Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Friday, February 28, 2003
7:02 PM
by Gene
6:54 PM
by Gene
6:43 PM
by Gene
Thank you for your part in the bubble.
6:19 PM
by Gene
4:15 PM
by Gene
3:23 PM
by Gene
How appropriate. Let them clean up our mess.
12:31 PM
by Gene
He should know, having sold enough stocks on CNBC.
12:29 PM
by Gene
12:12 PM
by Gene
Wonderful. Now Howell will really think the Republicans are behind those reclusive golf snobs.
12:08 PM
by Gene
12:05 PM
by Gene
You should have thought about that when you guys set off the fireworks without telling anybody. Also, that nightclub's owners acoustically insulated their death trap with "packaging material" -- "the cheapest stuff." Why spend big money fireproofing an outhouse?
11:59 AM
by Gene
11:54 AM
by Gene
Didn't MSNBC just get rid of Phil Donahue?
11:52 AM
by Gene
That's like going to Pravda for the truth on Communism, or Der Sturmer for the truth on Jews.
11:46 AM
by Gene
"Is Worldcom all right?" "'Sallright!"
11:36 AM
by Gene
11:31 AM
by Gene
Thursday, February 27, 2003
10:31 PM
by Gene
The Democrats now have their foreign-policy platform for 2004. P. S. This guy must be a leading figure in diplomacy: a Google search finds 91 hits under Brady Kiesling in quotation marks, and TWO under John Brady Kiesling in quotation marks. Hardly that common a name.
7:09 PM
by Gene
I guess we could cite Lincoln's line about Grant and his booze but I suspect Dave's in no shape to fight -- a war. That bit about Mickey Mantle's funny too -- until you realize he spent half his life making beer commercials under the influence, and whatever was left apologizing.
6:20 PM
by Gene
![]() Gorgeous! GORGEOUS! I now have the perfect excuse for running pictures of naked women here.
5:50 PM
by Gene
5:41 PM
by Gene
5:19 PM
by Gene
3:19 PM
by Gene
One thing's certain: the movie-ad-blurb copywriters are already calling it a masterpiece.
3:18 PM
by Gene
3:11 PM
by Gene
3:04 PM
by Gene
I'd like to know if there's a correlation between coverage of car chases and the sweeps.
3:02 PM
by Gene
2:55 PM
by Gene
"How many gawdawful columnists does Frisco's Chronicle have?" sounds like a Polish joke. I need a punchline.
2:51 PM
by Gene
I know this, when Dubya sneezes, the French yell, "OIL!!! OIL!!!!!"
2:50 PM
by Gene
Literature goes downhill again.
2:42 PM
by Gene
2:35 PM
by Gene
2:30 PM
by Gene
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
7:47 PM
by Gene
If that doesn't tickle your brain A.J., here's another one: How many puff pieces has Bill Zehme written for Esquire?
7:25 PM
by Gene
7:08 PM
by Gene
6:39 PM
by Gene
Sorry Bill, I take these insults to my intelligence personally. By the way, what's Microsoft's policy on political activism on company time?
6:10 PM
by Gene
One minor quibble: how many attended the hatefest? If it were fifty or a hundred, one can dismiss this as a puny unruly mob. But if it were 500 or a thousand, I might sound the tocsin a little louder.
6:01 PM
by Gene
That's a cute name for your column. Do we file this under "notes" or "errata"?
4:38 PM
by Gene
4:23 PM
by Gene
2:35 PM
by Gene
1:49 PM
by Gene
1:18 PM
by Gene
1:14 PM
by Gene
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
6:21 PM
by Gene
Of course at Buttman they want no unions period. They don't have 'em in porno.
6:14 PM
by Gene
Have you ever seen his face? Any Congressman of whom you could say, "Don't be a cow, man!" is definitely a fool.
2:52 PM
by Gene
C'mon, Walter. Donahue did it.
2:18 PM
by Gene
2:15 PM
by Gene
2:12 PM
by Gene
2:09 PM
by Gene
Is that the right word for a Muslim?
1:54 PM
by Gene
Who's your boss, Roger?
1:52 PM
by Gene
Quick! Who produced Satchmo and the Hot Five?
1:47 PM
by Gene
1:35 PM
by Gene
1:22 PM
by Gene
11:29 AM
by Gene
11:24 AM
by Gene
10:54 AM
by Gene
Somehow though, I suspect the longer the golf balls drive, the more the duffers throw their putters into the nearest water hazard.
