Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Saturday, June 30, 2007
6:02 PM
by Gene
In Kabul, the burial of a suicide bomber occurs at a secret time in a secret place, the forgettable end to what most here consider an unforgivable act. You don't suppose our new friends the Iranians are behind these unforgivable acts, could you now?
12:54 PM
by Gene
11:42 AM
by Gene
The British political establishment must resemble a pretzel. How can it do anything without being -- judgmental? Perhaps if one of the parties was smoking....
11:02 AM
by Gene
While this is not the equivalent of PEOPLE WARNER and its profit center Larry, it's in the same boat.
10:14 AM
by Gene
And why does USAOKAY!!!!!.com peg this under "Life in Iraq, Iraq Casualties"? Friday, June 29, 2007
7:29 PM
by Gene
What has tilted Jones, already suspended for the upcoming NFL season because of his off-the-field troubles, to the edge of career suicide? "Money," said Tony Douglas, Jones' youth football coach at Sandtown Park in southwest Atlanta. "It seems like it all stems from money. I mean, he had nothing growing up — nothing — and suddenly there's millions of dollars. I think it's been hard for him to handle." Give me millions of dollars and I might not find it too hard to handle.
7:26 PM
by Gene
He left his spot around 11:30 a.m., soon after a 22-year-old man sporting a mohawk asked him, "How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?" The mayor replied: "I'm doing my job." Sitting on his duff, waiting for a gadget -- doing his job indeed.
5:40 PM
by Gene
5:17 PM
by Gene
Democrats admitted that while they had some concern about the issue of balance in talk radio, there were no plans to resurrect the fairness doctrine and that Republicans were simply pandering to conservative talk-show hosts. And who do you pander to?
5:14 PM
by Gene
When your client is alleged to have worn adult diapers how can you not?
5:10 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
5:04 PM
by Gene
Publisher Eva Dillon said that extensive research was done about the back cover and, though they believed readers would have a strong negative reaction, readers actually didn't seem to care one way or another. That wouldn't reflect on your rag, would it? Naaaah.
5:01 PM
by Gene
Possible let's-see-if-we-can-spin-this-story hook: The bombs were similar to those used by "insurgents" in Iraq. Ta-DA!!!!! DUBYA'S TO BLAME!!!!!!!!!!
9:52 AM
by Gene
9:40 AM
by Gene
6:50 AM
by Gene
Will you run, Honorary, or shut up?
6:48 AM
by Gene
6:43 AM
by Gene
Thursday, June 28, 2007
8:17 PM
by Gene
With Vince's boys one can't discount the notion this was a stunt gone horribly wrong, but I doubt it, as it sounds like a case of OJ boasting. The noxious stench of this case gets stronger. (Link changed from earlier citation of Yahoo! News story)
5:35 PM
by Gene
5:28 PM
by Gene
I thought they only killed things!
5:26 PM
by Gene
Chuck Hagel's antiwar stance could make him a serious Republican candidate for the White House in 2008. But it's causing him headaches back home. As well it should, being he's Honorary Mayor Mike's likely VEEP.
5:19 PM
by Gene
Today should be the last day for Supreme Court opinions this term. Thank GOD!
5:16 PM
by Gene
Or perhaps we shouldn't say kosher, given how Democrats love Israel these days.
5:11 PM
by Gene
Report: Alcohol Companies Stingy With Responsibility Ad Dollars What marketer spends money to unmarket his product -- especially to those in the prime liquor-guzzling age?
5:10 PM
by Gene
Not that it has much of chance, as B&C says, but the Dems are in a censoring mood.
5:08 PM
by Gene
5:07 PM
by Gene
Don't do it, Bannies!
5:06 PM
by Gene
Who invented such systems? Eavesdroppers?
1:35 PM
by Gene
You've got me thinking SLIME can't fire some of you FAST ENOUGH.
9:08 AM
by Gene
--Henry Adams Do you suppose there's a reason this appeared on your Web site today, Little Malcolm? Hinthint?
8:37 AM
by Gene
Why doesn't Dow go back to counting the points to his 36,000?
8:32 AM
by Gene
Well, one thing: Papa can boast about it in all the speeches he makes.
8:09 AM
by Gene
SYNERGY! Wednesday, June 27, 2007
8:53 PM
by Gene
Sounds more and more too as though wrestler was a steroid junkie, which of course justifies treating your mentally retarded son to a chokehold. If Vince McMahon had blown up pro wrestling along with his car the world would have saluted him.
