Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
THE NEWS HACK'S CREED: I know more than you. I make lots more money than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm sexier than you. I appear on TV all the time. I work ten minutes a day. I rule the universe. I'm going to live forever. You are an idiot. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 2: A lie isn't a lie when it tells THE TRUTH. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 3: I've come to realize that the looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion. Yes, there's informality and there's humor, but beneath the surface lies something deadly serious. It is a code. Sometimes the code is not even written down, but it is deeply believed in. And, when violated, it is enforced with tribal ferocity. --JOHN "OMERTA" CARROLL. THE NEWS HACK'S CREED, No. 4: News isn't news when we don't report it. PERMALINKS: THE NEWS HACKS' DICTIONARY THE EUGENE DAVID GLOSSARY AMERICA'S MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY WEB SITE! Blogroll Me! |
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
6:52 PM
by Gene
Will he announce it on Letterman? Pffffffffffffffffffffffft!
5:08 PM
by Gene
"We have people on the platform and working to restore communication right now," said Mark Bugg, scheduling manager at New Orleans-based Loop LLC, the port operator. "A tanker may dock this afternoon and possibly offload by this evening." The oil port stopped unloading tankers on Aug. 27 as Kristina [SIC!!!!!] approached. Port Fourchon in Louisiana, a staging area for workers who staff Gulf oil and natural-gas production platforms, opened this morning after damage was cleared. Kerr-McGee Corp. said today that most of its facilities avoided serious damage and 55,000 barrels of daily oil and gas production was restored at production platforms.... Traders are watching the Colonial Pipeline, the world's biggest network of petroleum-product pipelines, which carries gasoline and distillate fuels from Houston to New York harbor. Colonial Pipeline Co., owner of the network, said today two lines shut on Aug. 29 because of power failures will be started this weekend. Distillates include heating oil and diesel.... "The biggest issue is getting power to these facilities," said Chris Ovrebo, a broker with FC Stone LLC in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. "Most of these refineries didn't sustain heavy damage," he said. "It's not going to take them six months to get back on line." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
5:03 PM
by Gene
Finally we can be smarter than apes.
3:45 PM
by Gene
SHUT UP, ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:37 PM
by Gene
There's a "surfeit of worry over gasoline supplies to much of the U.S. and gasoline prices have acted accordingly," said John Kilduff, an analyst at Fimat USA.... And "$4 gasoline will likely be visited upon consumers in many areas," he said.... There's a "huge crisis in gasoline -- our worst fears are recognized," said John Person, president of National Futures Advisory Service. Near term, he believes prices at the pump may reach $3 -- "possibly as high as $3.20 as a national average as early as late next week," he said. But in late September, he sees prices backing down toward $2.35 to $2.50 for regular unleaded "as long as these refineries get on-line and we do not have further disruptions," he said. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
3:21 PM
by Gene
3:16 PM
by Gene
We need the HUMUNGOUS INFORMATIVE POWER of the WEB to tell us THIS? This is going to be an EXASPERATING next two weeks. Beyond the press's CRYING JAG and all sorts of pundits RESTATING THE OBVIOUS our NATIONAL SANITY is at stake.
2:55 PM
by Gene
Don't you hate knee-jerk lock-step KLUMPH! KLUMPH! thinking of ALL STRIPES?
2:51 PM
by Gene
FDA Official Resigns In Protest Of Morning-After Pill Decision Now maybe we can get back to telling people how to think!
2:12 PM
by Gene
10:32 AM
by Gene
10:27 AM
by Gene
10:20 AM
by Gene
RE: GOVERNORS [Kathryn Jean Lopez] Readers watching more of her are critical: Sorry, but I ain’t buying it. This woman is lost and looks lost. She may have won the election but she has no business being in charge of anything. Watching her on TV the last two days has made this pretty clear. Now is not the time to be sobbing. She sure as hell should not be doing it on the tube in front of her fellow citizens – the ones looking to her for leadership. Compare her performance to Barbour in MS. You just know his state will come at way ahead of her state when it is all said and done. Posted at 10:10 AM I have NOT watched television, but I have read of the gov's oh-woe-is-me-the-sky-is-falling-our-state-has-died routine, and I've had it too.
10:07 AM
by Gene
But the biggest ally in the fight to save the city may be nature itself, he said. "The flow has pretty much eased mainly because the lake is dropping in elevation," Naomi told Reuters. In 36 hours, the lake, which was whipped high by the storm, should return to normal levels and the water now flooding New Orleans would begin to drain, Naomi said. He said the historic French Quarter, the hallmark of New Orleans and the main draw for its huge tourist industry, should escape with only minor flooding because it sits five feet above sea level. I don't want to be a babbling blithering optimist, but there MUST be a hopeful side to this story. Whether we'll get it is another matter as NEWS HACKS bury hope much as they bury CONSERVATIVES and REPUBLICANS. (This was near the END of the story.)
9:08 AM
by Gene
8:47 AM
by Gene
6:55 AM
by Gene
6:50 AM
by Gene
Trucks use too much fuel per mile, and with traffic congestion growing, they will operate even more inefficiently as time passes (bumper-to-bumper driving guzzles fuel). The demand for diesel fuel for trucks is placing extreme pressure on refined fuel stocks, which helps push the rise in fuel prices and increases cause for concern each passing day. We are, in the foreseeable future, stuck with this gross use of nearly 40 quadrillion British Thermal Units of petroleum derived energy per year. Railroads aren't a viable alternative. U.S. commercial railroad capacity is stretched: We continue to lose rail track, hubs like Chicago and Kansas City don't have contemporary technology, and, whereas in 1975 there were 76 major railroad companies there are now six....
6:36 AM
by Gene
But then this a golden time for the hacks to be going BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, harping on bad news and lowering our morale, their specialty.
6:29 AM
by Gene
And after the flood -- THE GRAFT.
6:28 AM
by Gene
1. Do the news-hack math: that's equal to ten Americans. 2. Did WE do this too? Tuesday, August 30, 2005
7:28 PM
by Gene
Like it or not, the "PRUDES" are getting louder -- because SOCIETY FORCES THEM TO.
7:23 PM
by Gene
Ka-CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P. S. When do the SAINTS start the "negotiations"?