10:46 AM
by Gene
Boys, boys, stop trying to patch up the orbiting jalopy; just ditch the shuttle and think of something else.
10:41 AM
by Gene
10:24 AM
by Gene
It didn't help Cheap Channel's shareholders; the stock's down anyway. Monday, February 24, 2003
7:59 PM
by Gene
7:36 PM
by Gene
![]() I post this to remind myself of what a real woman looks like (as the song goes, it's been a long, long time), and more to the point, to expunge the noxious image THAT IDIOT PRIEST FROM FLORIDA left in my brain.
7:08 PM
by Gene
6:51 PM
by Gene
With these folks, the truth never wins.
5:21 PM
by Gene
5:18 PM
by Gene
First, does anyone believe Dubya will consent to Mr. Courage moderating after what he tried to do to Bush I? And second, there are said to be half-a-dozen authorized Saddams roaming Iraq. Which one would show up?
5:14 PM
by Gene
3:44 PM
by Gene
1:36 PM
by Gene
I think what The Smoking Gun censored was a sign reading, "I'm with Stupid." I now see the idiot was -- er, exposed by one Stephen T. Brady of Roman Catholic Faithful, who sent out a letter to this dimbulb's bosses just last Wednesday. It occurs to me, he really is posing like Marilyn. Marilyn Manson.
1:31 PM
by Gene
11:29 AM
by Gene
11:14 AM
by Gene
11:07 AM
by Gene
10:37 AM
by Gene
10:32 AM
by Gene
Sunday, February 23, 2003
11:08 PM
by Gene
10:42 PM
by Gene
Howell must have doubled his meds.
7:32 PM
by Gene
That company may sell Crest toothpaste in Spanish, but tomorrow I expect to be complaining to P&G by phone and e-mail -- in English. P. S. I won't be watching -- but then, neither will any P&G executive above vice-president (except in advertising).
7:27 PM
by Gene
3:15 PM
by Gene
See! See! The Web isn't right-wing after all!
1:37 PM
by Gene
Twenty million words a day....
1:29 PM
by Gene
Does that mean more press conferences with Gov. Ridge?
1:13 PM
by Gene
Does it make that much difference when 96 are dead?
12:52 PM
by Gene
12:43 PM
by Gene
One good ego trip deserves another.
12:30 PM
by Gene
Saturday, February 22, 2003
11:25 PM
by Gene
11:17 PM
by Gene
Good. Now Lowsy can replace him with a recording.
10:23 PM
by Gene
8:37 PM
by Gene
But lots of other people said, "SHUT UP, CHIRAC!"
8:04 PM
by Gene
Hey Mumbi! You can always sell the name to J. K. Rowling.
6:54 PM
by Gene
6:32 PM
by Gene
3:06 PM
by Gene
-- Chicago Sun-Times headline. "Coming as they did on the same day R. Kelly released what is likely to be THE MOST SUCCESSFUL ALBUM OF HIS CAREER...." -- R. spokespoop Allan Mayer, a partner in Sitrick and Company, specialist in "crisis communications," and run by one Michael S. Sitrick, author of a book called Spin: How to Turn the Power of the Press to Your Advantage (with Allan Mayer). I believe I can flyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYY yyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYY yyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYY.... CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH!!!!!!!!!
1:19 PM
by Gene
I think given your soaring record sales and what happened in Rhode Island you're not exactly in a position to lecture people. One thing's sure: I'd hate to be a customer-service clerk on Monday at any member of The American Association of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers. CEOs! Get out the ear plugs! Never mind. You're already deaf.
12:58 PM
by Gene
12:51 PM
by Gene
12:37 PM
by Gene
12:53 AM
by Gene
Is it that long before they wind up in people?
12:47 AM
by Gene
Friday, February 21, 2003
7:19 PM
by Gene
I'll say it again: whatever their politics, entertainers risk serious hurt to their careers opening their mouths. And it's on both sides: witness the malicious fun leftists have had with Charlton Heston's Alzheimers. (Let's see it happen to you.) He was in the same position as The Nose; the offers weren't coming in, and he was getting old, so he could afford to front the NRA. He surely wouldn't have done it on an active movie career. I think too of Jane Russell's recent self-anointment as a Christian bigot, odd coming from the inventor of jiggle. That liberals are disproportionate in the ridicule is because liberals are disproportionate in the biz. In truth, entertainers should be held very strictly to their words. By virtue of their position and their luck they lord it over us. We should let them know who's master.