7:10 PM
by Gene
"We're looking for each Fortune 500 company headquartered in Minnesota to give at least $1 million; and some of you will be able to be far more generous than that," read Pawlenty's talking points for the June 6 meeting. Leaders of companies outside that elite club got a pitch for $250,000 to $500,000 contributions, according to documents obtained by the Associated Press under a government records request. Aw shucks, you're a piker, Gov. If The Great Alaskan Boar and Sen. Train to Nowhere had been there they could have lined the Twin Cities' streets with GOLD.
5:19 PM
by Gene
5:07 PM
by Gene
“It’s creating an increasingly inane and trivialized culture....One imaginary dystopia is that in 25 or 50 years, there will be no mainstream media. There’s nothing inevitable about Hollywood. There’s nothing inevitable about the music industry. The replacement for mainstream media is Twitter, it’s YouTube, it’s Wikipedia … If you read it on the Internet, it likely isn’t true.” Valid enough, yet we must confess the culture couldn't have devalued itself without the past fifty years of decline, and if the Web churns out tons of "increasingly inane and trivialized culture" it's only a broader reflection of the top-down culture around it. The sci-fi phreaks, the horror-porn ghouls, the rock and TV-series worshippers, the schlock-cult obsessive compulsives and anal retentives -- none of these would have been if the boys way up there hadn't churned out the stuff for years -- and a gotten a public increasingly distant from standards and taste to like it. (Via IWantMedia)
5:04 PM
by Gene
Who'll wager it's the last one?
5:00 PM
by Gene
![]() Why are all Indian customer-"service" reps specifically trained to say OW-kay?
12:07 PM
by Gene
Geico's Big Spending Pays Off, Study Says Does that include all those thousands of mailings I trash because ST. WARREN doesn't know I don't own a car? U.S. Ad-Spending Growth Slows Way Down Which still means that nearly $300 BILLION of OUR money is being burned on crappy TV and junk rags. Time Inc. Hopes to Prove Value of Its Brands Online If it put out decent rags it wouldn't have to worry about its "BRANDS." GM's 'Transformers' Tie-In Extends Beyond Big Screen TRANSLATION: Now we REALLY get to schmooze!
11:13 AM
by Gene
President Vladimir Putin said Thursday no one should try to make Russia feel guilty about the Great Purge of 1937, saying it may have been one of the most notorious episodes of the Stalin era but "in other countries even worse things happened."... Speaking with the teachers, Putin suggested the United States' use of atomic weapons against Japan at the end of World War II was worse than the abuses of Stalin. He also cited the U.S. bombing campaign and use the defoliant Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. We also came across this: Kremlin Powers May Be Split After Putin ...which suggests the faint hopeful possibility that Belly Kisser's successors won't be quite the law-abiding tyrants he is -- unless, of course, he becomes President for Life in a manufactured crisis.
10:58 AM
by Gene
Larry King Calls Ringo 'George'
10:42 AM
by Gene
Really guys, if you're looking for someone with "" in his url, there's always me. Fat chance. Lately, I've had action heroes on the brain: John McClane, Indiana Jones, Republicans. Of course, the heroic comportment of the Bush administration and the Republican candidates shares something fundamental with the heroism of our big-screen tough-guys: it is totally fictional. TRANSLATION: The ACTION-MOVIE JO-NAH of the LEFT! DOWN WITH JO-NAHS!
10:23 AM
by Gene
10:09 AM
by Gene
I don't care if he had "roid rage." What earthly excuse is there for this?
10:05 AM
by Gene
One of the hits of last summer’s New York Intl. Fringe Festival, the musical political satire “Walmartopia,” will have a commercial run, opening Sept. 3 at Off Broadway’s Minetta Lane Theater. With a book by Catherine Capellaro and music and lyrics by Andrew Rohn, the show skewers the world’s largest company via the vicissitudes of a single mom and Wal-Mart employee, who speaks out against working conditions and ends up transported with her daughter to 2036, when Wal-Mart rules the planet. George S. Kaufman once said satire is what closes on Saturday night. In the modern Branson East what closes Saturday night actually closed ten years ago.
8:19 AM
by Gene
If you idiots want to accelerate your decline you will keep talking about this force of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL, you will keep talking after you've subjected us to PARIS for only the last ten years, you will keep talking after The Mess of all people disclosed your CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS, you will keep talking because otherwise YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY.