5:46 PM
by Gene
5:40 PM
by Gene
[T]he real test of this hurricane is whether, after the event, there's still the will to tackle the long-term questions. For example, as further refutation of the Diamond thesis, in 1981 America had 315 oil refineries in operation; today, it has 144. Louisiana has 17 of them, operating - pre-hurricane - at capacity. Which is why petrol will be up 20 cents a gallon by the weekend. Why, in the middle of a war centred on unstable foreign oil regimes in the Middle East, is it still politically impossible to upgrade the capacity of the domestic oil industry? As the tsunami and Hurricane Katrina demonstrate, mankind has got very good at responding to acts of God. We're not so hot at responding to the acts (political and cultural) of man.
5:35 PM
by Gene
How often has this holy grail of testing been tweaked so that we cannot be believe one word of that, and behind the news lies the suspicion that more kids are testing for the test?
5:15 PM
by Gene
![]() For some reason I am forcibly reminded of Mencken's story in one of his memoirs about how he achieved manhood covering the now forgotten Great Baltimore Fire of 1904, an event so CATACLYSMIC the city's mayor may have killed himself. The city rebuilt, just as Frisco rebuilt from the far worse earthquake two years later. So will Nawlans. Haven't we had enough tub-thumping doom and gloom for the day?
5:09 PM
by Gene
4:59 PM
by Gene
3:46 PM
by Gene
3:23 PM
by Gene
8:36 AM
by Gene
Indeed the LAST thing we need is people moping and declaring how irremediably BAD the situation is because that gets people thinking they're beyond help.
8:28 AM
by Gene
6:56 AM
by Gene
6:53 AM
by Gene
Study: Few Gay Characters in New TV Season And since most would be swishy or weepy that may not be a bad thing.
6:47 AM
by Gene
6:42 AM
by Gene
What would he think of PC? Monday, August 29, 2005
7:36 PM
by Gene
5:15 PM
by Gene
MOVIES STINK!!!!!!!!!!!! "Going to the movies used to be fun and exciting. It used to be an event. It's none of those anymore." That sums it up, doesn't it.
5:09 PM
by Gene
Taking another Friday off, Romy? Can't wait!
5:02 PM
by Gene
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! That's the funniest joke since the people ran screaming from THE GREATEST COMEDY DOCUMENTARY OF ALL TIME! Betcha Mike Myers was almost as mad as the subordinates of the many CEOs who boasted they knew him after AUDREY'S MONSTER!
4:54 PM
by Gene
Life-threatening flooding next fear
4:52 PM
by Gene
The Weather Channel Earns Greatest Sustained Increases in Viewership During Extensive Coverage of Hurricane Katrina
4:51 PM
by Gene
3:31 PM
by Gene
![]() That old building on the right got it badly, to be sure, but the skyscraper on the left probably escaped with nothing more than broken windows and maybe some water in the lobby. Good solid construction by itself should hold down hurricane damage -- and talk of CATASTROPHES.
9:43 AM
by Gene
9:36 AM
by Gene
9:13 AM
by Gene
REPORT: ROOF OF SUPERDOME IN NEW ORLEANS, WHERE THOUSANDS EVACUATED AHEAD OF HURRICANE KATRINA, IS LEAKING RAIN!!!!! DETAILS SOON!!!!!!!!!! My guess is the only practical outcome of this news is that the Saints will be asking half-a-trillion bucks for a new stadium. "NEW ORLEANS MAY NEVER BE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!" warned National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield. Spare us the melo, Max. Nawlans hasn't been the same since SATCH left. And who, or WHAT, is EQECAT?
9:10 AM
by Gene
Here is the soft underbelly of leftism, shielded from view by the iron armor of media and academe.
8:57 AM
by Gene
Yes: she generated hundreds of millions of column inches in the Charmin rolls and tens of thousands of hours on video and NOT ONE CRITICAL WORD.
8:50 AM
by Gene
MORRISVILLE, N.C. — A man who used to work for farm equipment-maker John Deere is accused of stealing more than 100 miniature tractors and selling them online. Timothy Paul Weekes, 25, was charged with embezzlement and the theft of 104 miniatures worth a total of more than $2,000. He was arrested Thursday and freed on bond, a day after police seized hats, gloves and other merchandise with the John Deere logo from his home. He had worked at the John Deere training center in Morrisville until March 17, according to court records. The company, based in Moline, Ill., sells memorabilia including the pewter equipment models, T-shirts and hats that are popular with collectors, said Bill Klutho, a John Deere public relations manager. A tipster had called a company hotline in July to report that someone was selling the toy tractors on eBay.
8:03 AM
by Gene
To which we say, 1. We're only supposed to fawn over a DEMOCRAT? and 2. You'll have PLENTY of opportunities for REVENGE.
6:50 AM
by Gene
What will it sell besides BUGS? Does that mean all the famed signs on the Square go on the fritz? Microsoft is looking for a large space to create a "branding experience" a la Apple's showroom and information center. Isn't it enough for the BUGMEISTER to BRAND people?
6:42 AM
by Gene
Also, one must suspect He's hitting a law of diminishing returns at $90,000 A SHARE.
6:24 AM
by Gene
6:22 AM
by Gene
Let us judge for ourselves. News hacks must put everything in caps, boldface and italics, and we never know until after the fact. Please guys, take a deep breath and take your meds. Sunday, August 28, 2005
3:04 PM
by Gene
2:56 PM
by Gene
2:42 PM
by Gene
1:25 PM
by Gene
12:59 PM
by Gene
A HERO FOR ALL TIME. P. S. A brief tour through shows most of his books aren't selling very well. Oh, the fate of the Johnny Carson guest.
12:53 PM
by Gene
Possibly because THE CORNER linked to it?
12:48 PM
by Gene
12:38 PM
by Gene
Rosie's Nephew: ![]() Fred W. Friendly: ![]() Good night, and good luck.
