Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I ceased trusting The Wall Street Journals long ago; it's the only papers [sic] that editorializes out of both sides of two mouths. If the cretins of the CONSERVATIVE EDITION can speak of the triumph of democracy in Iraq, why if the LIBERAL EDITION can't go it one better and say we've lost the war. A PAPER WITH TWO EDITORIAL PAGES IS A DOUBLE-DOSE OF RATHERING.

U.S., France Join Forces to Fight Terror


Critic: Novak expects journos to admire him for not talking

What? The zillionaire heavy who singlehandedly brought the shouting match to cable news?


This is the printed equivalent of being handcuffed to a bagman parading up and down the street, covered head-to-toe with handwritten signs and yelling at passersby.

Chicago takes aim at the RIGHTS of, er, beggars.

Where is WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS when you NEED him?

OH oh, when a few of the SUPERMEGABLOGGERS get up they won't like what they see from Lawrence Henry, especially THIS paragraph:

[D]rop the obsessive honk of blog prose, the self-regard as blatant as the note of a trombone. Ever try scanning back through a blog to find a reference to a story even a few weeks old? There is nothing drearier, more neurotic, than an old blog. Start writing to the short, punchy values of traditional news or to the traditional values of a good essay. Nobody cares about your damn diary.



Let's see the Little Timmy Noahs CWY. Hacks, YOU HAD WATERGATE.

(Sorry for the NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Somethin's hittin' the fan:

Republicans have one message for followers of many faiths: Sen. John Kerry is wrong. [Add sound effect here: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!]

Wrong for Catholics, Mormons and Evangelicals say a number of Web sites that the Republican National Committee has created. Each Web site compiles excerpts of Kerry's comments and Senate voting record on social issues such as abortion, civil unions for same sex couples and school choice. [More sound effects: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!]

Some headlines on the Web site for Catholics say, ``Kerry Said Vatican Should Not Instruct Catholic Politicians, Calling It 'Inappropriate''' and ``Kerry Expressed 'Moral Outrage' With Vatican's Statement On Gay Marriage.'' Kerry is -- Catholic. [BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!] [Special CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES OVEREMPHASIS added.]

Kerry campaign spokesman Phil Singer said the tactic is ``premised on the tactics of division, smear and insult. It's unfortunate, it's un-American and John Kerry is going to continue to make his case and make sure his record is not twisted by the Bush attack machine.''

At least one religious coalition, the left-leaning Interfaith Alliance, has called the Web sites insensitive, saying the GOP is trying to interpret religious beliefs for political advantage. Interfaith Alliance president Rev. C. Weldon Gaddy called the tactic ``abhorrent.''




He was better off saying "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."

Iran has been on the verge before, especially in NRO. We hope and pray for the nation's liberation, but we must remember -- the MAD MULLAHS HAVE THE NUKES.

Hey GLIB! GLIBERAL!!!!!!!!!!!


G000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE'S IDIOT SPECULATORS DO NOT USE BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll bet at CREDEEEEEEEEEEE SUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSE the sales -- ANALYSTS are kicking themselves for not having posted a price target of $220.

There are too many reports of potential vote fraud to be circumstantial. It appears the crowd that yelled "FAKE BUT ACCURATE" is now working overtime on the FAKE.

I think we (and especially we MEN) are all mightily upset that Dolly's going to have surgery -- especially when we consider that she's owned two of the Seven Wonders of the World. (And no, they don't include Dollywood.) This is like sandblasting the face off the Sphinx.

I found that out through STERNO, who most certainly found it out from YAHWEH, who found out from ANANOVA.

Remember that all-too-clever zero-sum-accounting stunt the TWXSTERS pulled with the Four Horseyfaces of the Metropolis? The one that involved a "REBRANDING"? It didn't work:

The week “SATC” launched on TBS, four episodes ranked in the top 10 for the week, each episode averaging around 3 million households. Last week no episode of “SATC” finished in the top 50 in household delivery.

1. The hard-core fans have already forgotten it -- if they didn't resent it being bowdlerized (not that we're talking Balzac -- and not that the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS would have minded); and 2. Who needs comedy when you have the Braves' announcers? (Sorry, we like them.)

Unfortunately a lot more politically "astute" stoned slackers are watching VIACON's Comedy Central.

Ransom Concern Clouds Return of Italian Hostages


Hey, paying hush money SHOULD be part of the NBA's business -- the ATTITUDE GUYS have enough to keep hush about.

On the other hand, given that Shaq is one of America's leading VOCALISTS (pffh-hh-hh) I'd say Kobe has bequeathed him a BRILLIANT CAREER MOVE.

DIPPITY-DO!!!!! admits the FLIP-FLOP charges stick as well as the GEL -- or that ORANGE STUFF he's been putting on his face lately.

Hey DIP, when you decided to campaign on your WAR RECORD you committed the ULTIMATE flip-flop.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

And speaking of taxpayer-financed boondoggles:

Expos' move to D.C. nearly a done deal


Kerry using humor as political tool

Most of it unintentional.

Timmy thrusts out his left hand -- er, his RIGHT hand:

Aren't there any conservative professors at Harvard who commit plagiarism? (Over to you, Weekly Standard.)

You don't suppose Timmy's one of those DEMO HACKS who -- naaaaaaaaaaaah.

Kidnapped CNN producer released in Gaza

It WAS an inside job! Pffh-hh-hh!

Palestinian Police Search for CNN Producer

Does this qualify as an inside job?

In a move likely to call up memories of exuberant Internet stock analysts, analysts at Credit Suisse First Boston on Tuesday set a $145 price target on Google stock.