6:51 AM
by Gene
A PINCH/SUMNER POLL.... These guys still think they win all the time. Sorry. Now you win only 98 percent of the time.
6:47 AM
by Gene
"Leaving No Tracks" indeed. We see no place for reader comments or Technorati. Sorta like in the old days. Shrewd, Lenny! Tuesday, June 26, 2007
7:06 PM
by Gene
5:27 PM
by Gene
Who would have thought BIG OIL would show more spunk than the Dalai Lamas of Mountain View, or Mr. Human Rights?
5:22 PM
by Gene
Are Polls Undercounting Ron Paul's Supporters? [Home-page tease]
5:19 PM
by Gene
5:10 PM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
Okay, what did he promise them?
10:48 AM
by Gene
1. Someone finally noticed; and 2. What's the difference?
10:44 AM
by Gene
10:40 AM
by Gene
9:19 AM
by Gene
Heaven forfend! Monday, June 25, 2007
7:21 PM
by Gene
A jockey who kicked his horse in the stomach before a race was suspended for 30 days and fined $1,000 by Philadelphia Park officials on Monday. A simple question: Why didn't the horse kick back?
7:19 PM
by Gene
World Awaits Paris Hilton's Return You're sure about that?
5:54 PM
by Gene
There is no difference, except that FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEWS is biased in an unacceptable way, and PNN is biased in an acceptable way. Really Scott, we don't want to hear these pinhead debates about the pinhead cable news networks.
5:24 PM
by Gene
4:48 PM
by Gene
...and no, despite the best hopes of news hacks, who want to believe, downloads aren't substituting: Greenfield and Smaldon said they expect U.S. unit sales of digital music to grow 28% in 2008, slowing from projected growth of 47% this year. However, rapid growth in digital sales will still fall short of making up for the decline in CD sales. As a result, the Pali analysts expect total U.S. unit sales of recorded music to decline about 9% in both 2007 and 2008. [Emphasis added] This is all one word: [C]RAP. [C]RAP has come to define the recorded-sound biz in the public imagination, and the public doesn't want to imagine. And [C]RAP has no melody, and where there is no melody, there is no music. The other pop...SOUND jean-RUHS follow in line; words like alternative, industrial, grunge, punk -- they're just another word for tuneless. There is nothing new to listen to. This is excellent news in the short run as it will put many of the disgorgers of this sonic bilge water out of business. It is a calamity as far as the ear can hear.
4:45 PM
by Gene
![]() We get it too: Some SENIOR CLUNKER BROTHER execs paid gazillions to Tiger, Kelly and Jimmy so they wouldn't stop boasting, or humiliating their subordinates -- and also so they wouldn't have to spend time and money thinking up cars people will BUY. Sorry G. WE GET IT TOO. P. S. to Jerry "Sieg Heil" Yang on 7/13/2008 at 8:00 p.m.: Hey Jerr, why can I pull up THIS one?
2:20 PM
by Gene
If EINSTEIN was a lecture this will be a Ph.D. program.
2:01 PM
by Gene
Haven't they remade Toy Story once too often? And has Jim Hill (whoever he is) written too many words? (Via ShowBizData)
1:16 PM
by Gene
Filmmaker set for bio on Hugh Hefner 1. A whitewash; 2. A PC whitewash; 3. A CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED PC whitewash; 4. An ACADEMY AWARD®-WINNING CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED PC whitewash. (Via IWantMedia)
1:05 PM
by Gene
11:11 AM
by Gene
Where would we be without 'em? (The Nine Fingers, that is.)
11:01 AM
by Gene
10:43 AM
by Gene
Then again, when Alzheimer's strikes a parent it does strike you.
10:41 AM
by Gene
9:42 AM
by Gene
9:37 AM
by Gene
Sunday, June 24, 2007
6:10 PM
by Gene
4:59 PM
by Gene
And cigarettes still sell, in spite of all, proving the utter waste of money that is advertising.
2:38 PM
by Gene
12:25 PM
by Gene
There's no longer any question whether special effects can be made more realistic: The issue is whether disposable actors can be trained to play better with bluescreens. We're not sure what our scribbler means by "disposable actors", but we think he means flesh-and-blood types. But then the whole biz is heading toward a time when flesh-and-blood actors will be superfluous, an apt future for a business that has pretty well become superfluous, blue screens or no. The premise for these fights hasn't moved beyond 1925's "The Lost World".... TRANSLATION: SUMNER'S MADE AN 82-YEAR-OLD CGI MOVIE!