10:45 AM
by Gene
10:03 AM
by Gene
Good Night. And Good Luck (Oct. 7) I don't know how Rosie's nephew can tie the photogenic story of Ed and Fred into the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL of Dubya and Iraq, but he'll manage, he'll manage. A BO bomb, needless to say, just like his take on the CIA (PFFH-HH-HH!!!!!). Elizabethtown (Oct. 14) This sounds like a comic weepie, and if the tragic tale of Cinderella Man says anything it's that the very few adults who attend movies anymore have a limited tolerance for anything that's stamped AN ADULT MOVIE, and especially for weepies. They can see through the strategem of trying to justify all those comic books with OSCAR® BAIT. A lot, however, depends on how the HACKS sell it, and if they can say WORD OF MOUTH often enough it will probably be a hit. Northcountry (Oct. 14) Walk the Line (Nov. 18) Seems to me we've done a few movies on SEXUAL HARASSMENT before --well, we ARE the EXPERTS -- but that's not what I'm interested in; I'm interested in what is sure to be an EXTREEEEEEEEMELY SERIOUS TAKE on JOHNNY CASH, turning him from a country superstar into a Jesus who boozed and drugged for our sins, and BANGS HIS HEAD AGAINST A BEDPOST in repentance. This may be the most self-serious bio in years -- and Joaquin Phoenix will GET his @#$%&* OSCAR®. That was a shrewd PR stunt, RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The film's gone WAY UP on HSX, as if that matters. Jarhead (Nov. 4) Not only is our EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL war in Iraq wrong -- SO WAS THE FIRST ONE! It was new for LUCAS SPIELBERG to turn D-Day into a theme park, but one suspects the public is getting sick of these anti-war movies. The New World (Nov. 9) Didn't ESPNCORP already give us a PC take on POCAHONTAS? Breakfast on Pluto (Nov. 18) When I saw the words Pluto and Murphy I thought, OH, NO! A REMAKE?!?!? Sadly it's just another arthouse film, and thus a possible OSCAR® nominee no matter how droopy and boring it is, as it no doubt will be. Rent (Nov. 23) The Producers (Dec. 21) These two will get lots of fatuous raves from the ad-blurb copywriters, who will think they're bringing Arthur Freed back from the dead, but here's guessing they both get disrespectful reviews from the very few discerning critics left, the first because Puccini did it better, the second because mugging may not be comedy -- especially the THIRD time around. Memoirs of A Geisha (Dec. 9) Brokeback Mountain (Dec. 9) Several years ago there was a SURE FIRE BEST-PICTURE-OSCAR® WINNER!!!!! called Warm Mountain or something, some sort of period piece the blurbists proclaimed the next Gone With the Wind or something, and it tanked at the B.O. because as it happened somebody already did Gone With the Wind. There've been enough bombs made of LI-TE-RA-RY novels that I might want to wager our geisha tale would be in that category. As for the second, how can a proud arthouse season be without a GAY MOVIE? All the king's men [SIC] (Dec. 16) Why remake a BEST-PICTURE-OSCAR® WINNER that starred BRODERICK CRAWFORD? Munich (Dec. 23) Here is your winner for 2005: it's PC, it makes the JEWS villains, and it explains that the MILITANTS of Munich were depraved on accounta they were deprived. Plus, it's the MASTER. (!!!!!) The 50-strong PAPER OF RE-CORD movie-blurbist staff must DREAD its arrival; on the one hand, raving it may unleash the fierce pain of much of its readership; on the other hand, panning it will unleash the fierce screaming of THE LORD GOD PINCH. When the time comes these folks will tread such a fine rope they could unbalance a Wallenda. Then again Luke isn't stupid; He knows if He tweaks something the right way with the blurbists He can make the greatest movie of all time. Yes, there is no upstaging destiny: ![]() ACCEPT THE AWARD, LUCAS SPIELBERG!
9:51 AM
by Gene
Between hospitals and restaurants it's a wonder every city in RENDELLIA doesn't declare bankruptcy.
9:49 AM
by Gene
"I think it's nice, but parking is ridiculous. Twenty-two dollars for one car?" said Scott Salerno of Downers Grove, who was at the pier recently to celebrate his daughter's 5th birthday. "It's a bit of a tourist trap." Hey, ask Mayor Truckin'! ASK EDDIE! Cities are COMING BACK because they've REPOSITIONED THEMSELVES AS TOURIST TRAPS!
9:41 AM
by Gene
Nah, no relation. Saturday, August 27, 2005
8:34 PM
by Gene
The increasing dominance of Tesco in Britain needs to be probed by the government, Lee Scott, president and chief executive of Wal-Mart has declared. Figures published last week by TNS, the market-research company, showed that under Sir Terry Leahy Tesco’s share of the food market had increased to a record 30.5% over the past three months. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Scott, who owns Asda in Britain, said that it was time for the government to act. "As you get over 30% and higher I am sure there is a point where government is compelled to intervene, particularly in the UK, where you have the planning laws that make it difficult to compete," said Scott. "At some point the government has to look at it," he added. I thought you oligopolists -- er, RETAILERS stood for FREE ENTERPRISE, whatever that is.
8:19 PM
by Gene
4:30 PM
by Gene
So remember, when "crackpots" try to push creationism, remember, YOUR CRACKPOTS DID IT FIRST.
4:22 PM
by Gene
4:07 PM
by Gene
Reading this totally useless conglomeration of vowels and consonants I think, a FAQ isn't ENOUGH for YOU folks. And another disadvantage of the Web for CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES is that their by-lines DON'T REMAIN ANONYMOUS. A NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD TO JENNA FRYER.