G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER'S going to get SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWER!!!!!

P. S.

The analysts acknowledged the inexact science behind Wall Street price targets for stocks. They came up with range from $82 to $220 for the shares, telling clients they "triangulated" to reach the 12-month target price using their own discount cash flow model.

I like sales -- ANALYSTS, don't YOU?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Flirting With Disaster
The vile spectacle of Democrats rooting for bad news in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Does that include...nah, didn't think so.

And in more news that network television's malady is incurable:

Tony Award winner and current Here Lies Jenny star Bebe Neuwirth joins the cast of the upcoming "Law & Order" spinoff "Trial by Jury," joining fellow stage stalwart Jerry Orbach.

How many times can GE Bancorp Network spin it off before there's nothing left?

I DON'T CARE IF THEY'VE GOT SIX SIGMA. (Laura does -- she's looking for a JOB.)

Now we learn that godforsaken treatise about SUPERMEGABLOGGERS was a "BRUTAL EVISCERATION."

David Frum calls it one thing, little another. Can we put this matter to bed already?



"Would you trust Kerry against these fanatic killers?"

Ex-Sen. Self-Pity and Ex-Sen. Movie-Star Dater go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Listen buddies, you had YOUR chance -- with DAN BLATHER.

Sunday, September 26, 2004


(The New York Times Company owns four CBS affiliates.)

Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says DANNO will be shown the door next spring. Let's see if this one pans out like so many of THE HAT's exclusives.

After BLATHERGATE no one can doubt NEWS HACKS have it in for Dubya. But conservatives do not grant themselves favors by splitting hairs. Face it, maybe Dubya didn't use the words "mission accomplished" in his speech, but there they were, plastered on an aircraft carrier as if for a Republican rally. The Professor and Andy S. were quite critical of this stunt, as they should have been. But then little has this habit of throwing mighty tantrums.

I didn't see the complaints that that puff piece in THE PAPER OF RECORD concentrated on loony-left bloggers; but if I posted cursorily it's because I wasn't ready to surf through ten pages, and more to the point, I wasn't ready to snooze through yet another flack's kissing the feet of SUPERMEGABLOGGERS.

Given that it was a soaring tribute for lefty SUPERMEGABLOGGERS, my original point STANDS.

My only solace is that if no one reads most blogs, no one will read the SUPERMEGABLOGGERS after they've finished being the NEXT BIG THING.

Speaking of Danno, John Leo sings this little ditty:

[T]he goal should be to make CBS more honest, not to delegitimize it or drive it out of business. Already there are calls for congressional hearings--a bad idea. Do we want an all-out vengeful assault on CBS, or do we simply want the network to come to its senses and play stories straight?

It should not be impossible to do good news. But it may be impossible to stop vengeance, what with a long and partisan CBS history stretching back to The Selling of the Pentagon, and beyond. And given my preceding post, there's another rub: with media as mere playthings for corporations and GENIUSES, and with men like THE MOONER rubbing his attitude in our faces, why should we expect, or even hope for, improvement? Government hearings, though, ARE a BAD idea.

One reason the media-industrial complex is in a bind is because of GENIUSES like Marvin Davis, who bought and sold and bought and sold and didn't know or care a damn what they were buying and selling; Fox made the legendary Porky's on his watch. No doubt there will be more Marvin Davises -- and more Porky's -- and more BLATHERGATES.

I guess being ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! THE SECOND is not the great triumph it used to be.

Ten years ago Mr. Mark would have called The Mooner a GENIUS. This must count as PROGRESS.

What prompts a woman to have her fanny photographed?

Not that I mind.

In Magazine Interview, Kerry Says He Owns Assault Rifle

OOOOOH, Popeye's started eating SPINACH! See the MUSCLES in his HEAD!!!!!

It used to be that male actors had sex appeal. (DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT THE FEMALES.) Douglas Fairbanks Sr., Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, Robert Taylor -- all were strikingly handsome men with a surfeit of, to use that overworked word, CHARISMA. Now any slob can get into the movies and have an army of PRESS AGENTS (many of whom work for newspapers) call him "SEXY." Sorry, this is just the umpteenth variant of BLATHERGATE, of news hacks refusing to tell the truth, or worse, trying to SELL SOMETHING.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

G000,000,000,000,000GLE NEWS DOES IT AGAIN!

BS News said yesterday that it had postponed a "60 Minutes" segment that questioned Bush administration rationales for going to war in Iraq.


Are SUPERMEGABLOGGERS trying to co-opt the press, or is it the other way around?

This much, however, IS true:

In a recent national survey, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that more than two million Americans have their own blog. Most of them, nobody reads.

Men, Women More Different Than Thought

SHUCKS PINCH, there's ANOTHER CRUSADE that'll have to wait for ANOTHER DAY.

Plagiarism in the THEATAH?

Oh well, SHAKESPEARE did it too.

And in other political laughter, VIACON NETWORK NEWS has decided NOT to go ahead with that 60 Minutes piece because one story with bogus memos was enough.

Meantime DANNO stays on through the three presidential debates, meaning VIACON may soon have a corner on lousy employee morale.