11:01 AM
by Gene
WATCH THE DOOR ON THE...never mind.
10:17 AM
by Gene
10:14 AM
by Gene
"Paris will not be paid a dime for the interview," Us Weekly magazine quoted a CNN source as saying. TRANSLATION: PEOPLE WARNER'S PAYING FOR IT -- SOMEHOW.
10:04 AM
by Gene
Meantime, will PEOPLE WARNER ever stop churning out STROBE TALBOTTS?
9:34 AM
by Gene
9:29 AM
by Gene
Of course that isn't nearly as many deaths as EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL DUBYA there any reasoning with people like that?
9:26 AM
by Gene
9:23 AM
by Gene
But Mr. Obama said that religion has a rightful role to play in American politics, and he praised people of faith who he said are now using their influence to try to unite Americans against problems like poverty, AIDS, the health care crisis and the violence in Darfur. TRANSLATION: 1. We should ignore conservative moral issues in favor of feel-good liberal topics where we can platitudinize to our heart's content; 2. We want the left to do what the right is doing. What cynicism. We hardly expected this from JFK Lincoln. Or didn't we? Saturday, June 23, 2007
9:35 PM
by Gene
6:53 PM
by Gene
At times like these there seems an inkling of an advantage to being single -- just.
1:19 PM
by Gene
Happily even the most high-toned movie S&M phreaks seem to realize it, and are avoiding this PC lecture in droves. (Via -- alas -- MS. TRAVERS)
11:10 AM
by Gene
10:38 AM
by Gene
Another MICKEYMOUSE NIXON innovation bites the dust. (Via MyWay)
10:16 AM
by Gene
I'm tired and I wanna go to bed.... Go, GO, World's Oldest Adolescent!
10:14 AM
by Gene
Clift: Joe Biden's horse sense on Iraq We could say a word or two should be replaced, but then we'd have to choose the words.
10:11 AM
by Gene
We should remember this was part of the Knight-Ridder empire. New ownership does not seem to have rid this rag of its high regard for the pee-PUL.
10:09 AM
by Gene
Children as young as six are being used by the Taliban in increasingly desperate suicide missions, coalition forces in Afghanistan claimed yesterday. The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to which Britain contributes 5,000 troops in southern Afghanistan, revealed that soldiers defused an explosive vest which had been placed on a six-year-old who had been told to attack Afghan army forces in the east of the country. The boy was spotted after appearing confused at a checkpoint. The vest was defused and no one was hurt. Don't the holy cockroaches have any pride? Don't they have any sense?
10:04 AM
by Gene
(Via USAOKAY!!!!!.com's On Deadline)
9:57 AM
by Gene
They would of course not PONDER how giving donations to Democratic candidates by a 9-to-1 ratio would destroy their business. They would not ponder how "setting agendas" would destroy their business. They would not ponder how fifth-rate writing and constant errors would destroy their business. They would not ponder how talking to the peon public from Mt. Olympus would destroy their business. No the news hack's self-regard will endure long after he's destroyed his business.
9:55 AM
by Gene
Translation: They were both embarrassed to be throwing millions at her. (They? embarrassed?!?) Friday, June 22, 2007
7:05 PM
by Gene
The selection models was [SIC] specified as: shows = α + β1(minownsta)i + β2(femownsta)i + β3(singleown)i + β4(localown)i + β5(mktpop)i + β6(pctminor)i + β7(starev)i + β8(newsform)i + β9(talkform)I + ξi The outcome models were specified as: consta = α + β1(minownsta)i + β2(femownsta)i + β3(singleown)i + β4(localown)i + β5(mktpop)i + β6(pctminor)i + β7(starev)i + ξi progsta = α + β1(minownsta)i + β2(femownsta)i + β3(singleown)i + β4(localown)i + β5(mktpop)i + β6(pctminor)i + β7(starev)i + ξi TRANSLATION: We want to censor people we disagree with. Cut the comedy clowns and admit to it! (Via
6:57 PM
by Gene
(Via something called via Media Buyer Planner)
5:30 PM
by Gene
Tony Blair, attending his last EU summit as Prime Minister, was forced into an embarrassing u-turn after being outmanoeuvred by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy over the removal of a commitment to "free and undistorted" competition in a list of the EU's defining objectives. So much for THAT conservative.