6:26 PM
by Gene
6:06 PM
by Gene
I'm astonished how many companies do indoor fireworks. Judging from this example, most of them occur in very large buildings that are no doubt fully sprinklered, and sufficiently away from people. The CRETINS did theirs in a big wooden outhouse.
5:55 PM
by Gene
On this Freeper thread people are wondering whether other news hacks will downplay it. I'd say yes, but if he's part of the Rupert crowd, maybe not.
5:00 PM
by Gene
4:46 PM
by Gene
3:36 PM
by Gene
Now The Smoking Gun says the CRETINS' performance rider made no mention of fireworks.
3:29 PM
by Gene
For God's sake, can't bean-counting be the last thing in mind when the girl's life is at stake?
2:38 PM
by Gene
BRING BACK OPIE AND ANTHONY!!!!! P. S. I see the Slate boys have done a little presto-changeo with the MO. Now the front page link reads, "Franken in the Morning? Why Liberal Talk Radio Will Flop." No, you Kinsleyclones, it's about shock jocks, and why they're so wonderful! Somebody sue Microsoft for deceptive marketing! (It wouldn't be the first time.)
2:32 PM
by Gene
2:27 PM
by Gene
Rupe, I think we'd have better luck accusing you of being a boor, a liar, a cheat, a cynic, a coward, a.... Don't worry Sandy, he's selling the team. You'll soon be bleeding Dodger Blue again.
2:21 PM
by Gene
Will he still be this angry when he's 50?
2:13 PM
by Gene
2:08 PM
by Gene
1:51 PM
by Gene
It appears the CRETINS did this before, without warning. And like the Chicago disaster, the club didn't have a permit. The name Great White (whoever they are) should live in show-business infamy. Thursday, February 20, 2003
11:52 PM
by Gene
Upon further review I see the author (who works out of the Times' Washington bureau) doesn't need a job; she has all manner of fancy think-tank titles and once served as White House correspondent and an editor for USA Okay, and she's married to Gerry "Oh Pardon" Ford's wimpy press sec the former NBC newsman Ron Nessen, so she's in the perfect position for profitable fawning. Johnson and this hack probably flatter each other often on the Beltway cocktail circuit. This compounds the offense at Mafia usury rates. Johanna, meet Bill Zehme, yeeeeeeeeeech.
11:39 PM
by Gene
11:31 PM
by Gene
6:39 PM
by Gene
3:38 PM
by Gene
3:24 PM
by Gene
Answer me this, Mick: How is it responsible to spend untold zillions on junk television and oodles more financing junk movies, such obsessive expenditures not only stinking up our culture but reinforcing the notion that your restaurants rot and management doesn't care, thus chasing customers out in droves, thus forcing franchise closures and unemployment? How is that responsible, Mick?
1:41 PM
by Gene
1:38 PM
by Gene
When are you resigning, Zon?
1:08 PM
by Gene
12:58 PM
by Gene
Can't wait until Slate gets this. Oy!
12:54 PM
by Gene
Does The Brow know about this?
12:57 AM
by Gene
Given that Daimler's already deep-sixed Plymouth and is merely using the American operations to push Mercedes product, I wonder if there'd have been much difference.
12:44 AM
by Gene
12:39 AM
by Gene
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
11:14 PM
by Gene
11:11 PM
by Gene
Oh well, Baltimore's DC without the wonks.
7:17 PM
by Gene
6:17 PM
by Gene
Boinnnnggggg! Shakespeare probably never ventured much beyond fifty miles outside London, yet he had the profoundest imagination in all literature. Lincoln probably traveled across no more than a thousand miles and became our greatest president. Slick went anywhere and everywhere. Look what it got him -- and us. (I have not forgotten that the Shake wrote great comedy like the mad scene in Hamlet, but that's another story.)
6:04 PM
by Gene
5:02 PM
by Gene
What was that about cowboys, Gerhard?
4:58 PM
by Gene
Or as Reuters might call him, "freedom fighter."
2:21 PM
by Gene
1:57 PM
by Gene
1:29 PM
by Gene
1:25 PM
by Gene
1:16 PM
by Gene
For the families of the dead, to use a favorite Je$$e phrase, "No justice, no peace." Why are the Iraqis and these folks different, Je$$e?
1:00 AM
by Gene
12:51 AM
by Gene
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
10:39 PM
by Gene
I will comment on other bloggers soon. Let's just say, they're interesting.