I wish I had found this RATHERING first and not a Freeper:


By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer



In Georgetown's East Village, Roger Ballentine and his wife Jennifer Loven have sold their quaint two bedroom semi- detached Federal house at 1346 29th Street, N.W. The buyers who were represented by Trudi Musson, an agent with Sarah Gorman Real Estate, paid $501,000 for the cozy, freshly painted home featuring hardwood floors, a wood burning stove, an updated kitchen, and a quaint stone-walled garden with flowering shrubs and a fountain. The Ballentines were assisted in their sale by Coldwell Banker/Pardoe realtor Nancy Taylor Bubes, who was recently recognized as number two among 4400 agents in Coldwell Banker's Mid-Atlantic Brokerage as well as number two individual agent by the Greater Capitol Association of Realtors (GCAAR). Roger Ballentine is president of Green Strategies, a consulting firm specializing in energy and environmental issues, and was previously deputy assistant to President Clinton for environmental initiatives and chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force. He also sits on the board of directors of Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF)along with actors Ed Begley, Jr. and Larry Hagman. Jennifer Loven is a reporter for the Associated Press.


Roger previously was a senior member of the White House staff, serving President Bill Clinton as Chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force and Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Initiatives. In these capacities, he directed the administration's efforts on climate change, represented the President in numerous international meetings and negotiations, participated at the highest levels in the development and implementation of energy, clean air and other environmental policy, and advised the President on federal lands and coastal protection policies. Prior to being named Deputy Assistant to the President, Mr. Ballentine was Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, where he focused on energy and environment issues.

Prior to serving in the White House, Roger was a partner at the Washington law firm of Patton, Boggs L.L.P., where he specialized in public policy, judicial reform and election law matters. Mr. Ballentine also was Adjunct Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, where he taught in the area of electoral and political law. He has also served as Special Counsel to the Democratic Leadership in the House of Representatives for the handling of election challenges, and has been a frequent television and radio commentator on various matters of public interest.


Friday, September 24, 2004

I am not surprised to hear that Laurence Tribe might be guilty of following some of his sources too freely. The word "glib" sticks to him like flypaper that sticks to everything but flies, and a glib superscholar has to get his inspiration from somewhere, so why not other people's flypaper?

And in more GET A LIFE!!!!! news:

Fans of John Williams are up in arms over an apparent glitch in the new Star Wars DVD set in which the left and right channels fed to the rear speakers in surround sound are reversed in the original Star Wars movie (Episode 4). John Takis, who frequently analyzes film scores for Internet groups, points out that the violins can be heard coming from the left surround-sound speakers and the cellos from the left. "It is essentially a 124-minute audio glitch," Takis writes on the John Williams fansite, "The sound effects are correctly positioned in the surround channels. It's just the music that's backwards." Takis also takes issue with other aspects of the sound mix for the original movie. "Remember the awesome fanfare version of the Force theme that kicks off the Death Star battle?" he writes "Good luck hearing it this time around -- it's virtually inaudible."


Departed Williams owes Miami $8.6 million

Duhh, I don't have the money. I smoked it, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

THE LATEST, GREATEST PRESS RELEASES ARE FROM USAOKAY!!!!! (except when the New York Daily NOOZ runs 'em):

"I've had a lot less enjoyment from my gold medal because of this," Hamm says. "I had one day of pure jubilation, the day after the all-around, and then my world fell apart."....

He already has appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The View, Today, Good Morning America, the CBS Early Show and CNN.

Still waiting in line to get him: Jimmy Kimmel Live, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Last Call with Carson Daly, Saturday Night Live, Mad TV and ABC's 20/20....

He's accepting motivational speaking engagements at $15,000 a pop.

He's OK'ing a walk-on role with Morgan on the new FOX series "Quintuplets."

He's getting ready to audition for a Calvin Klein underwear ad.

He's on tap with Morgan to meet the Bush twins, Jenna and Barbara.

He's mulling book deals — the working title is "My Greek Week."


Whatever his faults, as president and as a man, Dubya is a nice guy.

DIPPITY-DO!!!!! is not a nice guy.

Neither is his wife.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

If Mr. Ashcroft is willing to take Yusuf Islam off that plane, then next time he'd better be willing to take me off as well.

Gladly -- if you ever agree with a fatwa against a novelist.


P. S. (or rather, P. S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

Mansoor Ijaz is a FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News Channel foreign affairs and terrorism analyst. He joined FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in December 2001 and contributes to FNC’s prime time and weekend news analysis programs on matters related to terrorism, foreign policy and national security. (RUPERTIAN!!!!!!!!!! overemphasis added.)


"Christian comedy," aside from sounding like an oxymoron, is a clear descendant of The Cosbyan creed of buttless jokes. You can't have laughter without a banana peel. And no doubt with these clean jokes the clean comes at the expense of the joke; humor palatable to a pastor is most likely to be unpalatable to everyone else. Indeed this sounds like just another extension of the dogma that has ruined our culture: that there is a unscalable wall between adult topics and good taste.

It helps too that we get no examples of Christian jokes here, which says in itself this comedy's NOT FUNNY.


Kerry was asked about his favorite sports Wednesday by a student reporter for an elementary school in West Palm Beach, Fla. Spencer Snitil, 11, who interviewed the candidate for the school's television station, said Kerry named bicycling, hiking and soccer. Apparently, there was no mention of windsurfing.


Some people can't give up their dreams of univers -- er, WORLD domination, can they.

LA TINA emotes:

Are the media having a nervous breakdown?

Never mind that I used the term before she did, so it can't be that original. She continues:

[C]yberspace is populated by a coalition of political obsessives and pundits on speed who get it wrong as much as they get it right. It's just that they type so much they are bound to nail a story from time to time.

The rapturing about the bloggers is the journalistic equivalent of the stock market's Internet bubble.

That second point we'll concede, even though the Internet's still here; but we can't tell the diff between the Web's "political obsessives and pundits on speed" and the pros except the pros obfuscate their shtick with terms like "fairness" and "objectivity." By every conceivable measure DANNO and MARY flunked on both accounts, and a few more besides, and they make more money than an office-building FULL of political obsessives and pundits on speed. And we'll submit DANNO did more drugs for his reporting than have most of the obsessives.