5:24 PM
by Gene
5:16 PM
by Gene
Or to quote from a lyric I've quoted before: You help me Like a burglar helps Fort Knox. You help me Like the fox hunt helps the fox.... KEEP HELPING, CHRIS! (Via -- where else? -- Romy, who was sorta hoping he was helping)
5:11 PM
by Gene
1:31 PM
by Gene
The Red Sox continued their consecutive sellout streak with Bonds in town last weekend. More remarkable, the Brewers sold 112,020 tickets for the three games this week, with no crowd less than 35,000. Whatever's* good for $ELIGI$M.
11:30 AM
by Gene
The convention center expansion is the civic equivalent of breast implants.
11:20 AM
by Gene
IN AMERICA IN SIXTH ANNUAL OLD SPICE SWEATIEST CITIES STUDY [SIC!!!!!] And how many hundreds of thousands -- millions -- did the boys in CINCINNATI burn to concoct this boneheaded stunt in the hopes of further insinuating themselves in Hollywood, a city that doesn't sweat at all?
11:15 AM
by Gene
9:16 AM
by Gene
What is to be said of Kurt Waldheim on his death? One might as well try to judge a machine. And yet attention must be paid. Because large organizations-armies, governments, corporations, international agencies-have no conscience of their own. They must depend on individuals to supply it. And when an individual with some administrative skill not only follows orders, but refines and processes and initials them, making sure they will prove highly effective, there is no limit to the evil that can be accomplished.
9:08 AM
by Gene
06.22.07 BEFORE HE WORKED FOR FOX NEWS. . .: Britt Hume was a commie symp. Well, not exactly, but he was the target of CIA surveillance in the early '70s, according to the agency's "family jewels" documents that are being declassified. Today's WaPo reports:
Personal surveillance was conducted on [Jack] Anderson and three of his staff members, including Britt Hume, now with Fox News, for two months in 1972 after Anderson wrote of the administration's "tilt toward Pakistan." --Jason Zengerle posted 08:50 a.m. Comment | E-mail The Plank | Email this post | Return to top [SIC!!!!!!!!!!] Yes Jason, I think you guys have been spending TOO MUCH MONEY on Democrats. P. S. DAMMIT! The WaPo CORRECTED IT. Oh well, Jason still doesn't know better.
8:49 AM
by Gene
Now we know celebrity "news" has gone TOO FAR.
8:43 AM
by Gene
8:31 AM
by Gene
8:30 AM
by Gene
Thursday, June 21, 2007
9:35 PM
by Gene
9:29 PM
by Gene
(Via via ShowBizData)
6:22 PM
by Gene
6:20 PM
by Gene
Coffee, tea or boondoggle? Hey, he's entitled. Didn't he used to be in the House, where they had their own bank and post office?
6:18 PM
by Gene
Strange -- when it came to illegal immigration we thought the GOP stood for amnesty and punishment at the same time.
6:10 PM
by Gene
6:07 PM
by Gene
Heaven forfend!
5:41 PM
by Gene
Maybe he figures it's Bushisms all the way anyway.
3:49 PM
by Gene
Why am I thinking, the most likely riposte to this is "we'll see about that"?
3:47 PM
by Gene
1:50 PM
by Gene
Think pundits running out of things to say will mention this one soon? P. S. From the looks of things I'd say it's clips 'n' interns -- but what do you expect from SUMNER?
1:47 PM
by Gene
9:30 AM
by Gene
Who says anyone in The World's Oldest Adolescent's government has any common sense? (Via ArtsJournal)
9:28 AM
by Gene
9:10 AM
by Gene
Was ever a colyumnist more predictable and tiresome than SKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX? Why didn't he give money to someone so we could make fun of him? Oh. He's unbiased and nonpartisan.
8:45 AM
by Gene
Journalists dole out cash to politicians (quietly) And aren't WE surprised: identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties. Unbiased nonpartisan MORONS. P. S. THE LIST. How unexpected: all eleven effete snobs with The New Yorker gave to Dems, including David Den-BEH and Bert Lahrson, which lends further credence to the notion Pauline Kael never knew anyone who voted for Nixon. Nine Bloomies supported Dems, which would mean Honorary Mayor Mike will have strong support for HIS run. And three "Ds" at the Journals, so we know why SLIME is THE force of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL. Double-dealing neutral IMBECILES.