10:30 PM
by Gene
9:59 PM
by Gene
9:45 PM
by Gene
Go Dubya! Those namby-pambys would sooner slit their throats than vote for Dubya, that's for sure.
7:00 PM
by Gene
Well for one thing, the rock act just made a music video inspired by a Wurm.
6:02 PM
by Gene
5:45 PM
by Gene
4:13 PM
by Gene
4:10 PM
by Gene
Then again, this might be an attempt by a Rupert toady to deflect criticism from Rupert. Didn't he once own The Star?
3:58 PM
by Gene
2:20 PM
by Gene
2:12 PM
by Gene
1:44 PM
by Gene
1:37 PM
by Gene
If it's true that a psychotic bagman did it, I hope this will make all those news hacks and Jell-O brained social scientists reconsider their idiot notion that "the homeless" are but urban pioneers, scouting for a "real" life. Most likely it won't.
1:33 PM
by Gene
Monday, February 17, 2003
11:29 PM
by Gene
No one will have to ask him about his resume. (P. S. He's still sufficiently liberal to say that his brother's opposition to an Iraqi invasion is "patriotic." I guess that's why Howell was able to stomach this, not to mention the PC bonafides. But this is an infinitessimal quibble. The man's serving his country.)
10:54 PM
by Gene
Diplomats speak crooked lines with a straight face.
9:49 PM
by Gene
“It took this one night to make us know” what it is to be a Jew, he wrote. “Rabbis were quoting it in High Holiday sermons,” recalls [the columnist Robert] Feder. “That’s how big it was. It seemed to be deeply personal, deeply felt.” Apparently, it was not. In the mid-seventies, Greene returned to Northwestern to talk to students. The appearance was well attended—Feder was among the students eager to hear Greene speak. Alan Rosenberg, who today is an assistant features editor at The Providence Journal in Rhode Island, was also there. Rosenberg looked up to Greene, and he was curious about the 1974 column that Greene had written about President Gerald Ford pardoning Nixon. “It was so extreme in its emotionalism,” recalls Rosenberg. “It was very virulent—‘We got this guy Ford and the one thing people had wanted of Ford was that he must not pardon Nixon. And now he’d gone and done that and now he’d have to pay.’ I had wondered if Greene had felt that angry when he wrote it, and when it was time for questions, I asked him.” Greene said no, he had not felt that way. “He said that he had sat down and thought about what he should say. And that that was the way he normally conducted his business—calculate what the right reaction was, what would make a good piece.” Then Greene went on to tell the story about how he had written his column about the Israeli athletes. He said he had been watching TV and having a drink when he heard the news about the murders. And the thought that had crossed his mind was, If I handle this right, I could be famous. “It seemed so ethically bankrupt, to have this wonderful forum and to just calculate it, to weigh it, and to say what you think would bring you to prominence,” says Rosenberg. “I could never look at him in the same way again.” Feder corroborates Rosenberg’s story. “Greene said he didn’t really feel anything. It was all just a device that he knew would resonate with people. It made us feel like we had been taken in.” Ethical bankruptcy -- from the man who became the Court Jester of Bathos in Oprah's Empire of Self-Pity, a fount of gaseous wisdom for the future Lord Koppel of Eisnerdom.
6:28 PM
by Gene
Club owners come from a certain stratum -- between the ground and the slimies that crawl under rocks.
5:43 PM
by Gene
I'm surprised no one has commented on that now famous photo of the shuttle breaking up. It appears to have been flying sideways, and at an angle from its vapor trail. Read the story's sixth paragraph. I've a hunch Mr. Anderson may be close to the mark.
3:26 PM
by Gene
You're a liberal. Which side do you take? P. S. The man apologized.
3:22 PM
by Gene
That's a pretty fair trade to me.
2:36 PM
by Gene
If these idiots can't report, who can expect them to count?
2:29 PM
by Gene
My favorite name among the wimps: William "I Spent $300,000 Giving Jack Valenti a Medal" Cohen.
2:24 PM
by Gene
Guess that means putting all that content behind the wall should be a smash.
2:16 PM
by Gene
2:05 PM
by Gene
2:02 PM
by Gene
1:53 PM
by Gene
So I am not surprised that the tyrant Rupert has an equally bracing effect on his sycophants -- 175 of them. If the Rupe thinks he's proving his manhood a story like this will spit back in his face -- and worse, his actions serve the cause of the appeaceniks, who can now claim the call for war is tainted by the machinations of a disreputable mogul -- Hearst's War II. Good going as always, Rupe. P. S. Andy S. says, "Abolition of the BBC is essential to any serious political reform in Britain." Yeah, right. We'll sell it to Rupert. Left or right, all big media are about is power.