10:14 AM
by Gene
U.S. performing rights organization BMI saluted the premier r&b, rap and hip-hop songwriters, producers and publishers at its 2005 BMI Urban Awards, staged tonight in the Grand Ballroom of the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach. Lil Jon and R. Kelly were named Songwriters of the Year, each receiving four "most performed song" awards. "Yeah!," written by Sean Garrett, Lil Jon and Patrick "j.Que" Smith, was named Song of the Year, Kanye West received Producer of the Year honors, and EMI Music Publishing was awarded the BMI Crystal for Urban Publisher of the Year. The first Urban Ringtone Award went to Lil Jon and Craig D. Love for "Freek-A-Leek." A highlight of the gala was a tribute to urban funk legends Charlie Wilson and The GAP Band, who were named BMI Icons for their "enduring influence on generations of music makers." The ceremony was hosted by BMI President & CEO Del Bryant and Vice President, Writer/Publisher Relations Catherine Brewton, who presented awards to the 70 songwriters of the 35 most performed songs of 2004 in the urban music format. Lil Jon, who was honored with three major BMI awards -- Songwriter of the Year, Song of the Year and Urban Ringtone of the Year -- was also named one of BMI's top songwriter/producers of the year. Lil Jon was also named Songwriter of the Year at BMI's Pop Awards held in May, marking the first time that a songwriter earned both Pop and Urban Songwriter of the Year honors in the same year. R. Kelly received his second BMI Crystal as Urban Songwriter of the Year (he also won in 2002) with four songs on the most-performed list -- "Gigolo," "Hotel," "Step In The Name of Love" and "Thoia Thoing" -- and was also named one of BMI's top songwriter/producers. His latest CD, TP.3 Reloaded, debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 the week of its release, instantly becoming his fifth #1 album. "Yeah!," recorded by Usher featuring Ludacris and Lil Jon, was named Urban Song of the Year for tallying the most U.S. broadcast performances in 2004. The #1 Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop song earned awards for songwriters Sean Garrett, Lil Jon and Patrick "j.Que" Smith, and music publishers Christopher Matthew Music, Hitco Music and White Rhino Music, Inc. BMI Producer of the Year honors went to Kanye West for logging the most producer credits on charting songs. The BMI Top Urban Producers list also included Cool & Dre, Eminem, Fat Joe, Jazze Pha, R. Kelly, John Legend, Lil Jon, Mannie Fresh and The Neptunes (Pharrell Williams & Chad Hugo). On the list of BMI's 35 most-performed urban songs, four songwriters contributed three songs each: Eminem, Sean Garrett, Kanye West and Pharrell Williams. EMI Music Publishing was named BMI Urban Publisher of the Year by accumulating the highest percentage of copyright ownership in award songs. Big Jon Platt, Executive Vice President, Urban Music, U.S., accepted on behalf of the publisher. The evening culminated with The GAP Band being honored as BMI Icons. Four of the band's nine albums were certified Platinum plus (The GAP Band II, The GAP Band III, The GAP Band IV and GAP Band V - Jammin') and featured 15 Top Ten and four #1 r&b hits, including "You Dropped a Bomb On Me," "Party Train," "Burn Rubber," "Outstanding," "Oops Upside Your Head," "Early in the Morning," and the smooth love song, "Yearning for Your Love." "Outstanding" alone remains one of the most sampled songs in history and has, astonishingly, been used by over 150 artists. In addition to the BMI performance awards, music trade magazine Billboard recognized the BMI-affiliated writers who had #1 songs on the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs, Hot Rap Tracks, Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay and Hot 100 charts during the past year. Now marking its 65th year in business, BMI is an American performing rights organization that represents more than 300,000 songwriters, composers and publishers in all genres of music. With a repertoire of more than 6.5 million musical works from around the world, the non-profit-making corporation collects license fees from businesses that use music, which it then distributes as royalties to the musical creators and copyright owners it represents. For a complete list of 2005 BMI Urban Awards winners, please visit Somebody MUST keep these interns away from computers! They spread disease.
10:01 AM
by Gene
This should be a wonderful year in professional college sport! P. S. at 4:30 P.M.: Here's another one: a Kansas fullback "charged with assault"! Yes, this promises to be a RICH year!
9:40 AM
by Gene
9:37 AM
by Gene
We know where that went, and we know where this will go, but in the meantime news hacks have nothing to do but play with themselves. Friday, August 26, 2005
1:57 PM
by Gene
C.I.A. Report Said to Fault Pre-9/11 Leadership I guess that means THE INCOMPETENT MR. TENET was "responsible." But what about Mr. Goss? There's something to be said for not serving on an INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE.
11:43 AM
by Gene
11:21 AM
by Gene
Samir Husni, chair of the journalism department of the University of Mississippi, and popularly known through the trade as "Mr. Magazine," says, "If we go back historically to the 1920s and ‘30s, there were some magazine editors who were better known than their publications — like Henry Luce at Time and Dewitt Wallace at Reader’s Digest. Tina Brown did recreate the importance of the 'star editor' to some degree. But that was really an East Coast and, to some extent, a West Coast phenomenon." The truth of that sentiment was demonstrated once, at the height of Tina’s popularity in the media, when the Magazine Publishers of America conducted man-in-the-street interviews asking people if they knew who Tina Brown was. Nobody did. But one did think she was the love child of Tina Turner and James Brown.
11:07 AM
by Gene
Didn't He help inflate it in the first place?
10:59 AM
by Gene
With most big schools run by ESPNCORP we can challenge that second assertion.
10:45 AM
by Gene
Or maybe she's just being BOASTFUL. CAVEAT: This is WORLDNETDAILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, linked from a "blog" of FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:05 AM
by Gene
Thursday, August 25, 2005
6:04 PM
by Gene
They'll say, smokin' and drinkin' and CHAWIN' go with country music. I say oral cancer goes with chewing tobacco.
5:55 PM
by Gene
Isn't the Air Force Academy ALWAYS reforming?
5:31 PM
by Gene
It should be MUCH easier to file those CREDULOUS PLUG -- REPORTS.
5:26 PM
by Gene
The FBI and the Pentagon are investigating whether Chinese spies have been hacking into U.S. government computer systems, U.S. officials said Thursday. If the Fumblers, Bumblers and Incompetents are looking it into it, think how much longer the Chinese have been DOING it.
5:21 PM
by Gene
Arizona braces for water war Hey BOOBS McKEATING! Here's something for your negotiating skills! Maybe you could get your running mate Sen. Hole-in-the-Bagel to help! Tell him he could win a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE! Think we can work ETHANOL into it?
5:09 PM
by Gene
Think hard. Think VERY hard.
4:51 PM
by Gene
P. S. The P. T. Barnum of beauty pageants is kidding himself. Miss Universe (born after a swimwear maker's dispute with Miss America) broadcast out of Miami Beach for years before moving from venue to venue. That doesn't seem to have helped its ratings of late. P. P. S. How do they rewrite THE SONG?
2:17 PM
by Gene
"I think the motion picture business is safe and sound....Through it all, good films are there and will always have a presence." Thus proclaimeth the producer of the upcoming [SIC] FILM version of I Dream of Jeannie.