8:35 AM
by Gene
But for many subprime borrowers, that doesn't seem to be the rule of thumb anymore. They are now more likely to be late on their mortgage than on their credit card, according to a new study from Experian Group, the Ireland-based company that maintains a huge database of consumer credit histories. TRANSLATION: People do not need a roof over their heads in order to EAT.
8:33 AM
by Gene
For starters, America does not have 300 million liberal Northeastern billionaires. Wednesday, June 20, 2007
8:22 PM
by Gene
Canadians have never been able to create a comic book superhero of the first rank. The few they have are not fit to hold the cape of Superman. Why?... more» (From Arts & Letters Daily's home page. And note the URL)
5:10 PM
by Gene
4:57 PM
by Gene
We have not commented on Salman Rushdie's knighthood to date figuring it's the province of cheap politicos. Several pundits are saying he got it after a concerted effort by the left to prove we can live in peace and harmony and what-all. Some have other plans. That said Rushdie's getting this alleged honor (even more alleged given the speed and plenitude with which The World's Oldest Adolescent has dispensed it) for PC reasons, and clearly he doesn't deserve it because The Satanic Verses was nothing if not a provocation on the holy cockroaches, and people died as a result, though the rioting was prompted by the basest demagogues; worse, now the "civilized world" must defend the values of a man who may not have them outside of taunting people who may deserve to be taunted. That headline, with its painful double meaning, says it all.
4:56 PM
by Gene
Mob "justice" is obviously not through yet.
4:51 PM
by Gene
4:48 PM
by Gene
12:33 PM
by Gene
10:34 AM
by Gene
How big is that majority?
10:31 AM
by Gene
SaaaaaAAAAAaaaaay, maybe that's why Wall Street's croupiers have talked themselves into thinking GE BANCORP may hit $1 TRILLION!!!!!
10:24 AM
by Gene
And mirroring this year's strong market for scatter inventory, many of the networks seemed to be getting high single-digit increases in CPMs. ABC, sources said, was capturing CPM increases of 10% or more above last year's upfront prices. That's despite -- and in many cases because of -- a 10% overall decline in viewership. Here the junk-television financiers of Battle Creek just engaged in unilateral disarmament for financing too many cartoons with their sugar cereals, and others are sure to follow, and yet these idiots are burning more of OUR money on junk television than ever! One would hate to see what would happen if ratings really declined.
9:53 AM
by Gene
9:45 AM
by Gene
Does this mean even in Vegas (a city that also has a good case of condo-itis) there's only so much money you can throw at conventioneers and chronic gamblers? P. S at 12:26 p.m. No. Veg is the ultimate expression of the Greater Fool Theory.
9:20 AM
by Gene
He told the grads, "The market did not reward saving the lives of these children [in poor countries], and governments did not subsidize it. So the children died because their mothers and their fathers had no power in the market and no voice in the system." WHAT IS GATES TALKING ABOUT? Can he name ONE poor country that permits the free market to operate?!? [Full-throttle-capitalistic overemphasis added] Actually we'd wager lots of poor countries have capitalism, only it's called corruption.
9:17 AM
by Gene
9:12 AM
by Gene
He doesn't like being called a philistine?!?!? (Via ArtsJournal)
8:25 AM
by Gene
Wouldn't it be more news if some overpaid overexposed Hollywood blowhard didn't want plastic surgery? Though judging from some of their faces and figures they need it.
8:22 AM
by Gene
8:15 AM
by Gene
8:12 AM
by Gene
(Via MyWay) Tuesday, June 19, 2007
9:10 PM
by Gene
6:36 PM
by Gene
Was he EVER a Republican? How does Mike and Hole-in-the-Bagel sound? Exciting. How about the TWXSTERS' team of Mike and Ah-NULT?!? Is he willing to be vice-president? Hey Mike! If you want to hear David "SKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNX" Broder praise you why not just put him on your payroll? It would be cheaper.
5:58 PM
by Gene
Put your -- budget cuts where your mouth is!
5:38 PM
by Gene
5:37 PM
by Gene
Fat chance.
5:30 PM
by Gene
Not really. Put short-circuits in buildings full of stuffed furniture (and most likely without sprinklers) and built to suburban-mall-ticky-tacky standards and it's a wonder more firemen haven't lost their lives.
