu-Sayaf terrorists and wiping out the remants of the communist rebels. Americans are just not going to be against that, and quite frankly, neither are the majority of Filipino's outside college campuses. So long as International ANSWER is the primary force behind these things, these protests will achieve next to nothing.
2:45 PM
by Gene
For one thing, she no longer looks like ![]() THIS. (Stolen from Free Republic.)
1:48 PM
by Gene
One of his father's last assignments was as a spokesman for Rodeway Inns. Nuf said.
12:05 PM
by Gene
Hey YOUR HOLINESS, THEY'RE WHY YOU'RE A HOUSEHOLD NAME! One of John Sweeney's functionaries makes me think organized labor can't disintegrate fast enough. And I'm nominally a union member. From a simple PR perspective this is a non-starter. How do you persuade people by screaming? (And a tiny C-SPAN audience to boot.) How do you sell people that the cure for humanity's ills is a national outbreak of self-flagellation? No, what ST. CINDY did was a triumph of the first order, because She kept the looneys and the commies and the anti-Semites at bay by being a GRIEVING MOTHER FRONT-WOMAN. They should have quit while they were behind. AND TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS.
11:41 AM
by Gene
11:31 AM
by Gene
"Maybe I thought, 'I didn't shoot high enough for Lynndie England,'" said Denne, who works for the Mineral County school system. "Maybe I thought, 'We should have taught her how to think.'" Given how most schools are, and how most STUDENTS are, that seems unlikely.
11:21 AM
by Gene
10:32 AM
by Gene
![]() In this, a sudden GOLDEN AGE OF JERNALISM, another KnightRidder rag cuts jobs. If you're doing such a great job why fire people? P. S. at 5:55 P. M. After reading CURLEY'S GOEBBELSES alakazam that 100,000 number I decided to add A LITTLE ILLUSTRATION HERE to indicate my SYMPATHY, and will do so from now on with ANY story announcing NEWS HACK JOB LOSSES.
9:46 AM
by Gene
Let's see: an expert on agriculture and big fake gorillas; Saddam's attorney general; an honorary Aryan; ST. CINDY (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and JE$$E. This is going to be SOME TANTRUM!
9:38 AM
by Gene
But it remains unclear if pro-market economic liberals devoted to reducing state bureaucracy or a socially conservative party determined to preserve welfare-state protections will emerge with the upper hand. POLAND has those TOO?
9:35 AM
by Gene
Which, with any luck, will fly magically into the air and land STRAIGHT DOWN on the MAD MULLAHS.
9:21 AM
by Gene
The best decision he's made in a LONG time.
9:13 AM
by Gene
America's money-losing airlines exist only for "political vanity" and suck up more wasted cash than any other carriers in the world, says the head of British Airways. In a blistering attack on American aviation policies, Sir Rod Eddington called them "stupid" because the tactics block open-sky rules around the world and wreck fair competition.... Sir Rod is a director of News Corporation, which owns The Post. I don't think that had ANYTHING with this getting into DA POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, do you? NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:11 AM
by Gene
HILLARY'S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! Friday, September 23, 2005
8:45 PM
by Gene
And what did YOUR daddy do in the War on Poverty?
6:30 PM
by Gene
Pffh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh! Nationally known Democratic war critics, including Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, Russell Feingold of Wisconsin and John Kerry of Massachusetts, won't attend what sponsors say will be a big anti-war rally Saturday in Washington.... Hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... Spokesmen for the Democrats who are skipping the anti-war event all said they had schedule conflicts. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they know something we don't -- like ST. CINDY'S LOVE OF THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS, for starters. And OCCUPIED NEW ORLEANS!
5:51 PM
by Gene
5:42 PM
by Gene
Any relation to the CHICKEN people?
5:30 PM
by Gene
All we have to do, buddy, is read you clowns congratulating yourselves, then spinning and selling as usual, and you'll forgive us if WE DO NOT FEEL THE LEAST BIT SORRY FOR YOU.
5:17 PM
by Gene
P. S. We note the number-one e-mailed story -- it's STILL the one about a DOG FLU VIRUS -- is NUMBER TWENTY-TWO FOR THE MONTH. This suggests people are hardly e-mailing the number-one story. Which means if people aren't e-mailing the NUMBER-ONE STORY, perhaps the latest NUMBER TWENTY-TWO is SLIGHTLY MORE POPULAR THAN MY BLOG!
5:09 PM
by Gene
Don't worry, if we can work it out, it'll merely worsen unemployment HERE.
4:59 PM
by Gene
1. Bill Gates, $51 billion, Microsoft NUF SAID. 3. Paul Allen, $22 billion, Microsoft and investments Secretive zillionaire renowned for his bad choices. 4. Michael Dell, $18 billion, Dell Country-club Republican who's outsourced half his company and gutted customer service. 5. Larry Ellison, $ 17 billion, Oracle Screams a lot. 11. Steve Ballmer, $14 billion, Microsoft Screams a lot. 16. Sergey Brin, $11 billion, Google 16. Larry Page, $11 billion, Google The J. Edgar Hoovers of high-tech, with a touch of the Dalai Lama to make them seem human. And further down the list: 67. Steve Jobs, $3.3 billion, Apple Computer, Pixar The ultimate CONTROL PHREAK who sells overpriced gadgets that won't work with other gadgets. 93. Jerry Yang, $2.5 billion, Yahoo SIEG HEIL! 258. Barry Diller, $1.3 billion, InterActiveCorp Walked on water while running show-biz, now a techie just like anybody. 384. Steve Case, $900 million, America Online HE'S STILL ON THE LIST? One thing is clear: future generations won't have the slightest clue who most these people are, except perhaps in the negative. Edison invented things. Most of these clowns wrote code. P. S. Does anyone know who was the biggest businessman in Beethoven's time? Does anyone CARE?
3:28 PM
by Gene
I'll have to think up a political equivalent of the NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD. John Ritter (wasn't he a comedian?) would win with FLYING COLORS -- MOSTLY YELLOW.
3:22 PM
by Gene
Caveat: it's NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:07 PM
by Gene
Another HACK mistakes TALK for THINKING.
12:10 PM
by Gene
11:54 AM
by Gene
"What if there's a bomb in my bag?" What if that's not a hypothetical question?