2:10 PM
by Gene
Q: Where do AP reporters get their information? Do they rely on just one side? A: The AP's reporters reach out each day to a wide variety of officials and other sources -- including the U.S. military, the Iraqi national government, Iraqi local officials, officials at private hospitals, eyewitnesses and regular Iraqis. Often, each side tells a different story -- for example, the U.S. military and Iraqi local police often release significantly different casualty counts after some type of violence or incident. The AP attempts to sift through the various, conflicting accounts to get the most-accurate facts. The AP always includes both sides of the story. It never publishes any allegation against the U.S. military unless it first tries to obtain the military's side of the story. In 2003, for example, a claim by Iraqis in Fallujah that American soldiers had killed a civilian was investigated for more than a week by AP journalists. No story was ever written after exhaustive interviews uncovered holes in the claimants' story. The AP does attempt to also get information from insurgents, or from their sympathizers -- for example, the AP sometimes describes insurgent propaganda posted at mosques. This is an important part of the story. It is impossible for Western readers to get a clear and complete idea of events in Iraq without knowing the insurgents' strategy and morale. The AP never works with, cooperates with or protects insurgents. The AP does not pay money for material (except for salaries to its own staff), and thus guards carefully against inadvertently providing any financial resources to insurgents. We will not second-guess reporters who put their lives on the line to report from Iraq, although putting your life on the line as a reporter is not quite the same as doing it as a SOLDIER. Nor will we automatically assume the STOOGES side against us, though the THE OSAMA CHANNEL's shenanigans prove how easy that is. But CURLEY & CO. would not have issued a FAQ if they were doing a job BEYOND REPROACH.
11:35 AM
by Gene
I believe that the human instinct for reciprocity -- to respond positively to those who treat us well and negatively to those who treat us poorly -- is generally a sufficient basis for a moral and social order. Private business transactions and contracts, reinforced by reciprocity, can induce a virtuous cycle of increased ethical behavior, greater rewards for ethical behavior, and better institutional arrangements. TRANSLATION: Business relationships guarantee ethical behavior. Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
10:01 AM
by Gene
![]() I figured out what it is about MIKE THE BABBITT GEEK DELL that bothers me: he looks like a professional golfer, and you figure he spends a LOT of time rubbing elbows with golfers -- when he's not shaking down governments or outsourcing things. Plus there's a little bit of DILBERT in that face, which makes for the best of TWO worlds.
9:55 AM
by Gene
Luxury home builder Toll Brothers Inc. said Thursday its earnings doubled in the fiscal third quarter, due to the company's strong land position and pricing power in its affluent markets.... Robert I. Toll, chairman and chief executive officer, said, "While the supply of buildable lots seems increasingly to be constrained by governmental regulation, demographics-driven demand continues to grow. We believe strong job numbers and an improving economy are positive factors for the housing industry, in general, and our luxury niche in particular." Larry KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDlow! Get out those AIR TANKS!
8:41 AM
by Gene
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005' Timeout expired /BanMan/banmanfunc.asp, line 1414 Somehow that is more edifying than reading ANOTHER tantrum over this lost cause.
8:15 AM
by Gene
The BIZ has suddenly decided in this Kane or Can or whoever it is has a good thing going. We are suspicious enough when a NEWSRAG cover-plugs it, but when the biz does the SHEEHAN or the ROBERTSON -- that is, when it sells the thing with ONE GOEBBELSIAN VOICE -- we are quite ready to SCREAM. And we KNOW the thing can't be any good because Robert "Over the" Hilburn, a man who has contributed his own few percentage points to LALA's circ GAINS, is SELLING it. Why must consuming the news be a test of who cries UNCLE first?
8:11 AM
by Gene
6:29 AM
by Gene
He allows us NEWS HACKS to call Christians poor, stupid and easily led again. Wednesday, August 24, 2005
5:47 PM
by Gene
But we know of his insatiable taste for SOLE FOOD. Fear of death squads do it, Rev?
5:39 PM
by Gene
5:30 PM
by Gene
I guess Meh-HEE-co didn't have $37.2 million. MIKE THE BABBITT GEEK IS A REPUBLICAN.
5:25 PM
by Gene
5:16 PM
by Gene
5:06 PM
by Gene
A household with 300 cable or satellite channels has access to 7,000 hours of programming a day, almost 3 million per year. That's a lot, but it's only a fraction of the 31 million hours of total annual programming. Every major cable company is making investments to allow TV to be distributed over the Internet, giving you access to each one of those 31 million hours. And then there's this year's 36-fold explosion in consumer-generated video on the Internet. 31 million hours is the sort of number that comes from anywhere and nowhere, and too often substitues for reporting. That said, the audience for most homemade Internet video will be between negligible and nil, and the few lucky ones will be professionals -- as with BLOGS. And even the most huffy effusions of ad-blurb copywriters cannot erase the notion that the more there is to watch, the less there is.
4:58 PM
by Gene
As for cheerleading, isn't it a little late in the day to be talking about sex? The spectacularly unfunny National Lampoon ran a cover almost three decades ago.
2:04 PM
by Gene
In February 2005, directors ousted Fiorina. HP's stock at the time was down two-thirds from its peak in 2000. Yes, I'd say that's reason enough!
12:29 PM
by Gene
And it probably will too -- as Kodak slowly goes out of business and the town relies more heavily on its SPORTS GIMMICK for SALVATION, like TOO MANY DYING SMALLER TOWNS. (More later.)
10:53 AM
by Gene
10:48 AM
by Gene
We take a Cindy Sheehan, who has an honest argument to make for herself and people who may hear her and agree.... ...that we're fighting in Iraq for ISRAEL and JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS. I have no brief for the damfool Ted Nugent and the dammerfool Rev Robertson. But it is amazing how SELECTIVE people's outrage is. Yes it's true on the right -- but it's also true at the LALATIMES, which may explain that hissing noise you hear -- the sound of AIR SEEPING OUT OF ITS CIRCULATION.
10:44 AM
by Gene
I love a parade, don't you? And I love NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even more!