Who wants to wager that, having been THOROUGHLY ABSOLVED by their MEDIA FRIENDS and their own UNIVERSE-SIZED EGOS, DANNO and MARY are working on another PARTISAN HIT -- ANOTHER INVESTIGATIVE REPORT?!?!?

Okay, it's RAY CHARLES. But the first time I saw it I thought his nostrils were his eyebrows, his mouth his eyes and his chin his nose. Only when I saw it a second time did I see who it was. Really, the G000,000,000,000,000GLIANS should stick to getting their stock to $10,000 a share, and slowing down BLOGGER.

"Can a fire ever be funny? Only if all the overpriced, over-discussed trash that we have had rammed down our throats in recent years by these ageing enfant terribles is consumed by the fire. Then the fire is not merely funny ... it is bloody hilarious."

The art world is merely a division of the whole bigmedia-PC-industrial complex, and given such this INFAMOUS fire should be laughed at, the louder and longer the better.

Who is G000,000,000,000,000GLE's -- MYSTERY FACE?

Bob Dylan? Charles Aznavour? WHO?


This may be the first remotely negative story on this contemptible stunt, further proof in the post-BLATHERGATE era news hacks are a negative force.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Several hours later:

The page you have tried to reach, /content/news/photos/04/09/17/brainwashedchild.jpg, doesn't exist.


And lest I forget -- a musical about JOHNNY CASH!!!!!


Richard Maltby, Jr. is a noted director and lyricist, who co-conceived and directed the Tony-winning revues Ain't Misbehavin' and Fosse. He wrote the lyrics for and also directed the musical Baby. Maltby also penned the lyrics for Broadway's Big, Nick & Nora and Miss Saigon and helped rewrite the lyrics for the American bow of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Song and Dance.

There's a heckuva lotta mediocrity on that resume if y'ask me.

P. S. His father arranged for A-Lawrence A-Welk.

Another Short Essay on the Uselessness of Blogging: I figured out with definitude why I got a spike yesterday: seems a lot of typists with too much time on their hands and not enough brains in their skulls got led by G000,000,000,000,000GLE or something to a post of November 18 where I mentioned Marian ANDERSON, and they conflated it with that beheading. Honestly, some people can't read, or THINK.

And I can't link to it because apparently when it changed the post URLs from number-based to word-based G000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER didn't assign one.

(On a more positive note, Buckhead also has something to do with it. Go Buckhead!)

'Evangelist' Swaggart: Just joking about killing gay men

Yeah, just like you were joking about blackmailing Jim Bakker, consorting with prosties, etc., etc., ETC.

P. S. Those quote marks were the NY Nooz' idea, and they shouldn't have done it, but they're right -- he is an "evangelist."

Ah, the glory of art:

"Who else is going to work in an art supply store?" asked Steven Steinberg, the 68-year-old owner. (He, however, is not an artist, he specified: "God, no!") His grandfather, Benjamin Steinberg, an immigrant from Russia, opened the store in 1905, selling secondhand goods, including artists' materials. Mr. Steinberg grew up making bicycle deliveries to steady customers like Franz Kline and de Kooning.

"When I was a kid, people actually made careers out of working," he said. "Today, everyone is working hoping to make it big in something else."

One suspects today's Rembrandts would be better off working.

Rotten apples display "core values" and show their party's worms.

Let's see, core values: unlimited abortion, beat Bush, PC, beat Bush, beat Bush, beat Bush. I think we've got it!

I stand corrected: "Gun control, gay marriage and abortion are conspicuously missing." Translation: Unlimited abortion, beat Bush, PC, beat Bush, beat Bush, beat Bush -- in PRIVATE. Sorry MSSSSSSSS. Pelosi, we've still got it.

Of course this will happen when you campaign on a RATHER platform.

P. S. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, didn't see this:

But some promises, such as to "guarantee a prescription drug benefit under Medicare" and to "enact middle-class tax relief," may open Democrats to charges that Republicans already have acted.

Translation: Anything you can do we can do better. Further translation: Ka-CHINNNNNNNNNG!!!!!

I think we can guess what got THE FORMER CAT STEVENS on a list: say sieg heil to ayatollahs often enough and you'll BE on a list.

He SAYS he condemned 9/11 and the Beslan massacre. We'll take you at your word, FORMER CAT, but we wonder how far it goes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Some wonks estimate a fifth of advertising --$50 billion dollars worth -- is wasted.

Given the vast expanses of junk TV and third-rate papers we finance that is an incredible UNDERSTATEMENT.

I figured out why I've gotten my most hits since the InstaSpike -- people are looking for the video of the execution of Eugene Armstrong. Sorry, none here, nor would there ever be; leave the vermin to themselves. To say this as delicately as possible, putting a computer before some folks may not make them smarter.

If on the other hand you're all hitting me up because of my brilliant wisdom (pffh-hh-hh), more power to you!

P. S. One thing I'm proud of is that 80 percent of my hits come from people with XP and 2000, so I must have a technologically savvy crowd. (Or maybe Bill sold them a lot of computers.) But how to explain why a fifth of them come from Netscape browsers? Go figure., ROMY'S WIDE AWAKE:

Righties will use Rather flap as excuse to boycott big media

So THAT'S the new spin, ROMY -- this is all about THE RIGHTIES!!!!!

Not about bigmedia telling a fib.

Madame Heintz was apparently quoted out of context, something we'd expect from NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and possibly even The New Yorker.