1:38 PM
by Gene
I wonder how many of these traders bet on higher oil in '91. Sunday, February 16, 2003
8:50 PM
by Gene
8:49 PM
by Gene
Give this guy a job in Washington!
8:16 PM
by Gene
The niche film company begins with a outsized dream and then runs aground because the biggies have been around for a century and the world doesn't need fifty movie companies. (United Artists, arguably the first such filmmaker, floundered for thirty years and was only set aright by the dissolution of the original partnership and a bold management team.) Given that the company hangs on Steve's prestige and Paul "Mr. Greed" Allen's luck with his investments (not so good lately) I predict this DreamWorks follows Orion Pictures, and American International, and Allied Artists, and ....
7:38 PM
by Gene
Hey Dennis! I've got a rock the astronauts brought back from Mars I'll sell to your friend Sheila Jackson.
4:30 PM
by Gene
We not only fought but we won, too! Left! Right! Left! Right! There's none of the enemy left, right? Left! Right! Right! Leftrightright.... HALT!!!!!
4:14 PM
by Gene
3:55 PM
by Gene
3:26 PM
by Gene
Has anyone ever thought that Tiger may be the worst thing to happen to golf? When he wins it's by five strokes, and when he's not in a tournament, it's not quite legitimate. We know what happens to golf without the star power; witness the Senior Tour. Is having MJ on the course really an unalloyed plus? (Acknowledging that MJ wasn't a bad golfer either.) And when Tiger finally loses his game, who'll replace him? The NBA is paying dearly for its reliance on one player, and so will the Tour. I'll concede this: I wish I had something in my wardrobe like his red shirt. P. S. Phil "Wrong-Way" Mickelson said something stupid. I don't think Phil and Tiger like each other.
2:57 PM
by Gene
2:50 PM
by Gene
My only question is, when do they put in the foreground Muzak with the ads?
2:44 PM
by Gene
Businessdilberts stand side-by-side with news hacks as the most credulous fools on earth.
2:36 PM
by Gene
Keep running articles like this Howell and we won't need the Web.
2:23 PM
by Gene
P. S. Most of these social clubs and nearly empty former churches are pro-choice. I've always wanted to ask these clowns how they can prioritize killing. I do have one good thing to say of the Unitarians -- they rented out one of their clubs in Washington to Stan Getz to record his first bossa-nova album. They're fine recording studios.
2:10 PM
by Gene
1:58 PM
by Gene
Saturday, February 15, 2003
10:33 PM
by Gene
10:04 PM
by Gene
I guess we can't make the Stalinists look too good.
8:46 PM
by Gene
7:44 PM
by Gene
Kudos must be accorded to the costume designer for splendid authenticity. Everywhere we looked there were muddy browns, washed-out blacks, dull greens and quite the most dizzying array of woolly caps imaginable. Many of the costumes were so profoundly soiled that, I do declare, they stood up and marched about on their own. An eye for this kind of detail is always appreciated. I wish I could write like this.