6:49 AM
by Gene
IN RE: PAT ROBERTSON [Rick Brookhiser] What an offense that this man was a serious candidate for the presidency. He was our Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. My Robertson moment came when I read a book of his that was recycling anti-Masonic propaganda from the 18th century (no kidding). I happened to see Ralph Reed, who was then working for him, and asked about it. Reed said, in effect, that Robertson almost certainly hadn't read it. Great, so a man signs crapola he hasn't read. Posted at 12:55 AM Don't forget the OTHER PAT!
6:43 AM
by Gene
When NEWS HACKS support the forces of RIGHT and JUSTICE and make SURE it's not a vacation. And though Dubya always does seem to be on break, NEWS HACKS NEVER ARE.
6:29 AM
by Gene
Pffh-hh-hh hh hh hh ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
6:25 AM
by Gene
![]() Duhhhhhhhhh, support a guy with a "history of poor graduation rates and player arrests" who was convicted of drunk driving, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Follow-up at 5:45 P. M.: The man we should support for his graduation rates and player arrests and drunk driving is now "AT LEAST" $2.77 MILLION RICHER. Tuesday, August 23, 2005
8:14 PM
by Gene
"I was a little taken aback," Robert McCaffrey said, describing his reaction when he first saw the operation name on Patrick's tombstone. "They certainly didn't ask my wife; they didn't ask me." He said Patrick's widow told him she had not been asked either. "In one way, I feel it's taking advantage to a small degree," McCaffrey said. "Patrick did not want to be there, that is a definite fact." ------------------------------------------------------------------- McCaffrey did not consult his father, with whom he discussed most important things in his life. "If he had asked me I would have advised him against it," Bob McCaffrey says. Nadia McCaffrey, who now operates a nonprofit grief counseling program and has become a leader in the Northern California antiwar movement, has been a lifelong pacifist and opposed her son's enlistment from the beginning. She says, though, that she was powerless to stop it. "He was like a lion in a cage," she recalls of her son's reaction to watching the terrorist attacks on television. "He just wanted to do something." CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) STOOGES do NOT KNOW WHAT THE INTERNET IS, and if they DID, they would not know that YOU CAN LOOK UP WORDS BY HIGHLIGHTING THEM in FIREFOX. Or maybe they DO KNOW -- AND DON'T CARE.
6:59 PM
by Gene
6:15 PM
by Gene
5:48 PM
by Gene
The former head of a suburban Chicago school system stole thousands of dollars -- including milk money and library fees -- from one of the poorest districts in the state so he and his family could live the high life, prosecutors said Tuesday. Police raided Thomas Ryan's house last week and seized $730,000 in cash from a basement safe and envelopes scattered throughout the home, prosecutor Richard Devine said. Officers had to use laundry baskets to cart out the wads of cash. Ryan spent about $70,000 in stolen money to pay for three daughters' college tuition, prosecutors said. He also reimbursed himself for about $1,000 in Chicago Blackhawks hockey tickets and gave his daughters thousands in cash as graduation presents, Ryan [SIC?] said. DOUBLE-, TRIPLE- and QUADRUPLE-MORON: Ryan, who had been superintendent since 1990 and earned $183,000 a year.... WHATSA MATTA? COST OF LIVING WENT UP?
5:36 PM
by Gene
Jackson Lee visits anti-war campers Pulling our forces from Iraq would be the greatest national triumph since WE LANDED MEN ON MARS.
5:06 PM
by Gene
P. S. THE GREATEST COMEDY DOCUMENTARY OF ALL TIME doubled its theatres and saw its gross decline by 23 percent. No doubt THAT joke's funnier than the "movie."
4:52 PM
by Gene
2:11 PM
by Gene
1:50 PM
by Gene
Great. May we now refrain from the middle-finger salute?
1:32 PM
by Gene
12:23 PM
by Gene
10:27 AM
by Gene
Isn't his six-shooter out of bullets to aim at his foot? Monday, August 22, 2005
5:50 PM
by Gene
The new civilian leadership team that has moved into place under Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld over the past few months is shaping up to be less ideological, more balanced and more attuned to Congress than the first-term group it has succeeded, according to defense analysts and lawmakers. CODE WORDS for MORE AMENABLE TO RUN SCREAMING FROM IRAQ? Although Rumsfeld has resisted calls from some in Congress and elsewhere to resign over his handling of the Iraq conflict.... Has anyone mentioned THAT lately? Or has someone spread The Gospel in ST. WARREN'S NEWS HEAVEN again?
5:16 PM
by Gene
5:05 PM
by Gene
Did you have to return from your oblivion?
2:48 PM
by Gene
That being the case NINE-FINGER STEVENS, why can't we elect YOU GUYS?
11:38 AM
by Gene
11:25 AM
by Gene
Why bother with an article?
9:50 AM
by Gene
When I look at these magazines I think, why I am looking at these magazines? P. S. Why is it the newsrags' single-copy sales have gone down but their circulations remain the same? I don't want to guess how many "subscriptions" are cut-rates, nor how many are forced on unwilling students.
9:44 AM
by Gene
9:30 AM
by Gene
9:24 AM
by Gene
When you read that fatuous rave, remember -- RENEE PAID ZERO FOR HER TICKET.
9:15 AM
by Gene
Look guys, if your students can do anything, why can't they drink? P. S. Florida is a par-TY school. Who knew? The par-TY school is a hollow, sad place.
6:50 AM
by Gene
6:40 AM
by Gene
Demi Moore apparently loves 'sharing a bath' and 'snuggling up naked' with boy toy Ashton Kutcher. Too much information, Demi. And I don't even know you. Imagine what your poor kids have to deal with in homeroom. Rumer, 17, Scout, 14, and Tallulah, 11, must have flipped when flipping through the pages of September's Harper's Bazaar, where Mommy, 42, blabbed about her steamy love life with her twenty-something boyfriend of two years. Yuck. TRANSLATION: I PAID FOR THESE BREASTS AND I INTEND TO KEEP THEM!
6:35 AM
by Gene
Whatever the effect may be on the 2006 and 2008 elections, the war must be prosecuted with all the speed and force we can muster -- and that is more than we now use -- toward victory. The President needs to explain to us, in detail, what defeat would mean to us and the rest of the civilized world. He needs to tell us where we are fighting, and how. We need not know every covert operation that may be going on, but we need to be told how many nations we fight in, and why. He needs to say that the fight continues, under many covert guises, and that we mean to defeat the enemy wherever he may be, whichever regimes must be destroyed, and by whatever means, fair or foul, we must use to achieve the defeat of Islamic terrorism. And when the President tells us these facts, they must be accompanied by decisive action that carries out these intents. All true -- but we're talking the most famously dyslexic of presidents, one who would rather hide behind the lectern than make a speech, who couldn't write a paragraph without his brain hurting, who can't say a sentence of two words without gumming it up. A great leader would do these things.