(Sorry for the NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And what happens if DIPPITY-DO's hair-gel-greasy fingers are caught in the cookie jar? We can guess: news hacks will excuse him because he BELIEVED IN THE RIGHT THINGS. We see some of this already from infernal hacks like THE WRECK.

Thirty years after Watergate and Tricky Dick's resignation, liberals stand ready to CONDONE CORRUPTION.

Many of our traditional sources of FLACKERY seem to be playing down BLATHERGATE. Why not? He was an honest croo -- MAN with a little too much zeal, a zeal for ferreting out truth and justice. Right guys?

This industry will not learn from experience, and it is willing to put thousands of innocent employees out of work so it can do WHAT IT WANTS TO DO.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Another HERO for news hacks disgusted with REPUBLICANS to the RIGHT of -- LINCOLN CHAFEE?

That has to be THE WHOLE PARTY.

Better ink him in as I-RI. As in IMBECILE.


Rather this weekend interviewed Bill Burkett, a retired Texas National Guard officials....

Yeah. Him and Jerry Killian.

In a second statement elaborating on the first, VIACON NETWORK NEWS finally admits it's learned what most people have known for days.

SUMNER! I've got a GREAT slogan for you: "You're last to know with CBS NEWS!"

Why is G000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER's clock AN HOUR FAST when I post between noon and 1 P. M.?

And WHY IS IT THE HIGHER G000,000,000,000,000GLE'S SHARES GO THE SLOWER G000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER GETS?!?!?

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ANOTHER "statement."

TRANSLATION: Sorry. Now back to the news.

MICHAEL LEDEEN: Can you imagine what the mullahs would do with atomic bombs?

We can imagine.

This ought to sound the TOCSIN from one end of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS to another: the NEW, IMPROVED MISS AMERICA PAGEANT BOMBED. (Ignore the hed; somebody at GanNETt was RATHERING today.) This show has been improved to oblivion, and advertisers can't play such tricks anymore, however good it feels to say HIP and DEMOGRAPHIC.

And the Emmys didn't do that well either, meaning there are limits to THE GLIBERAL's cheering section.


True or false: Blogs always tell it straight
Sites reflect beliefs and biases of authors



CBS to Say It Was Misled on Bush Guard Memos

Let's not hold our breaths for true confession -- especially as LENNY put this on PAGE A14.


In applauding the greatest genius of the ages, news hacks join their show-biz brethren to applaud -- themselves.

If the Devil summoned every last of the hacks to Hell it would not dent the biz' self-esteem. They're used to dealing with him anyway.


Kerry making scant progress in crucial states

More dirty campaigning?

Sunday, September 19, 2004

SYNERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: The other day the Philadelphia Daily Nooz ran a front-cover PRESS RELE, er, STORY about the exciting new film MR. 3000!!!!! Now you don't suppose THIS had something to do with it, do you?

[The director Charles] Stone [III], who grew up in Philadelphia and is the son of former Daily News columnist Chuck Stone....

Nah, I don't think this had ANYTHING to do with this MASTERWORK gracing the FRONT COVER. DO YOU?!?!?

Happily, the public has spoken with a long, loud --


Sorry to mention them once more, but before the Freepers gloat too much more about "bringing down" Danno -- and they do deserve much of the credit; still, to repeat, he hasn't come down yet -- we should note a lot of infants and children crawl through the site telling ka-ka jokes and wee-wee jokes, often of the visual kind. I encountered a violent one just now, and I was not pleased. (I will not link, but it was in a thread about some silly chef in New York.) It behooves these people to grow up a little, especially given the forum's well-earned rep for name calling (and I say this as a member and sometimes poster myself).

Part of what made HOWELL the perfect figure of fun was the way he disco-danced with the yung-uns in a polyester leisure suit and a most beautiful toupee.

Well, HOWELL may be gone, but he's still dancin' at THE PAPER OF RECORD.

One of the latest cliches in the public square is that MSM (as some bloggers must put it) is DEAD. The people saying it are the likes of Rush (who makes $500 quintazillion bloviating over four million radio stations) or the Wall Street Journals Conservative Edition (circulation two million, give or take the million who subscribe to the Liberal Edition). This clever irony aside, let's compare: how much did Buckhead make debunking Danno's truth? How much does the Decaying Triumvirate of Tom, Danno and Pee-TAH make? How many shares in VIACON does one suspect Buckhead owns? How many by THE LORD GOD SUMNER? No, David gave it his best shot, but for now, the Goliath still stands.

P. S. Speaking of shares, that the Freepers were gloating over THE GOD selling approximately .17 percent of His VIACON stock (and ZERO of His voting rights) shows they have an occasional tendency to self-delusion.

I am convinced now that G000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLE is a public company it will neglect Blogger so it can spin it off or shut it down. Posting takes FOREVER, and I've a hunch the clowns for whatever reason are not keeping the technology up. Why bother supporting a loss leader? That's what BLOGGER IS.

I'm of two minds about this, and either one's enough to make me mad. On the one hand many televangelists are frauds -- the word televangelism is a synonym for fraud -- and they prey on the poor while living it up hypocritically. On the other hand, OMERTA would like to get at them because their flock tends to be REPUBLICAN AND CONSERVATIVE, and we MUST preserve our MEDIA POLICE STATE. Unfortunately for OMERTA he and the televangelists have something in common: they'd BOTH be out of work if they couldn't tell unthinking people what to think.

If this doesn't show how MR. MARK works every day we don't know what does.

Saturday, September 18, 2004


A few weeks ago, Prof Bernard Lewis, the great historian of the Muslim world, told Die Welt that "Europe will be Islamic by the end of the century". That seems demographically unavoidable.