1:25 PM
by Gene
I lead off from London, with our first Picture of the Day: ![]() Now for some links: Call the police in Athens; Strasbourg says George should see "Sigmund"; "Texas of Evil" in Amsterdam (don't ask me what a "Geen Oorlog" is. Not my name.); "Schroder for President" in Amsterdam; Bush as Hitler in Santiago; An American flag burned in Santiago; "Serial-killing" America (and a "flag" with 45 stars and nine or ten stripes) in Brasilia; An American "flag" with twelve stars and nine stripes burned in Lahore; The Portuguese prime minister as American stooge in Lisbon; Speaking for itself in front of our embassy in East Timor; "George Bush" in London; An American "flag" with twenty logos and at least nine stripes in Seoul; Palestinian-imitating rock thrower in Athens; "Warmonger Bush" and the hammer-and-sickle in Calcutta; An Iraqi flag in Sofia; An anti-war protest in democratic Damascus; Bush and Osama in Kuala Lumpur; Very good grammar in Bangkok; Bush is eeeeeeeeevil in Bangkok; U. S. something-or-others and a swastika (sort of) in Tokyo; An American "flag" with fourteen or fifteen stripes and a skull-and-crossbones in Quito; The Grim Reaper in Mexico City; More good grammar (and spelling!) in Bahrain (and note that somebody doesn't approve of Lady Liberty, figures); "Disarm USA," "Osama Bush Laden" and Che in Sarajevo; (We interrupt this program to bring you: our second Picture of the Day, from Damascus! ![]() And now, back to our regular programming:) Four jerks in Manila; An American "flag" with eight stripes and thirty-three stars "burned" in Manila; More American Nazis, in New Delhi; Commies in New Delhi; A well-positioned effigy in London; Stalinists in New York; An Iraqi flag in Athens; Ants in Hyde Park, London; Criminal! Genocidal! Violating George Lucas's Copyrightal! Iraqi flags in Managua; I'd rather not know what George Washington would have done to those protesters in Raleigh. I know one behind the picture! Morons in Zagreb. An American "flag" with twelve swastikas in Mexico City. In Berlin, war is war! And Germans are Germans, and Hitler is Bush, and lunkheads are lunkheads; Peaceful protestors in Thessaloniki, Greece; "George Bush" in Prague (now those are hard-core Commies -- as in, bring back Gustav Husak!); Another Canadian luuuuuhves the U.S.A.; "George Bush" in Amsterdam; America equals death! in Paris; The Constitution is death! in Raleigh, North Carolina; Our inferiors in Toronto, eh? An American "flag" with possibly fifteen stripes and perhaps more than forty stars burned in Mexico City. (We'll be right back, after these words: ![]() When I grow up, I want to be a bloodthirsty criminal tyrant -- JUST LIKE SADDAM HUSSEIN! This message brought to you by International A.N.S.W.E.R., your friendly neighborhood Communists. And now back to More Stupid Protester Tricks!) Hooray for Saddam in chicken Kiev! Another Canadian loves us! The Devil in Moscow; In Johannesburg, a wary Osama bin Laden pleads, stop the war! More Stalinism in New York; A dialogue in Rome: Gray-haired guy: "I can remember, back in '56, when we had this big rally against the reactionary hooligans who took over Budapest...." Guy in cap: "The Russians?" Gray-haired guy: "The Hungarians!" Some friends in Cairo; From Paris again: How original. I thought Communism was dead! So George is a butcher, eh? An American flag burned in Vienna; Oh go fuera yourself. A lecture from Rio, where untold homeless children wander the streets, many with AIDS; An American flag burned in Guadalajara; And also joining in the fun, members of the Ba'ath Party in Baghdad!!!!! Menatime, some of their friends burn an American "flag"! Or an unreasonable facsimile thereof. But there were a few good guys, like these (Scottish Iraqis meeting with Tony Blair). And here's one: a group of Iraqi counter-protesters -- in my Philadelphia! Hooraaaaaaaaaay!!!!! And finally, whatever else happens, again from London, our third Picture of the Day: ![]() With enemies like these, who needs friends? A FOOTNOTE: Yesterday I came across a worn forgotten book by the late forgotten CBS newsman Charles Kuralt, he of the many roads and equally well-travelled mistress, who looked like Don Wilson (or Elmer Fudd) and spoke in a voice like an out-of-tune tuba, and I recalled that when the Gulf War started Oliver Stone and Co. marched live on TV, and you could tell just from his loose embouchure that the Sex Machine of the Highway was aching to get out there and join them in protesting an unjust, ignoble war. One wonders how many cul-de-sacs Charley's encountered on the road to eternity. Friday, February 14, 2003
8:43 PM
by Gene
7:46 PM
by Gene
I guess we've arrived, babe. I wonder what Maureen Dowd will think. I'm glad I renewed my Norton Anti-Virus.
7:13 PM
by Gene
The nuclear-freeze types were wrong then. The appeacers [sic] are wrong now. (One of the leading freezniks, you will recall, was the late Carl Sagan, who during the Gulf War told the future Lord Koppel of Eisnerdom that all those burning Kuwaiti wells would do long-term baaaaaaaaaaad. The future Lord Koppel nodded in assent. Or perhaps he was merely falling asleep wide awake.)
7:04 PM
by Gene
"Ohlll veeee arrrre sayyyyyyyyink izzz give peeeeez a shhhhhhonnnnnnnnce!" Pierre Laval and Marshal Petain couldn't have put it better. (!@#$%^&* AP changed the story on me so I had to change the !@#$%^&* link! !@#$%^&*!!!!!)