6:29 AM
by Gene
Democrats say a long-standing rift in the party over the Iraq war has grown increasingly raw in recent days, as stay-the-course elected leaders who voted for the war three years ago confront rising impatience from activists and strategists who want to challenge President Bush aggressively to withdraw troops. Amid rising casualties and falling public support for the war, Democrats of all stripes have grown more vocal this summer in criticizing Bush's handling of the war. A growing chorus of Democrats, however, has said this criticism should be harnessed to a consistent message and alternative policy -- something most Democratic lawmakers have refused to offer. TRANSLATION: Our side doesn't know what it's doing. FURTHER TRANSLATION: Our side is doing the best it can to ignore that the EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL DUBYA still has OVER THREE YEARS IN OFFICE. Sunday, August 21, 2005
8:21 PM
by Gene
Many young people feel no connection with the values of the late 1960s and early 1970s. "Emancipation and self-fulfillment" -- weren't those the ideas that led to their parents getting divorced? Nope, I don't THINK we'd see THAT in an AMERICAN newsrag.
8:05 PM
by Gene
![]() Here's the deal: You do more YAKETY-YAKETY-YAKETY-YAK-YAK-YAK-YAKKING of your PRIVATE LIFE on CELL PHONES and you'll get more UGLY CELL-PHONE TOWERS.
7:42 PM
by Gene
We may guess too that your LORD has come to have second thoughts about JOOOOOOOOOOS too. 'Bye GLIBERAL! Don't scream too hard when the WALL encloses you. P. S. Unfortunately, GLIB, the Web doesn't take THAT long.
4:32 PM
by Gene
4:21 PM
by Gene!!!!!
1:36 PM
by Gene
1:04 PM
by Gene
Broadcasters oughtn't to be so skittish about advocacy ads. On the other hand, news hacks oughtn't to be so skittish about reporting that CINDY THINKS WE'RE FIGHTING FOR EEEEEEEEEEEEVIL ISRAEL AND JOOOOOOOOOOOOS.
12:50 PM
by Gene
Either Hole-in-the-Bagel should be taken out to the SHED -- or he should SWITCH to Dr. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH'S PARTY. OR: Hagel, Nelson pump Ethanol
9:49 AM
by Gene
9:34 AM
by Gene
Goodbye Gonzo -- and GET LOST! Come to think of it, he already got there.
9:25 AM
by Gene
9:18 AM
by Gene
Skimming this typing I found nothing too controversial, but who wants to do more than SKIM a NEWSRAG? Saturday, August 20, 2005
7:13 PM
by Gene
4:57 PM
by Gene
Max, PUT UP OR SHUT UP. We suspect it is time for the LATTER.
1:02 PM
by Gene
Indeed now we think of the elegy Joseph Epstein wrote for Commentary which contains this stirring note: In "Writing for the Movies," published in the February 1962 issue of Commentary...[the screenwriter Daniel Fuchs] asked if it was really fitting, in the name of highbrow snobbery, "to pass by so indifferently the work of [Hollywood directors and producers like] Ford, Stevens, Wilder, Mankiewicz, Huston, Zinneman, William Wellman, Howard Hawks, Sam Wood, Clarence Brown, Victor Fleming, William Van Dyke, King Vidor, Raoul Walsh, Henry Hathaway, Henry King, Chaplin, Lubitsch, Goldwyn, Selznick, Milestone, Capra, Wyler, Cukor, Kazan?” The accomplishments of these men, he argued, had had a world-wide effect, and their achievement was of a magnitude equal to that of the best American architects and inventors. "Generations to come, looking back over the years, are bound to find that the best, most solid creative effort of our decades was spent in the movies, and it’s time someone came clean and said so." Yes, we know why David Thomson closed his book on the biz' prospects with a chapter titled "That's All, Folks." At least no one can take our huge achievements away from us, and we always have songs like "Moonlight Becomes You" to remind us of when we could be proud of our national culture -- and Burke and Van Heusen worked in the movies too. P. S. It appears the BEEEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH is going to have another justly deserved down weekend, despite the best hopes of those who root for Cindy Sheehan and SLEAZY MOVIES at the same time. P. P. S. And shucks Size XXXXL for the Size SSSSS guy, looks as if all those tens of millions of movie goers never materialized, unless of course they were GHOSTS, and they paid in UNSEEN DOLLARS.
12:00 PM
by Gene
Of course not. When we have the computer and the money we can do as we please. And if people stop reading, we can always say it's THE DO-NOT-CALL LAW.
11:18 AM
by Gene
How about it, MIA PUBLIC EDI-TOR?
11:03 AM
by Gene
The National Collegiate Athletic Association created some wiggle room yesterday in its recent decision to ban American Indian imagery, announcing that it would give latitude to universities whose "namesake" tribe supports the mascot. A newly formed staff committee charged with reviewing appeals to the Aug. 5 ruling will take into account the university's relationship with the tribe as a "primary factor," according to a statement released yesterday by the NCAA. DIMWITS.
9:27 AM
by Gene
Between this and Jim "The Used Car Dealer" Calhoun's hoopsters I think we're in for a golden age of juvenile sports delinquency -- and we haven't even started play yet! And that follows a couple of guys shooting ARROWS through the wall of an apartment. "You're freshmen, sophomores, you sometimes act like jerks. But when you get to be a fourth-year guy, a fifth-year guy, and you're still acting like a jerk, then I've got problems with it." But that's the thing about professional college sport -- you're SUPPOSED to be the BIGGEST JERK YOU CAN! And here's a Nebraska defensive end arrested for drunk driving! That's what we should do EVERY day: enter "player arrested" in Google News.