5:26 PM
by Gene
"I still think that if you analyze most of the school shootings, it is not gun control. It is [psychotropic] drugs at the bottom of it!!!!!" [Emphasis added] And if we put those funny boxes of yours in every school that cures the problem. Sure, Edna, sure.
5:23 PM
by Gene
Of course it probably isn't going anywhere with Queen Louise running the show, but then amnesty isn't going anywhere either.
5:19 PM
by Gene
10:06 AM
by Gene
AND I'M THE MAN, let me think about it. [Country-saving overemphasis added]
8:46 AM
by Gene
Well, one: he's the producing partner of the COUCH-JUMPING GOD.
8:42 AM
by Gene
This will happen when you TELL THE TRUTH. Monday, June 18, 2007
5:47 PM
by Gene
U.S. lawmakers are keen to show that they are acting to take pressure off consumers and get tough on Big Oil. Like the bullet getting tough with the foot.
5:45 PM
by Gene
At one of America's most PC schools and the second home of Dickie V, they will be.
5:30 PM
by Gene
5:25 PM
by Gene
5:19 PM
by Gene
It's still unclear whether the jobs will be filled by new hires or existing or laid-off Chrysler workers in Kokomo. TRANSLATION: This is a make-work scheme. FURTHER TRANSLATION: Let's see if the Three-Headed Dog can "rationalize" this plant.
5:17 PM
by Gene
He kept a live journal and posted pictures of himself with his long brown hair flowing loosely or pulled back in a ponytail. On one site, he described himself as a laid-back person who is easy to get along with and likes "things that are dark, gloomy and depressing." "For whatever reason they cheer me up," he wrote on FaceTheJury. You certainly chose one, didn't you guy.
5:11 PM
by Gene
4:56 PM
by Gene
Or was he fired? He's replaced by Mr. Human Rights, which means it will probably make little difference.
12:19 PM
by Gene
12:08 PM
by Gene
10:46 AM
by Gene
Yep, this will completely squelch the spinoff talk. (Via MediaBistro)
10:23 AM
by Gene
(Second link changed 8/2/2009; story taken down) Sunday, June 17, 2007
9:46 PM
by Gene
9:38 PM
by Gene
8:24 PM
by Gene
And it helps the taxpayers by raising gas and food prices! That's a pretty good deal if you ask me!
12:48 PM
by Gene
Ooooh, Danno! He insulted your show! We ought to fight back with an investigative report on Rick Kaplan! Uncover some secret memos! How 'bout it, Courage?
11:31 AM
by Gene
11:19 AM
by Gene
10:53 AM
by Gene
Enraged Fatah leaders on Saturday accused Hamas militiamen of looting the home of former Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat in Gaza City. "They stole almost everything inside the house, including Arafat's Nobel Peace Prize medal," said Ramallah-based Fatah spokesman Ahmed Abdel Rahman. "Hamas militiamen and gangsters blew up the main entrance to the house before storming it. They stole many of Arafat's documents and files, gifts he had received from world leaders and even his military outfits." [Emphasis added] Sniff, sniff. (Via
10:43 AM
by Gene
10:41 AM
by Gene
I guess Gaza doesn't "matter" in Asia and Latin America, right Little Jon? P. S. The film is apparently uber-PC, and we suspect that and the humanitarian's bad PR may have cost it the cover in the U. S. P. P. S. The film is based on the best-selling book of these events, written by Mariane and former NEWSWEEK editor Sarah Crichton. Ohhhhhhhh, the fact it's based on a property written by someone who works for a rag with CAPITALS makes the difference. TRANSLATION: This is logrolling for synergy. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD to SEAN! Saturday, June 16, 2007
2:36 PM
by Gene
Ask Slashdot: Are Keyboards Dishwasher Safe?
2:32 PM
by Gene
Breaking News 2:32 PM ET: District Attorney in Duke Rape Case Violated Professional Conduct Rules, Panel Says ( home page)
2:15 PM
by Gene
"JULIE" was recorded in the Liberty Studios in Hollywood, California, which is the WORLD'S ONLY TRANSISTORIZED RECORDING STUDIO. [sic] If anyone found out today it would be in ruins.
1:48 PM
by Gene
Funkhouser launches weblog Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser has launched his official weblog at The site will allow the public to watch how government works and to post comments. It will include the mayor’s own commentary, highlights from his daily schedule, and entries by his daughter and others working in the office. | Lynn Horsley, I hate competition, don't you?