Given that much of what we now know as the civilised world will be Muslim, it seems prudent to ensure that what is already the Muslim world is civilised. And, for those who say that Islam is incompatible with democracy, we might as well try to buck that in Iraq today than in France, Scandinavia and Britain the day after tomorrow.

Mitsubishi pulling the plug on network TV (pun intended) means nothing; the company's in the doldrums. Besides, the CLUNKER BROTHERS and their friends from Europe and Japan and the whole rest of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WILLFULLY IGNORANT ADVERTISERS will come to the rescue financing so much JUNK TELEVISION it'll come out of their EARS, and certain other orifices. But this action raises a question: how much longer will our Lords and Masters continue to spend OUR MONEY on a medium and on programs we DESPISE?

Somehow I am not sorry for all the gullible bikers whose "high-end tubular cylinder locks" can be picked with a BIC.

Nor am I especially sorry for a ten-billion-dollar company with a Halliburton-type name that's HQ'd in Bermuda to escape taxes and that tries to hide its brand's provenance with an ugly Web site.

Annan makes peace with Powell

We never knew they had to.

An industry trembles! Broadcasters may be held accountable for disgorging tons of raw sewage into viewers' living rooms!

This is a disgrace. Don't people realize CAPITAL has RIGHTS?

Should have thought about this when you folks hired DAN BLATHER.


As DAN BLATHER's arch-nemesis GEORGE I would say, we're in deep doo-doo.

Friday, September 17, 2004

OMERTA whispers:


Alas, Mr. Code, it's getting tougher to believe your non-partisan gag. YOUR FRIENDS AT THE TRIB SAID IT.



Elsewhere deep within the VIACON empire, someone admires MODO'S WRITING!

This is the CBS Evening News -- with JON FRIEDMAN!!!!!


I'd mimic Andy but it's too early in the morning. (I'd say the same thing in the afternoon or evening.)

Dubya leads by thirteen points -- and he's TIED.

Don't you just LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVE public-opinion polls?

Thursday, September 16, 2004

One reason the Miss America Pageant was ruined: it was RETOOLED.

TV critic [Bill] Goodykoontz is not a fan of the retooling, saying that tweaks this year in particular smack of desperation. The pageant has an old-timey, variety-show feel to it, he argues, and it should just be allowed to be what it is.

"It's hard to make the claim for its relevance, but I don't think that means it doesn't belong on TV," he says. "If there's room for 'Fear Factor' and 27 variations of 'The Bachelor,' and 'American Idol' ... it seems to me that once a year there is room for this."


P. S. More excellence in hackery -- practically every news organization is using heds that make it sound as if the Pageant is fifty years old. And they wonder why they face BLATHERGATES?

And speaking of heds, here's an actual one from a political par -- news organization that did almost as much to promote BLATHERGATE as DAN BLATHER:

Miss USA celebrates 50 years on TV

[H]is strategy in the meantime is based less on building himself up than on tearing down the president.

Don't CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES get FIRED for typing things like that?

ROMY, still in a fearsome daze after the attacks on THE GREATEST, NOBLEST TRUTH-TELLER SINCE TOM PAINE, and his compatriot in agony THE OMBUDSPOOP of the TRIB, are HORRIFIED that PEOPLE MADE FUN of the DEATH OF A GREAT ARTISTE. To which I say, perhaps people wouldn't laugh at this SENSELESS DEATH if he hadn't made so much SENSELESS ART -- and if such eulogies didn't go HAND IN HAND with BLATHERGATE.

DIPPITY-DO!!!!! reportedly BOMBED before the Guardsmen, thanks in no small part to those rapes, cut-off ears, cut-off heads, etc., etc., ETC., but also because if DIP wasn't behind BLATHERGATE, he was beneath it.

Our government is intent on uglifying every last bit of our currency, as if it doesn't look fake enough already.

Oh well, I do most of my shopping with credit cards, and the nickel is following the penny down the road to uselessness.

Is Kerry moving left?

Is it possible?

Hand-Wringing at MGM as Sony Takeover Nears

It might have helped, folks, if your "LEGENDARY" studio really WERE MGM -- and if it had not made such enduring works of art as DE-LOVELY.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

OH oh, the REBELLION has begun:

Just announced on the Chris Baker talk show:

Ken Charles, the Station Manager for 950KPRC in Houston (the largest talk station in Houston) just sent the CBS News VP all his nasty e-mails and told them that CBS will either fire Dan Rather by Monday and come completely clean on the matter or he will take CBS News off the air of his radio stations (he manages two of the largest in Houston).

He took Dan Rather's 4pm top of the hour brodcast off effective immediately and replaced it with Fox news.

He said he will find a way to cancel the CBS contract if they do not resolve this in a manner that retains their credibility as a news source.

Just one big problem: KPRC is a CHEAP CHANNEL, and this IS Texas (and SR.'s hometown), and we all know what the NEWS HACKS did about SINCLAIR when it took LORD KOPPEL OF ESPNDOM off its stations one night. Expect HEAVY POLITICKING from our FIRST AMENDMENT DEFENDERS.

I should have known: just another statement.

I think the ZONNNNNNNNNNNNN, YAHWEH and O&A are in on this; it has their grimy fingerprints. AND SUMNER OKAYED THE STATEMENT.

Hmmm, P. R. MIKE'S MASTERPIECE is showing in IRAN -- and it's not having quite the effect he probably hoped for:

On Tuesday night the film was sold out and the theatre packed with close to 380 people, most of them young. Many admitted they were just out to watch an American film, and not that one in particular.

"I love to see foreign films on the big screen, and I never miss Farhang cinema shows no matter what is on," said Sima Gharavi, a 24-year-old dressed in a short bright blue coat rather than the more conservative all-black attire.