8:58 AM
by Gene
Bow Wow's Everybody's Most 'Wanted'! NEW YORK, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The multi-platinum hip-hop heartthrob Bow Wow is living up to his status as a bona fide superstar as his sizzling new album, Wanted (available as a traditional CD or as a DualDisc) returns to the Top 10 on the Billboard 200 bestselling albums chart while his latest pair of singles, "Let Me Hold You" (featuring Omarion), and "Like You" (featuring Ciara), continue to light up the nation's airwaves reaching tens of millions of listeners coast-to-coast. Both Bow Wow's current singles are riding high on the nation's Hot 100 with "Let Me Hold You" holding steady at #4 and "Like You" bulleting its way up to #12. Though only 18, Bow Wow's already a veteran rapper with a string of multi-platinum successes behind him. Wanted, his eagerly-awaited fourth album, debuted at #3 on the Billboard 200 best-selling albums chart and has already sold more than 328,000 copies. With sales of more than 50,000 copies this week alone, Wanted has returned to the Top 10 and is the nation's #2 Rap Album and #3 R&B Album. Bow Wow's latest has generated two smash singles to-date: "Let Me Hold You" (featuring Omarion) and "Like You" (featuring Ciara). Produced by superstar hit maker Jermaine Dupri, "Let Me Hold You," a collaboration with fellow hip-hop heartthrob Omarion, has been the #1 record on the Urban Mainstream Monitor and the #1 record on the Top 40 Rhythm chart for the past four weeks. The artist's new single, "Like You" (featuring Ciara), also produced by hit maker Jermaine Dupri, is extending the building buzz on Bow Wow as the Heart Throb Tour continues to sell out venues across the country (full itinerary following). Bow Wow's provocative video for "Like You" has been the #1 downloaded clip on and is AOL's #1 video worldwide, with more than 1.4 million plays to-date. Bow Wow's singles are Sony BMG's two top-selling ringtones this week: #1: "Let Me Hold You" (more than 700,000 sold) and #2: "Like You" (more than 200,000 sold). A recent New York in-store appearance celebrating the release of Wanted was the scene of pure pandemonium with thousands of delirious and frenzied fans lining up for hours for their chance to meet Bow Wow in person. New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg was reportedly "met with a mob of screaming teenage girls on his way to work...." (New York Daily News (Wednesday, July 13, 2005). [We didn't know you were so sexy, Mr. Honorary Mayor Mike!] The fan-driven hysteria at the Bow Wow in-store provided a fitting prelude to the hip-hop icon's SRO "Scream Tour IV Presents: The Heart Throb Tour," which opened in Trenton, New Jersey on July 20. For the Scream Tour IV, Bow Wow has joined forces with fellow superstar Omarion for a series of historic North American concerts. Other acts on the Scream Tour IV include Bobby Valentino, Pretty Ricky, Marques Houston, and B5. 2005 is shaping up to be a very big year for Bow Wow. In addition to the release of his new album and the Scream IV tour, Bow Wow will light up the big screen this fall with a starring role in the feature film, "Roll Bounce," a teenage skater-dramedy set in the late 1970s. A Fox Searchlight release, "Roll Bounce" is slated to open nationwide on September 23, 2005. Bow Wow first burst on the scene back in 2000 -- under the wing of super producer Jermaine Dupri -- with his debut album, Beware of Dog, which went on to sell more than three million copies while solidifying his status as an authentic hip-hop heartthrob. Bow Wow took his brand of rap to the next level with 2001's Doggy Bag, hitting the road in support of his multi-platinum sophomore CD with the sold-out "Scream Tour II," wowing fans all over the country with hits like "Take Ya Home" and "Thank You." Bow Wow's undeniable star power led to starring roles in the box office triumph "Like Mike" (one of the 50 Top-Grossing films of 2002) and the subsequent hits "All About The Benjamins" (2002) and "Johnson Family Vacation" (2004). With his third album, 2003's Unleashed, Bow Wow became more directly involved with writing and producing his music, creating a collection directly from the heart, conveying a more personal overview of life from Bow Wow's perspective. He is the youngest musician to open the Grammy Awards, is the first "kid" to be included in Vanity Fair's prestigious annual music issue (October 2001), and entered the "The Guinness Book of World Records" as the youngest solo rapper to hit #1 on the U.S. charts. Having recently turned 18, with several hit singles, platinum-plus albums, sold-out tours, starring roles in hit films, and a place in "The Guinness Book of World Records" already on his resume, Bow Wow continues to prove that he's the 100% real deal with the indisputable goods: a bona fide teen superstar blessed with burgeoning talent, tenacity, and a deep connection to his audience. Bow Wow's Scream IV: Heart Throb Tour 07/20/05 Trenton, NJ Sovereign Bank Arena 07/21/05 Bridgeport, CT Arena at Harbor Yard 07/23/05 Hampton, VA Hampton Coliseum, Arena 07/24/05 Baltimore, MD 1st Mariner Arena 07/27/05 Cleveland, OH CSU Arena 07/28/05 Columbus, OH Value City Arena 07/29/05 Detroit, MI Cobo Arena 07/30/05 Champaign, IL University Of Illinois Assembly Hall, Arena 07/31/05 St. Louis, MO Savvis Center 08/04/05 Los Angeles, CA Gibson Amphitheatre 08/06/05 Oakland, CA Oakland-Alameda Co. Coliseum 08/08/05 Denver, CO Coors Amphitheatre 08/10/05 Kansas City, MO American Royal Center/ Kemper Arena 08/12/05 Houston, TX Toyota Center 08/13/05 New Orleans, LA New Orleans Cultural Center, Hall 08/14/05 Dallas, TX Nokia Arena 08/17/05 Greenville, SC Bi-Lo Center 08/18/05 Nashville, TN Gaylord Arena 08/19/05 Birmingham, AL BJCC Arena 08/20/05 Memphis, TN FedEx Arena 08/21/05 Atlanta, GA Philips Arena 08/24/05 New York, NY Madison Square Garden 08/25/05 Philadelphia, PA Wachovia Center 08/26/05 Washington, DC MCI Center 08/27/05 Greensboro, NC Greensboro Coliseum Complex, Special Events Center 09/01/05 Jacksonville, FL Memorial Coliseum 09/02/05 Tampa, FL St Pete Times - Forum 09/04/05 Miami, FL Miami Arena Good luck! (Pffh-hh-hh!)