1:44 PM
by Gene
The newly freed workers bring the total of slave laborers rescued in the past month to 548, the official Xinhua News Agency said. Which is what percent of Wal-Mart's work force? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
1:42 PM
by Gene
Please, pretty please, I'm giving millions of you amnesty -- I can't say that, but believe me it's true -- so next time at the polls, vote Republican! Please, pretty pretty please!
1:34 PM
by Gene
Yes, I definitely want to see those babes with lower-back tattoos baring their midriffs at 50.
1:27 PM
by Gene
In America they'd just replay the commercials and no one would notice.
9:34 AM
by Gene
9:18 AM
by Gene
“What's up with those women in Hollywood who try giving women a bad name? The ones who think it's okay to drink and drive, and they don't wear underwear? I understand burning your bra, but it is NOT okay not to wear underpants!” Needless to say, she got massive applause. First off Diane, I suspect YOUR biz started the trend; and second, let's see how many grossout comedies YOUR biz disgorges with panty-less heroines.
9:16 AM
by Gene
Friday, June 15, 2007
3:59 PM
by Gene
Well look at it this way Mike, it's not the money, it's the message. Right? Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft!
3:53 PM
by Gene
"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set" and avoid Spanish-language television, books and newspapers, the Republican governor said Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. "You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster," Schwarzenegger said. 1. He should talk; he speaks English in German. 2. We thought he COULDN'T run for president!
3:43 PM
by Gene
For years, Tony Bennett refused to allow his songs in “The Sopranos.” Did you know that? Tony’s manager son Danny Bennett tells me that every season, David Chase’s office would call to ask permission for a Bennett recording. “And we always turned them down,” Danny says. “My dad felt that the show was demeaning to Italians.” Though the reason sounds a little corny we still shake Tony Bennett's hand, if only figuratively. That guy always did have taste.
3:02 PM
by Gene
TRANSLATION: Only 1,295 shopping days left until all those rich folk we con-SER-va-tives put on a pedestal might pay slightly more in taxes -- and with their help in Washington the non-rich will gladly pick up their tab. Shut up, Factor.
2:33 PM
by Gene
"To me, the whole enterprise was a sad piece of business....The only good news was that I was damn glad it was over. It was a bitch." OOOH, Second Coming uttered two naughty words! Rate Him PG-13: Pretty Ghastly with a 13 IQ. No. 3,372 at, with hearty condolences from two close friends. No. 12,085 at Barnes & Noble. Hit the road, Jack! P. S. Two posthumous blurbs: It's true that Valenti became something of a national joke when he publicly declared that he slept a little better every night knowing LBJ was in the White House, but, hey, that was Jack....Yes, he tossed out the old, absurdly onerous previous system of movie censorship, replacing it with the ostensibly more democratic ratings board. But he does not acknowledge the deviousness of the way in which that board works or how in practice — as opposed to defensible theory — it works to keep American moviegoing in a state of permanently arrested adolescence. --DICK SCHICK To paraphrase Shakespeare (a Valenti idol), there's too much blather signifying nothing. --Tim Purtell, EW!!!!! Idol? Friend!
2:26 PM
by Gene
![]() Our League of Nations Statesmen of the Week! Will the locals notice any difference?
2:22 PM
by Gene
And they're doing the same repair work they could do down here on terra firma -- heck they could've called the Geek Squad. Jeez.
10:17 AM
by Gene
What the mob drama and the troubled region have in common. They're both masterpieces? Pfffffffffffffffffffffft!!!!!
10:10 AM
by Gene
The only battle would be who can toady more.
8:50 AM
by Gene
Ben Stein's Money - Thursday, June 14, 2007 @ 11:05:46 PM It's going into the campaign coffers of Al Franken. Posted By: David Hogberg A man to the left of ST. DICK OF NIXON?!?!? SAY IT AIN'T SO, BEN!!!!! Five years from now he'll be writing for Media Matters and The Nation. P. S. at 6:07 p.m. We shall now call him Ben Frankenstein.
8:41 AM
by Gene
8:38 AM
by Gene
Only little Jonny Hairshirt would believe Dan Blather has a legacy to tarnish. When is Jonny getting his big fat raise and as much overexposure as Perfesser Thompson?
8:31 AM
by Gene
We can only hope for more such championships, so that every professional sport has its own Stanley Cup.
8:28 AM
by Gene