But she hastened to complain that "out of all the films people would love to see, the authorities had to go for this one -- just because this film is in line with the view of the Islamic regime."

And despite sporadic laughs here and there, most of Moore's sardonic humour appeared to fall flat. The end of the film was also greeted with some half-hearted clapping.

"The problem is the subtitles," said Sogol Zand, an English teacher. "The jokes are not as funny."

Others, obviously out for a rare taste of Hollywood entertainment, disagreed.

"It was just too political. I was bored from the middle, and I wished we had gone to see "Kill Bill" instead," said one young man, referring to the trendy Quentin Tarantino flick also being shown.

But those of the older generation appeared to relate well to the film, which succeeded in sparking some vigorous after-show chatter.

"I saw it as an Iranian who has also lived in America," said Kourosh Amini, a man in his 50s.

"It perfectly depicted the realities of American life, and they have to learn what war really looks like."

And even though his twenty-something son quipped in to say he was "disappointed" by the film and asserted "politics is not as important" for Iran's younger generation, he did envy Moore's position.

"It sure is a great country, where someone like Moore trashes the president and gets away with it -- and makes so much money!" he laughed.

And someday your country will be great again -- WITHOUT AYATOLLAHS.

A thought: what if this goes against the grain of thinking and proves a GOP dirty trick? If there's one thing to the post 9-11 world it's that anything can happen, the screwier the more likely. And enough people (especially in the pajama party) are so thoroughly convinced it was a liberal or Democrat, just as Danno is so thoroughly convinced the documents are real, that they're setting themselves up for a big gotcha. News hacks would be dancing on air for months. Such a possibility seems unlikely given the evidence to date (mostly from MS Word and Photoshop) and Danno's blazing liberal partisanship, but consider the old saying, I don't care if he's an SOB so long as he's my SOB. On the other hand, I must bring up Don Keough's line about New Coke; whoever did this is not that dumb and not that smart.

Well, not that smart, anyway.

I think I can see why STERNO's mad. But he ditched his boat when he pledged his allegiance to YAHWEH -- the man who created SIXTY MINUTES THE SECOND.

Headline of the Day from grammatically-challenged (among other things) REUTERS:

Israel Kills 10 People, Says Not Following Roadmap

NHL will lock out players beginning Thursday


VIACON NETWORK NEWS was supposed to issue "a statement" at noon. It's now going to issue "a statement" at 3:30. I wouldn't be surprised if the higher-ups (THE LORD GOD SUMNER, perhaps?) are demanding a retraction, and KENNETH's standing his ever-shakier ground. Thus I wouldn't be surprised if the day ends with DAN BLATHER relinquishing his throne as our modern-day MURROW and handing the crown to Girly-Man Roberts.

Then again, it might just issue "a statement."

I'm sure we are pleased to know that Jessica Simpson has landed a role in the movie version of The Dukes of Hazzard.

Humorous though this is, I must repeat, in a different way: Comic book movies and Dan Blather's lies come from THE SAME FOUL MEDIA WELL.

And a big fat demerit to whatever this site is for inflicting THREE POP-UPS on me.

An amanuensis of SHAKESPEARE is DEAD!

Can you imagine the screaming and wailing from NEWSHACKDOM when the BARD GOES?

Almost as loud as the teeth gnashing over DAN BLATHER.

A week and NOW ROMY pays attention!

Absolutely NOTHING to do with OMERTA's love of DIPPITY-DO!!!!! and GRAFFITI, or a certain groveling OMBUDSPOOP saying let's not call terrorists terrorists:

Tribune Warns 3Q Income Will Fall Short

"I don't want this to be seen as a gimmick movie."

Sorry, an animated "GRAPHICAL NOVEL" sounds like a gimmick to me.

OMERTA calls graffiti an art form, and a particularly sacred place where the art is painted a "shrine."

I wonder when we'll find out you folks have cooked your circulation, MERT?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I've a hunch DIPPITY-DO!!!!! is pretty WRONG himself -- especially for one who once believed the war was RIGHT.

NBC Nightly News Anchor Tom Brokaw To Deliver Keynote Address at RTNDA Awards Dinner

WASHINGTON--NBC’s Tom Brokaw will deliver the keynote address at the Radio-Television News Directors Association’s Awards Dinner next month in New York. RTNDA will honor winners of the Edward R. Murrow Awards and the RTNDA/UNITY Awards on October 4 at the Grand Hyatt New York.

Brokaw, who is stepping down later this year from his post on the NBC Nightly News, has had a distinguished 38-year career at NBC, including more than 20 years as the anchor and managing editor of the evening newscast.

NBC will pick up three awards at the dinner, including one for David Bloom’s coverage of the war in Iraq. Melanie Bloom will accept the award for her late husband.

Also making remarks at the dinner are these award recipients:

  • Peter Jennings, anchor and senior editor, ABC World News Tonight, who won two awards, one for Newscast and one for News Documentary for The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy.
  • Dan Rather, anchor and managing editor, CBS Evening News, whose network won the award for Overall Excellence.

RTNDA’s Edward R. Murrow Awards, now in their 34th year, honor excellence in electronic journalism. This year, 53 news organizations won 74 awards out of an initial pool of 3,182 entries from 552 news organizations. Visit for winners.

The RTNDA/UNITY Awards honor news organizations for their commitment to covering diversity. Visit for the five winners. For more information on the RTNDA Awards Dinner, visit

RTNDA is the world’s largest professional organization devoted exclusively to electronic journalism. RTNDA represents local and network news executives in broadcasting, cable and other electronic media in more than 30 countries.



FURTHER TRANSLATION: If the Swifties did it there wouldn't be an INQUIRING HACK nor a CAMERA or MICROPHONE in the ROOM. This is why DANNO was in trouble as much as MS WORD.

I HATE THIS STORY. It's all "WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME" -- what's in it for the "lucky" new-car owners, what's in it for the SENIOR CLUNKER BROTHER, what's in it for the TV news do's flogging the story for the ratings, what's in it for VIACON, and especially, what's in it for THE QUEEN OF MAUDLIN SLEAZE.


Romy falls back into his deep, deep, DEEP SLEEP.


Florida neurologist Marc Swerdloff was taken aback when one of his patients with advanced dementia voted in the 2000 presidential election. The man thought it was 1942 and Franklin D. Roosevelt was president. The patient's wife revealed that she had escorted her husband into the booth.

"I said 'Did he pick?' and she said 'No, I picked for him,' " Swerdloff said. "I felt bad. She essentially voted twice" in the Florida election, which gave George W. Bush a 537-vote victory and the White House.
[Optional sound effect here: BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


(Oh well, the unbiased source did admit Danno was caught with faked memos, so we'll give them half a BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM!)


Study: U.S. teens have big hopes But show average skills.


Whatya gonna do, DANNO?


TRANSLATION: Now movies WILL be indistinguishable from video games.



A Discussion on the Election

Gail Collins, editorial page editor, and Maureen Dowd, Op-Ed columnist, take readers' questions about women and the election from Tuesday to Thursday.

Submit a Question


When President Bush arrives in Las Vegas today to address a convention of National Guardsmen, a group of families will be there as well, intent on protesting the Iraq war and a president who they say used his Guard service to avoid combat....

The demonstrators said they were not supporters of Sen. John F. Kerry....

Oh I'm absolutely SURE they aren't. Right DIP? Right DANNO? RIGHT, OMERTA?

Wanna bet this is the LEAD on the VIACON NETWORK EVENING FIBS?

Monday, September 13, 2004

I must confess of all the oddball phenomena to come out of Japan I find Hello Kitty quite endearing. We may call this the Beanie Baby craze of the east, but unlike the shapeless, formless, charmless Babies the Kitty is, shall I say, awwww-inspiring (although some may call it a feline smiley face without the smile -- true enough, but somehow it's still cute), and if it is the thing of little girls (and big girls who must act little, like BRITNEY), it is playful and affectionate, the stuff that (until recently) distinguished them from dirty little boys.

One should have KNOWN L'AFFAIRE BLATHER would come to nothing when BLOGGERS started obsessing over TYPEWRITERS.

Then again, MAYBE NOT.

The words "journalism code of ethics" in a Google search (no quotation marks): 96,000 hits.

Pages to THE PAPER OF RECORD's Code of Ethics: 57.

Meaningless codes produce partisan news.

Kerry: I'll 'Take on the Terrorists' with Gun Control

GET 'EM DIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Sorry for the NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

One wonders when the HACKS will do with TATTOOS what they've done with GRAFFITI -- an ART form, FREEDOM of EXPRESSION, INDIVIDUALITY, blahblahblah.

Evidently they're NOT buying that BUNCOMBE in the OFFICE.

P. S. How many of the LUXURY NEWS SUITES have DRESS CODES?


No matter how it turns out, for now the controversy over the documents has blunted criticism of Bush's Guard record, which has been a persistent irritant for Bush since he first campaigned for the White House. It has sapped the power from an issue that had appeared to be a weapon for the Democrats against Bush.

Esepcially since we hacks did everything in our power to ignore the SWIFT BOATERS.

EM's boys imply THE MEMOS may have been a practical joke.

From one set of comedians to another.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

How often since L'Affaire BLATHER hit the fan have Freepers posted a version of this:

(VIACON, please note, has since spun off Blockbuster and changed TNN to Spike TV.)

When the LORD GOD SUMNERS tried to sell the world on SYNERGY one of the tricks they had was to convince easily gullible news hacks and their separated-at-birth twins the sales -- ANALYSTS that the idea of one big company owning so many media outlets was a kind of in-joke; you know who owns what, and we know who owns what, but by obscuring the corporate identity of all our outlets THE PUBLIC wouldn't know -- all the better to play a great big PRACTICAL JOKE on them.

That won't work any more. When one media outlet in a SUPERTOWER OF BABBLE does wrong, the whole company is besmirched, as it should be. Thus when a VIACON stages sex in a Catholic church, or exposes Ms. Boob, or tells lies to elect DIPPITY-DO, every finger points straight to the top, and to the WHOLE. Corporate responsibility is nothing when no one is accountable, and part of the trick of SYNERGY was to see to precisely that. (That also holds true, sorry to say FREEPERS, for RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, who owns The Weekly Standard and FX. He's played tricks even longer than the LORD GOD SUMNER, and he's not as old.) Unfortunately, GOD, thanks to your never-ending ANTICS we ceased being that gullible a long time ago.

P. S. I got this version of VIACON'S boast off an Indymedia affiliate -- from a screed demanding a boycott of the company for CENSORING THE REAGANS. And as Internet denizens know too well, six of one is not half a dozen of the other when your enemy does it.

Someone should tell these young beauties: that blotch of blue just above your behind may not look so sexy to your doctor when you're 50.

How many of the homemade banners at today's VIACON NETWORK-broadcast NFL games will make fun of DAN BLATHER?

Slime Time Live
In your face: Fueled by shadowy cash, the attacks get uglier and uglier.


YOU didn't break the story, BIGMEDIA.

I guess Free Republic doesn't need a CAVEAT anymore.

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